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seawulf575's avatar

Is anyone else worried about Biden's mental health?

Asked by seawulf575 (17310points) March 6th, 2020

Joe Biden has almost made a career out of gaffes. But recently, it seems to be something a bit deeper. This week, while speaking to crowds, he stated he was running for the US Senate (instead of the presidency), urged them to get out and support him on Super Thursday (instead of Tuesday), and repeatedly couldn’t remember the name of the president before Trump (even though he was the VP under Obama for 8 years.). Does anyone else think this is just a bit too weird?

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65 Answers

Inspired_2write's avatar

Probably just tired of campaigning long hours and travelling.

seawulf575's avatar

@Inspired_2write I thought about that. But here’s the problem with that answer…he wants to be POTUS. He has to be able to crank himself to that level of attention basically 24/7 if he is POTUS. If he is already getting that off base, what would the pressures of the job do to him? That is something to worry about in my mind.

janbb's avatar

Can you post a link to the video?

(Responding off the cuff, I don’t think the bar is too high for gaffs from a President right now.)

rebbel's avatar

Sanders seems more coherent to me.
If I were American it would worry me.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I am very worried. Trump will destroy him in debates if he becomes the nominee.

Here is a compilation @gorillapaws shared elsewhere:

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s worrying. He seems to be as gaga as Reagan was at the end of his presidency and we know what happened with that. He will just be starting his presidency at 78 if he wins. We’ve decided for better or for worse that you can simply be too young to be president, maybe the opposite should apply.

seawulf575's avatar


I’m not interested in discussions about the sources or the content of the stories…they are all biased. But each has a video of Biden making a gaffe so that is the focus of these citations. THAT is what I am pointing out. And all of these happened just in the last week.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^My coworkers and I came up with a drinking game for the debates a few weeks ago. Drink every time Biden flubs his sentences. My coworkers are in their 20s. This is how they view Biden. That should worry every Democrat.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It does concern me.

ucme's avatar

His wife perhaps?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes I would agree that Biden displays cognitive lapses. But I’m prepared to state that whatever impairment the old man might display, it has yet to approach the blatantly open and obvious failings of Reagan, nor the breathtaking fact that the current President doesn’t know enough about ANYTHING for anyone to rlecognize how far he might drift from “normal”. Indeed, I believe Biden should get out of the way in order that the Dems might highlight the issue the scamwulf raises here—the fool’s mental viability. In view of Trump’s history, it takes a rather heaping pile of nerve to question the competence of anything opposing him. For gaffes, blunders and sheer displays of extraordinary ignorance, NOTHING compares with the last 3 years!

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly I find it interesting that you start by comparing Biden to Reagan. Reagan sadly began into Alzheimer’s at the end of his second term. He didn’t start his terms that way. You seem to feel it is okay to put someone who can’t readily remember the basic facts into office and consider him a good choice. Might want to think about what that says about you rather than what you can say about Trump.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Then forget about Reagan and address the fool’s mental health. Then tell me about your “worries” over Biden’s faculty. Who in fact might you compare with Trump?

Dutchess_III's avatar

If it comes down to trump vs a chimp, I’d vote for the chimp.

If it comes down to trump vs Biden, I’ll vote for Biden.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I agree with wulf on this. Of course Biden isn’t as bad as Trump but he shows signs of cognitive impairment, has a horrible voting record and is touchy feely which isn’t the best these days. Look where moderate Democrats have gotten us over the past few decades. Mondale, Gore, Kerry, Hillary. All losers. I don’t know why anyone considers another moderate candidate a safe bet, especially one who can hardly form a sentence.

josie's avatar

I can’t think why I would be worried.
His family should certainly be worried.
My mom’s sister lived to be 100 and she made more sense than that guy
Plus he gropes.

johnpowell's avatar

I’m pretty sure Josie is trying to talk about Biden. But the “Plus he gropes.” makes me wonder.

Biden touches shoulders and stuff. But I haven’t heard him brag of pussy-grabbing.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Something that hasn’t been mentioned above. Some people just have problems speaking in public. You can see this in any coruse, involving public speaking.
Trump displays many problems, while speaking publicly. He’s constantly lying, or appears inept.
I’m just pulling the old Wulf card, here.
Trump constantly desplays, an immense sense, of ignorance, or mental breakdown.

