Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Here in Canada the W.H.O just declared Covid19 a global pandemic, what are you thoughts ?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23602points) March 11th, 2020

Do you think your government is doing everything it can?
Do you think everybody is just over reacting and it all will blow away?
Do you think the authorities should and can do more?

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56 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

200 people died in Italy in 24 hours yesterday. It is not overreaction to take necessary steps to prevent widespread contagion. My government is not doing that on a national level in the US.

Here in Hawaii, the state government is trying to do the best it can. Our governor is having almost daily press briefings with the Director of the Dept. of Health, where I work. They are being very transparent about what the state can do.

A Canadian doctor who had just returned from a trip here in Hawaii has tested positive for COVID-19. It is presumed he contracted it here.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think the world is late, and we of course will be embarrassingly behind, following the already late herd. With poor Dufus in the White House unaware that the ruthless mathematics of contagion are not to be defeated through lies and suppression of facts, his fat ass will be wearing this pandemic come November.

rebbel's avatar

My thoughts are that the correct and appropriate information could have been given to the people in a much less dramatized way (in some countries, and/or on/through some channels).
It’s a very serious situation we have right now, but the way it is broadcast by some, and the consequently panic it has brought to portions of the public is very unfortunate and potentially extra debilitating.
And what makes me angry is that I feel such is done out of financial reasons.

About the pandemic, that is ‘just’ a word for describing that it is now a worldwide phenomenon.
It hasn’t factually changed one iota (other than, hopefully, it will open funds that otherwise would have stayed closed, and authorities dealing with it (even) more seriously).

JLeslie's avatar

My thoughts are calling it a pandemic is stating the obvious. It’s on all 5/6/7 continents.

Calling it a pandemic has nothing to do with how deadly it is. Pandemic just means it’s around the world.

As far as are we overreacting or under reacting. I think people should be prudent about washing hands and mindful of what they are touching, and self quarantining themselves if they feel sick.

Work places should be letting people telecommute if possible.

I think we should have taken people off the cruise ships much faster to avoid more spread on the ships.

I think people are getting crazy with statistics. The statistics are incomplete, being manipulated to sound scary or not scary enough, and you need all of the data.

I think it might be an overreaction, because I do agree that flu is deadly, and if we reported daily how many died from flu people would be just as hysterical. Especially 2018. I think it was 2017–2018 flu season. The vaccine wasn’t a good guess of I remember correctly. Many more deaths than a typical flu season in America anyway.

I like that CDC and the president said to wash hands and be mindful of what you touch and self quarantine. I think that should be done every flu season.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Calling it by a different name doesn’t change a thing.

JLeslie's avatar

I looked it up. 62,000 deaths and 810,000 hospitalizations in the US in 2017–2018 flu season. Jesus that’s a lot.

I do think with C-19 the need for hospitalization is a very scary number. We live because hospitals are able to sustain our lives. If the hospital where you live gets overburdened and can’t put you on a respirator if you need it, that’s pretty terrifying.

Edit: I do think we should have been testing a lot weeks ago. I think it was negligent not to.

I do care about trying to control the spread. I wish we did this more with flu season and illness in general. Asking people to treat illness seriously, and when sick try to curb your actions to protect others.

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes, that fits the definition.

Yellowdog's avatar

How did you get the Coronavirus in Canada, @SQUEEKY2 ? You don’t have Trump in charge,.

Patty_Melt's avatar

OMG POTUS blaming. Really?
I think the US can be less freaked out than some other countries because we have numerous hospitals with quarantine facilities,and medical personnel well trained in how to deal with such scares.
Testing kits are slow in coming, but they are specialized tests, and putting them together and getting them distributed is going to take a certain amount of time.
What concerns me is military personnel stationed all over the world, and not a word about whether any bases are quarrantined.

I hope the whole thing is soon contained, and stopped.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Oh for fucks sake @Yellowdog I never blamed him for the fucking virus, I blame him for dropping the ball on things like test kits, kits that the W H O offered the us but was turned down, while the test kit you guys had was inadequate , I blame him for going on his hunch instead of health professionals, I blame him for saying heck people with light symptoms will even go to work, instead of telling people stay home and NOT INFECT others.
I KNOW YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE GUY, but believe me a lot of the world does not!

jca2's avatar

The National Guard is coming tomorrow to make a “containment area” about 45 minutes from my house, (about 6 miles from my job), because of this outbreak.

