What wild animal or sea creature are you most likely to get attacked by?
This was asked to take your mind off the flu…
Where I’m at, swans are what will try to fight me. :)
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My brother has a farm with a pond not far from where I live. He has these huge birds that look like something prehistoric. They will dive-bomb in the pond, so if you are near, it scares the be-jesus out of you. I’m sure one will grab me and take me to its cave.
@chyna -Herons or cormorants maybe? Or maybe it’s a hawk? or a terratorn?:O
I was dive bombed by a hawk once and I could feel and hear the swish of it’s wings as it went by.
Jelly fish or sharks most likely. Or angry Canada geese.
@janbb – I forgot about those geese!
Sharks are cool. Ampullae of Lorenzini are fascinating.
Dragon Fish.
My sister-in-law stepped on one; according to her the pain was worse than child birth.
I’m most likely to be taken down by a deer attack on the car while driving through Michigan or Wisconsin. They’re relentless!
Geese and wild turkeys. A single goose will try to take me on, but the turkeys need a pack (more appropriate sounding than “flock”) to really get aggressive.
I think swans are just pissed that they have such ugly feet and they are made fun of for that. Ruins the glorious image.
Mosquitos, or for pet owners, fleas.
Spiders, snakes, deer, bears, feral cats? My boss had a wild turkey fly thru his windshield and wreck his car.
@canidmajor -I’ve been around flocks of wild turkeys and my presence didn’t concern them at all.They do seem rather brave.
@Zaku -Mosquitoes drive me nuts.
@KNOWITALL -I have to go a bit further to run into bears. They are surprisingly fast.
Dogs, I supposed.
@Call_Me_Jay yes the deer are relentless and suicidal. I’ve never hit one, but Rick has. Everyone I know has.
@Dutchess_III -I don’t see many stray dogs around here. Coyotes, maybe?
If I lived in the country a coyote would be a good guess, but I don’t. I’m in town. Sometimes you can hear them howling at the edge of town, but I don’t think anyone has seen them IN town.
@Dutchess_III -They’ll go anywhere there’s food.
Sadly, my brother’s cat was killed by coyotes and he is in a high traffic area.
I live in Alaska, so let’s say grizzly bear. That said, more likely to be a moose. Don’t laugh those suckers are huge and people have been killed by being stomped when they’ve managed to tick one off.
I don’t think any one was laughing. We’re aware of how dangerous moose can be.
@AlaskaTundrea – Teasing them should be a moosedemeanor! Definitely don’t laugh at that comment :)
I just had a moose sneaking up behind me. I turned around when I heard it and it scurried into the next room.
I gotta set more traps.
@Patty_Melt -A friend once sent a photo of a moose on a “date” with a bison statue.
It looked more like assault to me.
Moose are amazing critters. They’re so ugly they’re cute but this time of year, as feeding gets harder and harder for them to access easily because of snow, they get testy. I’ve had 4 in my yard in two days. I’ve visited a wildlife preserve here in AK and at 5’10”, my head was about level with its withers, with the head towering over me. Yet I see videos all the time of people wanting “to pet a moose” and endangering themselves and anyone else around that the moose might take down as collateral damage. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy watching them thru my windows but as for stepping outside with them, nope. No way. I’ve even had to wait respectfully at the end of my drive for one to decide to finally move so I could get past it into the drive and it made my Camry feel rather small as I passed closer than I’d have liked. It wasn’t aggressive, tho’, that was in the summer, but I would have probably given it even more space in the winter.
@AlaskaTundrea -Or during the rut.
A friend once sent me a photo of a moose in a harness. She used to work as a lumberjack & used horses but thought the moose looked like a reasonable second choice. XD
A friend of mine lived in Bethel,Alaska.
The strangest thing he saw while living there was the Hairy Man.
I still don’t know what to think about that
There was a cougar in my town a year or two ago. He didn’t kill anything so far as anyone knew, but several outdoor security cameras picked it up sniffing around BBQs and garbage cans.
I put meat scraps on my porch at night, but I never got to see it.
I don’t think any wildlife has a shot at attacking me.
Maybe an eagle, but its timing would have to be right on.
There are daily reports of coyote in my neighborhood, but I’m more afraid of the skunks.
@ARE_you_kidding_me -Always take someone slower than you on walks
best unasked for advice I can give
@YARNLADY Their smell has woke me from a dead sleep!
@Dutchess_III I don’t think anyone has seen them IN town.
There are lots of coyotes in Chicago. Parks, golf courses, and cemeteries are good for them. There are lots of rats, squirrels, and pigeons to eat.
There is a cemetery alongside the L tracks just north of Wrigley Field (Graceland Cemetery) and if you keep an eye out while riding by on the train you can often see a coyote or two.
Animals cause 400 deaths each year in the USA and deer account for 200 of those.
There are 15,000 murders each year in the USA.
@Pinguidchance – They don’t obey traffics laws and that gets them into trouble.
Is say Geese for sure! When I got in the parking lot of my job, I started speed walking to get in, I quickly took notice of the lil small babies, there were 9 of them right in front of the entrance, the closer I got to the door, the closer the full grown geese were coming towards me! Those birds have teeth and aren’t scared to use em… Its not even Spring yet and I freaking out…
We have a local turkey that knows to use the crosswalk. I think the neighbors named her Isabel. She will also wait for the car to stop before crossing. Which is more than I can say about most human pedestrians. :/
@PaisleyFaye -I have had them make me take a different path on my walks. Lol
@raum There was one not far from me that the locals knew. He would challenge cars until he lost. :(
Since I live close to the woods and I do go for walks in the woods it’ll be a bear.
@RabidWolf -I was surprised by how fast they can run. (black bears)
Long before I came up here to PA a bear went for a walk down Main Street. That’s how close the woods are to town. I had gone for a walk alone in the woods and a lady told me that she had gone for a walk and was enjoying the quiet. She saw something crossing the path. It was a bear cub. She stopped in her tracks, backed away and got out of sight, and then got the hell out of there. If there is a bear cub mama bear is not that far away.
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