So. It may come down to two candidates, with mental issues. But. One has experience, isn’t an embarrassing idiot. And the other isn’t as bad.

As I have mentioned above Barry, Biden would be wise to have a good VP running mate.
For the same reasons, as Sanders. Maybe Mayor Pete, for example. Someone far younger, and with a similar democratic view…

But. A person who could step in, if Biden has health issues.

Trump, is no spring chicken either.

I’ll end, by repeating myself. I don’t think Trump, or Biden, should be eligible for office. They both committed similar abuses, of power…

Yellowdog's avatar

Yes, but according to Biden, we hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men and women are created by The Thing. You know. The we the people.”

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’ll admit touching shoulders isn’t equivalent to admitting to pussy grabbing but it makes many women feel uncomfortable, especially rape survivors. I just asked a question about this because my boss rubs shoulders and I don’t like it. Men need to be aware of personal space. All of it, not just the pussy.

LadyMarissa's avatar

In 2016 I might have been concerned; however, after listening to trump for the last 4 years, nothing shocks me anymore!!!

Darth_Algar's avatar

No more so than I am about Trump’s.

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stanleybmanly's avatar

Biden is not the ideal opponent to face the fool. As far as I’m concerned, Biden suffers a big handicap that no one will ever hang on Stinky. Biden is a gentleman. As handicaps go, there are certainly worse, but this one requires a particularly sharp and ready wit to overcome such instincts as a fair fight or regard for your opponent as a fellow human being. The ideal candidates for toe to toe combat with Trump this time around were his fellow New Yorkers, Steyer and Bloomberg with Kamala Harris every bit their equal and splendidly equipped for hard knuckle street fighting. Barney is combative enough, and has the necessary wit and stamina, but I worry about his ability to “go for the jugular”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I find it true blue conservatism, every time Trump makes a gaffe you easily blow it off as well he is tired, or just a slip of the words type thing and bring up a democrat gaffe and point see see.

I know nothing about Biden,only that you brought up he should have been executed for his quid-quo-pro in the Ukraine and Trump should have received a nobel for his.
Even knowing nothing about the guy he is still ten times smarter than the Don Father, at least Biden can read.
I follow Bernie more than Biden, but I do tend to root for someone that will help joe dirt, rather than the top 1%.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 If Biden made one or two gaffes, I would write it off as just that…a slip of a tongue or being tired or just plain making an error. But he makes gaffes pretty much every time he is in public. He is famous for it. Look it up some time. But it seems to be getting worse now than it has been in the past. The three I listed above were all in the space of a week. If Trump made the glaring errors Biden makes, with the same regularity, I would probably be questioning HIS fitness.
Everyone makes a goof sometime when doing public speaking. I don’t care if there is a teleprompter or not. I get that. But some of these are complete doozies.
And as to Bernie helping Joe Dirt, you might want to look a little closer. His plans will cost pretty much all Americans half their take home pay in new taxes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You mean the wealthy might have to start paying their fair share instead of getting huge tax cuts, I think joe dirt is ok with that.
It’s always OMG this will wipe us out how will we ever pay for it.
Don’t hear that when the wealthy get huge tax cuts, or the military get huge increases in their budgets.
Just Universal health care that will be the end, when the biggest cause for bankruptcy in the states is health care debt.
Low or free university tuitions OH NO, you can’t have poor people getting educated how will you ever keep them baffled with conservative bullshit if they are educated?
But don’t you worry your little conservative head if Bernie does get the nomination the conservatives will go out of their minds smearing him as a full blown communist which will scare most fence sitters to vote for your corrupt Don Father and you will be happy once again stomping on the little guy and giving the wealthy even more tax cuts.

