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LuckyGuy's avatar

What did Trump say last night that caused the market to crash like this?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43881points) March 12th, 2020

I didn’t hear the speech. Apparently it didn’t inspire investor confidence.
Who did the Great Blamethrower use as a scapegoat?
Was there any useful information?

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32 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Well he announced a flight ban on passengers from Europe (not Britain) for all non-permanent-residents of the US.

ragingloli's avatar

Banned all travel from europe for a month.

janbb's avatar

Much as I’d like to blame Trump completely for this I think there are a combination of factors that are making things look much more dire. The WHO announcement, Tom Hanks and his wife being ill and the NBA cancellation are all indications as well that this is serious. And it doesn’t sound like anything Trump has said or done are reassuring.

JLeslie's avatar

He said it might get worse for a while, but hopes not. Banned flights from Europe except the UK making exceptions in some cases.

He said he was criticized for banning flights and trade with China and called racist, but he feels he was right, and right to ban flights from Europe. He talked about the amount of cases here being very few statistically for our large population.

He sounded flat. He didn’t sound like he fully believed everything he was saying. Probably, he was very tired, and he isn’t good with a teleprompter.

Overall, I didn’t think the speech was that bad actually. I’m angry with him for not doing more testing sooner, but I think he is doing things to address the problem.

The stock market was already up and down before this speech.

He did talk about China being through the worst of it from all indications and trade should be able to start up with them again, which will be a positive, but not soon enough right now.

I think it’s just the uncertainty. He did confirm that things are uncertain right now for how long we will deal with it, but talked in terms of one or two months. He said he wouldn’t sign the house bill to help people financially, because the Democrats added things not related to the problem at hand. He did pat his own head at how wonderful he is as usual. He talked about how this should not be partisan but definitely said some partisan things.

He said the financial markets will come back.

You might be able to find it on YouTube but was only 10 or 15 minutes.

jca2's avatar

Today, MLB cancelled baseball games, hockey is cancelled, and NYC shut all Broadway shows. It’s scary.

zenvelo's avatar

He blamed it on a “foreign virus”. Another attempt at isolating America from the world.

He banned travel based on an arbitrary decision. The UK has had plenty of cases, but no ban on travel to/from the UK.

He made no commitment to getting people tested. He made no real statement on helping people out of work, or people who have food insecurity.

The market’s immediate reaction was a lack of confidence in the White House.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

From another post this is my answer ”@JLeslie Keep Trump off the TV! The opening numbers went down while he fumbled on TV. He tries to be “spin doctor” when he should be a leader.”
“It’s a foreign disease.”
He is laying blame on someone else >>>>>>> “NOT ME” I“m running for POTUS again.

JLeslie's avatar

My governor was on TV an hour ago announcing some policies being put into place, mostly to protect our elderly in assisted living and similar places, and also what to do if someone feels they might have C-19 regarding testing. They did the entire speech in Spanish too, which is customary in Florida during times of natural disaster, or whenever needing to address the entire state. He spoke of the science out now regarding the virus and wanting to protect those most vulnerable. It was good he addressed the state and the situation.

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie My governor, Gavin Newsom, has also been out from on policies and communication.

Trump announced a few hours ago that he might ban travel to and from California and Washington State.

longgone's avatar

@zenvelo “He banned travel based on an arbitrary decision. The UK has had plenty of cases, but no ban on travel to/from the UK.

I’ve been wondering if it’s a subtle commentary on the EU’s open borders. The UK is in the process of isolating itself. Maybe Trump is trying to send another message here, picking a country like that as “the safe choice”.

It’s ridiculous. I travelled to England and back not even a week ago. So do many thousands, from all parts of Europe, every day.

janbb's avatar

@longgone Your theory might make sense if we thought that Trump was capable of subtle commentaries!

ragingloli's avatar

The purpose is to put pressure on the UK to be submissive when it comes to negotiating their “trade deal”.
“Do what we say, or we will do the same thing to you.”

Jons_Blond's avatar

Trump has failing golf courses in the UK. It would hurt him if he included the UK.

janbb's avatar

@ragingloli You’re probably right. Or maybe just that autocrats stick together.

JLeslie's avatar

Trump did say that the UK has things in place that in his opinion made the UK less of a risk. It seemed to me he was saying the UK maybe is checking people as they come in and trying to control the spread of the virus. I have no idea if the UK is actually any safer regarding the virus than other countries in Europe right now. Obviously Italy is in a very bad situation. I think it is a nod to Trump’s political friends in the UK. He did say there will be other exceptions, meaning people from other parts of Europe will be able to come to the US, but I have no idea what the process will be. My girlfriend in Scotland said she’s avoiding large gatherings. Her business revenue is down about 2,000 pounds a week, she owns a take away food business.

longgone's avatar

@janbb Right. When he reads from a script, he seems mentally capable of shenanigans like that.

