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JLeslie's avatar

If the presidential nominee fell ill a month before the final vote, what happens?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) March 10th, 2020 from iPhone

I’m wondering for American elections, but you can answer for other countries. Let us know what country.

Let’s say the illness is a type that the person can’t be president.

Whether it be an incumbent president (that would be Trump this year) or the nominee who just decided by a party (that’s going to be Biden or Bernie this year I guess).

Would Pence be one the automatic person on the Republican ballot?

Would the VP pick by nominee become the nominee, or would it suddenly be the person who had the second most delegates?

I hope I worded that so it’s understandable. Thanks!

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4 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

The candidate stays on the ballot. That’s because a month out is too late to change the printed ballots.

If it happens in September, the party can nominate a new candidate. It isn’t automatic for anyone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What on earth could an illness that prevents them from being a president be?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Apparently that’s not enough of an “illness.”

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