All over, schools are being closed for weeks, colleges are closed and doing online classes, large gatherings are being discouraged, parties, events, festivals, fairs, conferences, trade shows all being cancelled or postponed. Travel is being cut back on. People are not going out to eat or to shows or plays or movies. Stock markets around the world are suffering serious blows.

What I find amazing is there are a few people on Fluther who say this is nothing more than a cold, and it will go away in a few weeks. The media is blowing this out of proportion. Really?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Because those said people @jca2 are die hard Rep/cons only concerned about the economy, which is the only thing Trump has to hang onto going into the up coming election, that is why he and the conservatives are trying to down play it so much.

Patty_Melt's avatar

@jca2, places further inland are seeing much less action.
I can imagine what’s going on around you would definitely raise fears. My area is staying alert, but no where near panic.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@jca2 The guard making a containment area does that mean no one in or out of said area until this illness is brought under control?
Pretty strong measurements for something compared to a common cold, don’t ya think?
Our worst area is down in the lower mainland for now, hope it stays there.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My college’s open house was cancelled. A ton near me are extending spring break and switching to online classes. I’m going to be pissed if we go to online classes. Fuck that. As of now though, my college is still open and probably won’t go to online just because it’s a technical college and there are so many hands on classes that it would be hard to switch everything online like that.

It’s good to prepare, but the dumbass fuckers buying out all the TP and masks and disinfectant wipes need to chill the fuck out. Just fucking things up for everyone else who needs that shit too. ESPECIALLY the water!! COOL IT!!!

Demosthenes's avatar

^They haven’t canceled classes here yet, but they continue to say they’re “considering” it, so I imagine that is a forthcoming next step. Since I’m also an instructor, it will be interesting if we have to move online since I have no experience with that.

I don’t think everyone is overreacting, but I don’t understand much the hoarding of TP.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

My local Walmart is devoid of TP, Rice, Raman noodles and cleaning supplies.

kritiper's avatar

Best it get here and get over with. It is said that 80% of people who get it will have mild symptoms and that only about 1 out of 5 of the population will get it.
(My local Wal-Mart didn’t have any bleach on the shelves.)

JLeslie's avatar

I wonder if insurance is waving requirements to wait to refill medicine? I haven’t heard that mentioned. I wouldn’t mind picking up more thyroid medicine.

janbb's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 No, people can go in and out of @jca2 ‘s area. Just no large gatherings. But I see she is answering too.

jca2's avatar

I was never into hand sanitizer, always I was just into soap and water. I have a lot of soap in the house (because I’m into scents and luxury soap is one of my favorite ways to experience scents), but I now want to make hand sanitizer, just for fun. Not to sell, but maybe to give away. I have the ingredients from Amazon, all except rubbing alcohol. There is no rubbing alcohol anywhere. Last night I went to five stores – two Walmarts, two Stop and Shops and a dollar store. None. I have been looking for over a week. CVS, Walmart, supermarkets, Costco, none anywhere.

Toilet paper I always had a lot of but now I have two large packages from Costco – about 60 rolls.

@SQUEEKY2: It will be a containment area but people will be able to go in and out of it, so it’s not really containing anything. They said the National Guard will help with cleaning. It will really impact local restaurants and businesses, as a lot of customers won’t want to deal with the military to get a slice of pizza or go to a movie.

Jons_Blond's avatar

UW Madison is not allowing students to return to class after spring break next week. They will be doing studies via the internet.

My son’s school is constantly giving us updates. They have cancelled all out of state field trips and conferences for students and staff. The school will stay open until there is a confirmed case in the school.

We have two confirmed cases in our county.

I have one roll of toilet paper. I’ll be buying another package tomorrow. Just one. Luckily the store I work at hasn’t experienced what other stores have, from what I’ve heard. I have not seen deleted supplies anywhere where I shop. Is it because our population here is well educated? Who knows.