stanleybmanly's avatar

“If Trump made the glaring errors Biden makes with the same regularity….?” You can’t be serious! If Biden’s mind is slipping, Trump’s symptoms are indicative of a condition best described as no mind at all. If Biden is forgetful, Trump is empty headed—nothing there to forget.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I understand you are from Canada and really don’t have a front row seat for the shenanigans here in the United States, so let me help you. The rich in this country pay at a higher tax rate than the poor or middle class. So I’m not sure what you are looking for. But as to the “tax cuts that help the rich”, I will assume you are referring to those that Trump pushed for and passed earlier in his term. Guess what? It helped me too and I am solid middle class. I saw more money in my paycheck and even got a couple grand as a bonus because of it. Did rich people benefit? I’m sure they did…as did businesses. But then, that is how it works. The businesses get a break and they passed some of it along to the workers. That was even part of the tax deal that was passed. So now you know, you can stop the workers-of-the-world-unite routine.
Bernie IS a communist. It doesn’t take him winning the nomination for me to understand that. I’m surprised you can’t just accept that. After all, socialism IS the economic system of communism. I think where you fall flat on your arguments is that there is nothing free except some of your God given rights such as your right to choose things or you right to speak. These are rights that don’t put any demand on anyone else, other than to respect your rights.
It doesn’t cost them a dime or even any of their time. University and Healthcare are considered entitlements. They are considered this because they put demands on other people’s money. I am not going to college and my kids are all through college. So why should I have to pay extra for someone else to go? That is a demand put on my money to benefit someone else.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Okay, let’s hear the three biggest gaffes Trump made this past week. And give citations so we can get the whole story. I’m going to state now that unless you can do that you are just lying.

stanleybmanly's avatar

First answer the question. Are there ANY redeeming characteristics to compensate for Trump’s gargantuan deficiencies?

Darth_Algar's avatar

@seawulf575 “If Trump made the glaring errors Biden makes, with the same regularity, I would probably be questioning HIS fitness.”

He does. You choose to shrug it off.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly Got it…you are just lying and now dodging.

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar I’ll put it out to you. Show me the three greatest gaffes Trump has done this week. I showed you the ones Biden did.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

uh One was his interview with his pal Hannity over covid19 saying not to worry most people will have super light symptoms and get well very quickly hell they should even go to work, yeah nothing like infecting all your co-workers.
Saying his hunch about the illness was better than the health professionals.
What he said was dangerous and ill informed and yet his base will believe him over health professionals or scientists BIG GAFFE.
He may be the best thing in your eyes but not to us.
Oh yeah and he keeps saying a vaccine is just a few months off, professionals are saying is maybe in a year and a half.

stanleybmanly's avatar

@seawulf575 you got nothin but hot air, and a vengeful surplus of it. You, who wouldn’t know a Communist from a Lorna Doone have the impertinence to lecture Squeeky on Bernie’s communist bonafides. Just try
to document THAT one. Perhaps you should consult with one of your college educated kids on why Bernie is about as close to being a communist as you are to being a scholar.

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 , @stanleybmanly You might actually try watching Hannity and there would be something for us to discuss.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So what he said was more than ok with you @Yellowdog ?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Hannity? The guy on Fox who looks like a big thumb?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s the guy tries and fear people about everything.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’m not sure what he said or what you are referring to, but his show is totally comprised of guests and panel discussions of various branches and agencies of government, the Border Patrol, law enforcement, Homeland Security, the Center for Disease Control, etc etc.

I doubt he said anything you actually heard. Covertly I doubt you have ever heard anything he really said.

He can get an interview with Trump, for instance, whereas CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS—rely mostly on what oppositional politicians say about him, rather than anything first hand.

Yellowdog's avatar

But you have to rely on a second / third hand source—a very anti-Trump, anti-conservative, anti-Hannity source, who tells you what they want you to think about someone which you have no actual firsthand knowledge or experience.

How many times has CNN lied about Trump in the last four years? Every week, its something else.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Shit you want me to post it from you tube?
Did you even read it, or just blast the source?
You love Fox why not just go there and you post the interview?

Yellowdog's avatar

Why should I read CNN when I already have YOU, @SQUEEKY2 ?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He said read it on Fox not CNN.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump has had his share of gaffes, and the Trumpers continually sluff them off as no big deal, but when a democrat has a gaffe they get all up in arms….

One of the ones that really stuck out for me was when Trump said the armies in 1775 secured the air ports??!! HUH.