@JLeslie From everything I’ve heard, the UK isn’t doing anything special. They’re certainly letting in Germans from outbreak areas, no questions asked. They seem to be sticking with “wash your hands and self-isolate” for now:

JLeslie's avatar

@longgone Interesting. Trump’s exception making is suspicious.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Trump has finally been compelled to understand the magnitude of the approaching catastrophe, and that his delay in appreciating the significance of the epidemic is going to be hung around his neck along with the other jackass awards he has earned for judgement.

longgone's avatar

To answer the question, maybe the world is stunned at Trump’s lack of integrity? We all know Wall Street values integrity. He applauded his actions battling the virus, while it’s spreading around his country undetected because there’s just no testing being done.

That’s like ignoring a raging fire in your kitchen because you were “smart enough” to disable the smoke detector.

ucme's avatar

“So, this is tremendous, absolutely tremendous, I have personally been responsibllified for containing this bug, I know, you can thank me later…this tweet will go viral

LuckyGuy's avatar

And just 12 days ago he was saying the Corona Virus is fake news and nothing to get excited about.

“The Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus,” he said from a campaign rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.

“One of my people came up to me and said ‘Mr. President they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia. That didn’t work out too well.’ They couldn’t do it. They tried the impeachment hoax that was on a perfect conversation,” he continued.

“This is their new hoax,” he said, referring to the coronavirus.
This kind of BS does not inspire confidence.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Democrats if they have any sense, will beat him to death with his own words. There are by now enough videos of irresponsible and dishonest gaffes and bloopers that no additional dialog is necessary for a crushing campaign against the dummy. Given the opportunity, I would simply begin by gathering the consistently uniform and devastating comments from Republican leadership at the outset of Trump’s first campaign. Show the clips of Graham or McConnell raving about the “clown like buffoon”, then ask “what’s changed?”

johnpowell's avatar

I had the speech open on one screen and the futures market open on another. About 20 seconds after he said this:

“There will be exemptions for Americans who have undergone appropriate screenings, and these prohibitions will not only apply to the tremendous amount of trade and cargo but various other things as we get approval.”

Futures plunged ~600 points. I do not believe for a second this was a mistake. I think they actually did want trade war #2 but once the futures market tanked they backtracked. But the damage was done.

Then right after that you had the Tom and Rita news and then the NBA. A perfect storm.

JLeslie's avatar

I guess now that Trump spoke to the people the Republicans are taking it a little more seriously. I have Republican friends in red states suddenly posting photos on Facebook of empty shelves where toilet paper should be. I stocked up two weeks ago. Where have they been? I still have Trump friends calling this no big deal. I’m not freaked out, but some preparation and being careful to protect ourselves and others has been warranted. If I get sick with anything I’m going to self quarantine like I always do. I need to have some TP and food. Lol.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@JLeslie Here in the south it was yesterday things hit home with cases being found at most of our back doors. Shelves were cleared before Trump spoke. I have never seen anything like it. I’ll post some photos on the FB page. Unreal. The markets were headed way down before his speech and then he made matters worse.

JLeslie's avatar

^^It’s mostly my Memphis friend’s who finally woke up. I don’t understand how they weren’t preparing here and there the last few weeks just in case.

How is at your back door now? Are there cases in the South now? I haven’t kept up with where the cases are very well.

I think there have been cases in the country for many weeks. I think there are thousands more than we know about.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

One confirmed in my city. News said they were isolated but my wife works with doctors and has been told otherwise. This person has probably been silently spreading it for a week or so. That’s just the one we know about.

JLeslie's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me So, people were waiting for a case to be identified where they live before they took it seriously? I find that shocking. Why would any city be immune in America? There is a tremendous amount of travel in America.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I don’t blame Trump, for the market crashes. The virus is the thing, doing most damage.

It’s a dismal scenario, for all world leaders.

One can say, whatever they want. It doesn’t matter. The future, is simply uncertain. We don’t know what this virus, will end up being.

We just know that everything, is slowing down/stopping.

Stock markets, are dependent on certainty. There is no certainty, right now. There are no right answers, currently…

Trump has said, that the US will help out financially. NO DIFFERENCE, FROM SOCIALISM.

It should affect any arguments, against it. In principle…

cheebdragon's avatar

Apparently CNN has been trying to isolate America from the world since 2014 .

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@JLeslie That’s human nature I guess. Many did take it seriously but you know the type who do this, do nothing then panic when it’s almost too late.

This thing is nothing to panic over but… We all need to take the social distancing precautions very seriously. Most of us will eventually get it but if it spreads too fast hospitals will get overloaded and a lot of people are going to die needlessly because they can’t be treated. If this spreads slowly then it will save lives. I hope the TP hoarders stay home. That goes for the rest of us too.

zenvelo's avatar

@cheebdragon That was just a warning to be vigilant, and the Obama Administration set up a standing pandemic task force. It has since been dismantled by the current administration as being totally unnecessary.

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