After hearing about Italy closing everything but grocery stores and pharmacies I am not worried about my job. I work at a grocery store. It sounds like I’ll be needed.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My son just texted me that Tom Hanks and his wife tested positive. The rich aren’t yet immune.

chyna's avatar

^Thats sad.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I need to correct my response. I’m not worried about losing my job due to closures but it appears I’ll be more at risk contracting the virus.

How soon before we hear from one of us that we have this virus? I know most of us will be fine and recover but some might have complications or pass it on to someone who will.

Edit- I just received my third email from my son’s school district today.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Stores are gutted of tp, tissues, bleach, lysol, sanitizer, water. Campuses and events here are closed/canceled. Rumors about the schools, but so far I don’t think any have closed. I have also lost some work, as I work in people’s homes and some people are panicking. We have our first confirmed case in my town, though, so I’m not sure what else will change in the next few days. I don’t know if I feel it’s an overreaction after what happened in Italy. I’m not saying anyone should panic, but precautions are good.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jonsblond I was just thinking the same thing. Many in our collective are “older” or immunocompromised too. Same where I live. I’m in a very vulnerable community.

My parents are at very high risk also. My guess is there are lots of cases where my parents live not diagnosed yet.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Half of my department at work was sick for the past two weeks. Bad cough, fever and malaise. They tried to work but missed many days as well. They are all in their 20s and 30s. None went to the doctor. Is it possible they had this virus?

JLeslie's avatar

^^Of course. Or, the flu. The flu was very widespread this year, but I think some of the cases were probably actually C-19. It was more likely flu though where you are.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Stay diligent @SergeantQueen .
Don’t take any chances, keep washing those hands.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Definitely. I work in a nursing home and I need to make sure I watch my health for theirs, since they are the most susceptible right now.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky works in a nursing home as well, She doesn’t touch anything without gloves and washes her hands a lot.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Yeah, I haven’t been to work since Sunday. I wonder, what happens if a resident at my work gets infected? Would the whole place be quarantined? I work dining services and the area I mainly work in are people who are more end-of-life than the other two units.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^ I’m in Dane county as you know. We had someone self quarantined a few weeks ago because they were infected and had just returned from Wuhan, China. We probably have more infected than we are aware of.

jca2's avatar

I just heard on the news that the NBA has suspended their season because one of their players tested positive.

In NYC, the St. Patrick’s Day parade has been cancelled. So many other St. Patrick’s Day parades have been cancelled, including ones in Ireland.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

It really is freaky how this is spreading. People I know think it’s ridiculous, and some things are leaving me confused and thinking too much is being done. At the same time however, how can too much be done realistically? Over hearing a news clip my dad was watching, it’s spreading 2.5x faster than the flu and may be 10x more deadlier? I have no sources for that other than Tucker Carlson, Fox (Again, I heard this as I was walking past the TV) But damn. It’s better to be safe than sorry right?

Demosthenes's avatar

China has largely stopped the spread of the virus in their country. Their total number of cases has remained about the same for days now. They did that through “Draconian measures” that would be considered a violation of civil rights in the U.S. Guess we’ll soon find out how much we’re willing to give up to stop this thing.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I hate to say but what you heard is correct @SergeantQueen. Fox is actually sharing facts.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Colleges in my area are now recommending online classes too. It isn’t all of them, but now that some have I imagine others will too.
Public transportation has announced what measures they are taking, and what measures they recommend for riders to take.
I think the information sharing is a good thing.

johnpowell's avatar

This reminds me of when I was little and AIDS/HIV.. Rock Hudson died in 1985 from it. And then Magic Johnson held the presser that he had it in 1991.

We got a very famous actor and his very famous actress wife and the NBA within a hour.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I had another job cancel today and local hospitals are setting up tents outside, but they haven’t released a statement yet explaining why. Is that if they start to get a high volume of people to keep them out of the actual hospital? So far there is only one confirmed case in my town out of 4 in my state, but I guess they’re preparing for more. I’ll be honest, I haven’t been paying close attention to any of this because I try to stay on the outskirts of the news these days… but this is pretty much in my back yard now and it’s surreal, it makes the world feel a lot smaller. I work with vulnerable people as I care for people in their 90s with compromised health and that makes me feel anxious. Hopefully it’s all contained soon. Lots of us can’t afford days off work and the flu is already scary enough for people at risk for complications.

chyna's avatar

So far there are no confirmed cases in my state. But I think that’s because we don’t have the test. The hospital I work at has a mask and hand sanitizer available at the front door.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 To answer your Q…I was shocked that it took WHO so long to give us the label “pandemic”. This uneducated citizen had come to that conclusion weeks ago!!! I was hoping that I was wrong & anytime I expressed my concerns, I was accused of spreading panic. I never said to panic; however I did say you need to be AWARE!!!