The Rep/cons instantly showed a gaffe that Obama had made by saying the wrong number of us states he had been to during his campaign and that was a lot worse, a slip on a number was a bigger deal, than saying there was air ports in 1775.
Trump lately is slurring his words and making gaffes and they still think he is the best thing since sliced bread down playing the coronavirus by saying people with light symptoms even go to work, yeah that’s a good message to get out so it isn’t hitting you hard so go to work and infect your co-workers, who cares if any of them die from it.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Those really aren’t gaffes. They are actually likely true statements, though I’m not sure I would suggest sick people should go to work. Many will, though, and you know it. Not because Trump said so, but because that is what people do. Always have and probably always will. Besides, if you are worried about co-workers infecting you, it would likely be done before they showed any symptoms. As for his hunch, he probably did make a guess that was correct. That means absolutely nothing other than he made a good guess. Not something I would put stock in over professionals and he wasn’t even suggesting that. Only liberals read that into it. So right now, we aren’t looking at gaffes from Trump, but we have three from Biden.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 The air fields in 1775 WAS a gaffe. But when did that happen? July of last year? Okay. One in a year. Now I know he has said other things that were gaffes. He sometimes does a tongue-slip when he is speaking, but usually corrects it as it happens. And it isn’t usually on important things. But now you are back to saying he does them all the time. So I challenged you for the top three this last week since I gave you 3 by Biden during that time. So far you listed 2 things he said you didn’t like, but weren’t gaffes. But are continuing to claim he gaffes all the time. So the challenge is still alive and well.

ucme's avatar

It’s okay, I hear his wife is as batshit crazy as he is, which to be fair, kinda figures.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I just don’t see this, as a Trump
problem. I hate him, and his agenda.
But. It isn’t Trump’s fault that this disease will spread.

rebbel's avatar

The disease being?

Yellowdog's avatar

Biden’s mental health.

Trump caused this too, and is causing it to spread I think,

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Biden’s slip of words or gaffes, what ever he does Trump does it worse here is a video…..

Yellowdog's avatar

Having a word not come out right occasionally is not uncommon, which is what is shown here.

It is a great concern even to most Democrats that Joe Biden cannot even complete a thought without getting confused about what he is saying, nor can remember what he said just 2–3 minutes prior when he states an opposite position and is in denial of what he just said, and calls everyone a liar (tells them they are full of shit, or a horses’ ass) who points this out.

When people start declining this way, it only gets worse.

I had an elderly doctor once, Dr, Steinhaur, who was absolutely brilliant and healthy— but one day, he hadn’t a clue what I was discussing even though he was the one who made the diagnoses and prescriptions, and all he really did was scribble on a page pretending to write. When dementia and senility start setting in, they come on fast,

Trust me, I’d rather have an “Obiden / Bama” presidency over socialism any day, But Biden is in no position to lead this country unless he is a puppet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am not a Biden fan, but I still think he isn’t half the crook the corrupt Don Father is.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

He isn’t my first choice either…but if it comes down to him or trump it’ contest.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I agree and were Biden to drop dead, I would vote for his ghost before settling for Trump.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 if he isn’t half the crook, then why is everyone so against investigating him? Every time it is brought up, the left goes crazy about how wrong it is. He has admitted to the very things Trump was accused of in the impeachment and still the left wants to ignore it. If he is so clean, then we should investigate and verify that. I mean after all, what does he have to hide?

stanleybmanly's avatar

Because it’s nothing but noise designed to draw attention from the actual criminal.

Yellowdog's avatar

As @seawulf575 has pointed out, Biden has bragged about doing the same thing Trump was accused of in the impeachment.

Even if you are rallying behind Biden, you have to admit as far as his mental health that bragging about something your own party fabricates against Trump is very stupid.

You just don’t brag about committing crimes of this magnitude, even if you think you are one of the untouchables.

MrGrimm888's avatar

If Biden ends up winning the democratic candidacy, watching him debate Trump should be interesting…

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump would be imprudent to debate ANYONE now that he is entrenched. The list of subjects on which he is vulnerable is by now staggering.

seawulf575's avatar

@stanleybmanly The list of subjects on which Trump is vulnerable is really not as staggering as your mind would make it. Most of what you spew is nothing but propaganda. Facts tend to deny the pain you believe it would bring him. Meanwhile, I can easily picture Trump pushing a few of Biden’s buttons on stage and we will watch Joe absolutely lose it.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Denial and obfuscation will not transform the visible turd from what all can see (and smell). Never has there been an idiot so eager to “speak and remove all doubt”.

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