Do you trust the Trump Administration to give honest information about Covid-19?
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March 9th, 2020
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No here is why!
“Over the last long period of time, the flu, the common flu — you know this, right? From 27,000 to 70,000 people get infected [it’s actually millions, but whatever], and many people die. Think of it — 27,000. You lose 27,000 people to the common flu. It can be much more. One year was much higher than the 70,000 number. Those people die. So when you lose 27,000 people a year. Nobody knew that. I didn’t know that. Three, four weeks ago, I was sitting down, I said, ‘What do we lose with the regular flu?‘ They said about 27,000 minimum. Goes up to 70, sometimes even 80, one year it went up to 100,000 people. I said nobody told me that. Nobody knows that. So I actually told the pharmaceutical companies, you have to do a little bit better job on that vaccine.” [Wild applause]
He is clueless about science, I think his daddy bought a “ready-to-go” science project for DJT in school.
I trust nothing from this guy, I understand not wanting to cause mass panic, but The Don Father greatly dropped the ball on this one, they don’t have accurate test kits, lying about a vaccine just months away.
When he says on a telephone interview heck some people with mild symptoms will even go to work, good grief!
Why not tell a 2 year old sure it’s fine to play with a loaded gun, about the same thing.
I trust Trump just as much as I trusted Obama which is not at all. I tend to trust what healthcare experts say.
So let me ask…if Trump says something about Covid-19 and it is the same as what other world leaders are saying, is it still wrong?
@seawulf575 of course not, but the other 900 things he says that totally contradict what other world leaders and health professionals say is, or in your view is he right and all those people are wrong?
No, in my view, I hear all the data and make my own mind up. It doesn’t matter who says it.
Because you’re a trained health professional and you can weed out the truth from the misinformation?
Myself I am just a truck driver and would like to think the people in front of the camera are feeding us the truth about this illness, and not feeding us bullshit for their own agendas.
Oh when is all the data ?thousands dead? millions?
I don’t trust it when he says he has a hunch and all the experts with him say no way. All you need is a Flu shot. If it was that simple, no one would get it. Also, if a vaccine was just a month away, the pharma cos would be bragging about it
” is the same as what other world leaders” I will believe that when it happens, which will be when hell freezes over. He has not agreed with anyone or any group except himself.
If he was half as smart as he thinks he is, he’d be a freaking genius
He pretends that there is no problem, so no.
And I do not remember which if his stooges it was, that claimed on live TV that the virus was “contained”.
That Kelly ann, kept claiming it was contained, among a couple of others besides the Stable Genius himself.
Who in their right mind would trust the Trump administration for information on ANYTHING? That’s a serious question and it goes beyond the usual parameters most of us have regarding politicians and trust.
The minute Trump announced that any and all pronouncements regarding this disease must be cleared through Pence, NO ONE with any sense missed the implication that professionals and experts are to be muzzled. The fool might just as well have declared, “there will be no objective or reliable news on THIS disease from THIS government that does not bolster my re-rlection”
Of course not.
I love how Obama coolly stepped in to reassure his citizens.
”Protect yourself and your community from coronavirus with common sense precautions: wash your hands, stay home when sick and listen to the @CDCgov and local health authorities,” the former President tweeted. “Save the masks for health care workers. Let’s stay calm, listen to the experts, and follow the science.”””
Bet that chapped trump’s butt.
The projected timeline for a vaccine is eighteen month not “by November elections” so Trump can get reelected ! Trump can have a temper tantrum and kick his feet and bang his head ! It takes time even have him and Pence in the lab (where the viruses are HA_HA not going to happen) it will not speed up!
Timeline for COVID-19 vaccine.
Of course, speculation is that trump named Pence so he could drop him from the ticket come November for not doing the job properly & making trump look like a fool…like he needs a reason!!!
He just blamed Obama (NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT someone should tell him) for the CDC’s lack of testing (Trump “undid it” but the Congress released 8 BILLION dollars) ! Never happened. Sixth grader leading the fourth graders.
BOZO is entertaining but his follower believe his every word !
Local supporters are now saying covid19 doesn’t exist simply because the Dems say it does. They don’t care what the experts say!!!
This is all Trump he dropped the ball big time on this, when China first declared it he should have gone nuts preparing test kits.
But his base will continue to think he is on top of this, and when the dead keep piling up, they will say it’s all Obama’s fault.
I trust the CDC.
Trump is going to play it down as much as he can. You can’t trust him to be totally candid. I think the president should try to calm the country, but he shouldn’t feed the idea that this is nothing, and just like any cold or flu. I do think the death rate is lower than thought, but severe illness from this virus is very high. They estimate 1 in 5, or 20%. Even if it’s 1 in 10 that’s huge. 1 in 20, still very high.
A lot of his supporters are calling it a conspiracy, and all sorts of bullshit. Like China and Italy purposely have done massive quarantines to hurt his presidency. I mean really, it’s ridiculous.
I found out the W-H-O offered the states their test kits and the states said no thanks,WHY would they do that?
when they didn’t have a proper one ready to go, at least take the kits until a us one is ready.
I really hope some one gets in a lot of trouble over that little fuck up.
The only thing I trust the Trump administration to do is look out for Trump and his relatives. All other goals are secondary to that.
^^ He’ll look out for his family after he’s milked every dime of profit out of the virus.
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