MrGrimm888's avatar

We had two confirmed cases in SC, a few days ago. Charleston, is a “port” city. So. The numbers, will likely go up.
I’m definitely concerned about the spread. This is probably just the beginning. We’ll see where this goes.
We also have a fairly large homeless community. We have an Air Force Base, an airport, and a lot of tourists. Our tourism, will step up in April.

I’m very concerned about the bigger venues, that I used to work at as a LEO.

I still do some Head of Security jobs. I have a big one, coming in April. I’ll be around a lot of people. And I’ll be doing wristbands. So. I’ll basically touch everyone, who comes in…

It’s a semi-outdoor event. So. I’m hoping that will help. But. I’m starting to get a bit nervous. They may cancel the show. But. I need the money. So. I hope they don’t. I plan to load up, on vitamin supplements. I guess I will just hope for the best…

I plan on speaking with the event organization, to see if I should let people in who appear sick…
I don’t expect that to go over well, with the crowds. That would mean that I have to potentially physically interact, with people who may be infected. That troubles me.

jca2's avatar

I’m amazed they’re not cancelling the event, @MrGrimm888. They might. On the other hand, for people who work these big festivals and conferences and trade shows, they need the money (souvenir stands, food sales, security, etc.), as you know.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I don’t know clue what’s going on. The venue has been operating normally. Still running routine shows. I only come in, for certain events. Most of the people, will be outside. But. It’s still playing with fire…
I’d hate to lose the money, if they cancelled it. But. I’ll lose more money, if I’m really sick for a while, or die…

Strauss's avatar

@Patty_Melt places further inland are seeing much less action. Don’t jump to conclusions yet, dear! Universities in Colorado are going online only as of March 31. Most community and private colleges and tech schools are following suit. Our local school district has cancelled classes for tomorrow. That’s what’s happening

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My school just extended spring break until the 29th of March. (At least that is what my teacher said, no official word from the college as of 3:15PM March 12th)

Jons_Blond's avatar

Two new cases in my county today for a total of seven just this week.

I was planning on visiting my father this Saturday in Illinois but I’m wondering if I should wait. He’s 85 and diabetic. With my coworkers being sick recently I’m worried I could pass something on to him.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well so I actually am running out of toilet paper now and there wasn’t any at the usual place I buy it D: Shit is getting real…

longgone's avatar

I’m in Germany, and at this point I think my government should (and could) do more. Gatherings of over 1000 people are being cancelled. With groups between 100 and 1000, there’s “precautions” being taken. Sports events are being cancelled, travel is discouraged, but restaurants and shops Public transport is functioning, too.

I think it is wrong, at this time, to only test those recently returned from a hot spot. It’s very obvious that the string of infections is no longer clearly apparent. With wide-spread testing, people could be encouraged (even instructed) to stay at home, which would bring down the numbers as soon as those healed without infecting others develop immunity.

It’s just not realistic to expect the general population to stay away from fun events and loved ones because their common cold might be a deadly virus. When it’s proven to be a deadly virus, though, I think most people would feel very differently.

@Jonsblond Certainly sounds like he could be at risk. I’m in the process of not-visiting my grandma right now, even though we haven’t seen each other in a while. We talked on the phone instead. I have a scratchy throat and a temperature, and I don’t want to take any chances.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^Good idea. I haven’t seen my father for several months and he was really looking forward to it but it can wait.

LadyMarissa's avatar

We had our first death in Georgia. It was announced today. I get so tired of hearing that they were elderly with underlying health conditions. I’m sure that’s NO comfort to their family!!!

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Demosthenes “I’m out of T.P. shit is getting real”

You meant to do that right :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The university I’m attending through distance just extended spring break a week while they transition the whole student body to distance learning.

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