Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is The States' private healthcare system going to make it harder for the country to really get Covid19 under control?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23571points) March 13th, 2020

Because you will have uninsured people not wanting to get checked or help in fear they can’t afford treatment.
I saw on our news that a Democrat really pressured the CDC to give the test to anyone who needs it free.
That is great but what about treatment, that going to be free to those who can’t afford it as well?

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30 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Probably not. It’ll be hard enough even for people with good insurance and plenty of cash.

johnpowell's avatar

If my experience is anything to go by is even if they do somehow make it free it actually won’t be. Or it will take two months to actually get tested. Or you will still get a bill and your credit will be fucked.

The Woman had to pull teeth to get that guy to even say he would make testing free. If he actually follows through I would be shocked. She waterboarded him with words. He said whatever was needed to make it stop.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks glad to see I am not the only one that thinks this, stay diligent and safe my US Fluther friends.
Our local Hospital just reported it’s first confirmed case today, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

canidmajor's avatar

I’m surprised you weren’t hit sooner, with Seattle right there. Stay safe yourself, there, @SQUEEKY2!

Yellowdog's avatar

A lot of CEOs from many pharmaceutical companies, hospitals and labs are cooperating in this effort. Not sure why you are saying this is for profit or insurance being required when the proclamation made says the opposite.

Companies which have led the way in medical research and health care are who will get this done, not government committees

kritiper's avatar

Doubtful. There are too many people who don’t have health insurance. For example, I have Medicare but can’t afford part B. But there are lots of people who were like I was before I got Medicare, specifically, zero health insurance.

Yellowdog's avatar

@canidmajor Just because a biased source says something else doesn’t mean the original source is wrong.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Anything that doesn’t sing praise to your orange hair god, you consider biased @Yellowdog .
I hope that people that don’t have insurance or are underinsured, are properly cared for in your country if they contract Covid19 and I would be very happy if you prove me wrong, but I doubt you can or will and that is truly sad.

canidmajor's avatar

@Yellowdog: And what, exactly, are the unbiased sources you trust? AP is pretty even.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@canidmajor Any media that doesn’t praise Trump in every other sentence is biased to die hard Rep/cons.
Fox seems to be the most biased news source there is but the Rep/cons love it, because they worship the Don Father, and spit on democrats.
Doesn’t matter if 98% of their stories are slanted with half truths, they love Trump and that is all that matters to die hard Rep/cons.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, it was a rhetorical question, as @Yellowdog is not one for providing links, probably because he knows that mentioning Briebart will get him laughed off the site.

raum's avatar


I’m sure that even if testing were more readily available, that there would still be people who were hesitant to be tested because they’re afraid to be quarantined on their own dime.

One of the main reasons that Singapore was able to drastically reduce the spread of covid 19 is because they offered free drive thru testing. And everyone who was sick was treated free of charge and the government offered money to people who quarantined at home.

And also they are an authoritarian dictatorship that legally prosecuted citizens that broke quarantine.

Guess it takes crazy to fight crazy.

Yellowdog's avatar

The original source I mentioned was Trump and the forty CEOs of the labs, pharmaceutical industries, private businesses, and government agencies that are working together and not in competition with each other. You heard it from the source itself. And you say even the original source is wrong.

Here you had their plan, and you (@canidmajor, @SQUEEKY2) chose to go with a source who says differently, whose opinion is no better than your own,

@SQUEEKY2, the government wouldn’t even approve the release or dispersion of tests, due to catch-22s and ineptitude. Yet you are trusting the government over the plan which is getting tens of thousands tested daily now. Yes, its not enough, but its a lot better than what the federal, state, county, and municipal health agencies were doing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

The US isn’t testing tens of thousands of people daily and you know that the US is failing in this critical fight because of your orange hair god, you keep believing he will lead you all but the only thing Trump cares about is Trump and that’s it here is a link about testing you should look at but you probably won’t…

Yellowdog's avatar

Perhaps you should compare how the U.S. is doing compared to other nations. We were onto this early, back in January. South Korea is doing O.K.

There is no way a country with open borders or socialized medicine could beat this. The U.S. government is not a likely contender for a vaccine. Vaccines and cures come from efforts of cooperative efforts of pharmaceutical companies in free market societies.

longgone's avatar

@Yellowdog I’m so curious. As a citizen of a country with socialized medicine, can you explain how I’m worse off than Americans? Because if I need to get tested, I definitely won’t get a bill. And if I need expensive treatments, I’ll never even know how high the price was. If I end up needing to stay home for months, my government will wire me enough money to live on. And then when I can be a productive member of society again, my insurance payments will still be the same price they are now.

How is any of that bad? It feels like a good deal to me. In fact, it seems vital for a functioning society to take care of its sick.

canidmajor's avatar

As I said, @Yellowdog doesn’t provide links.

Yellowdog's avatar

@longgone I was shot in a robbery in 2012. It took me several years to get on Social Security Disability—- I remember the angst I had because the two who shot me were in their early 20s and were living in a government subsidized house, and drove a BMW, Wow. I wish I could have had a government subsidized house when I was 20! In prison, they had free meals and medical care. I had nothing but bills.

The medical bills are written off if one is unable to pay. For me, those bills were about 140 thousand dollars, as much as a fairly decent home where I live. The Church Health Center in Memphis took care of my medical needs until I was able to get on Social Security. .I have not had any medical bills since 2015. The United States DOES take care of its sick, At least I had pretty good advocates.

Social Security is definitely government run, but many in the U.S. have private insurance, So although we do have socialized medicine, the pharmaceutical business is primarily driven by free market capitalism. The medical breakthroughs come from private hospitals, labs, pharmaceutical companies, and major corporations that finance the research.

At the same time, I can tell you of many cases where people whom the government SHOULD be taking care of who were ignored or fell through the cracks. I drove a van for my church twice a week to pick up about fifteen disabled people—I became the advocate to help these people get their medical and nutritional needs met. Joy Lynn White, a friend of mine, only had $41 for food a month, and absolutely abysmal medical care for her chairi II Malformation and Spina Bifida, Yet there were non-handicapped people in her building who were eating very well and had all their medical needs paid for. Joy’s needs were primarily paid for by the church we attended. To think that some want to put us all under the kind of medical care Joy got from the state is a frightening thought.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And yet a while back on a different question you wanted to move to Canada to escape crime ,and the intense heat from your summers where you live, care to explain that @Yellowdog if everything is so great under VonTrump?
And maybe your friend should have looked for Government help as well instead of totally depending on the church, if you say others in her building were living far better on social assistance.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And into this early OMG you do know the US is the only nation to turn down the W H O test kits while the ones the US had were totally inadequate,and in this early please every thing I have found on the internet is saying the US hasn’t tested more than 1600 people as of this date, while south Korea is testing 10,000 people a day.
Believe me @Yellowdog I would rather be wrong about the US and this virus I would like to believe the US is leading the way , and testing many thousands a day, and truly caring for those ill, but everything I see says no.
Your wonderful conservative government shot down a democrat bill that people that get the virus will get a 14 day paid sick leave, saying that would be to big a strain on business and Government, nice , now these people that are barely making it will go to work with the virus and infect others yeah the Don Father is all heart.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And @Yellowdog here is another link showing the US is falling short on testing people for this virus…
I take no joy at this at all, but your Don Father better step up, instead of lying his ass off, a lot of good people are going to die over this.

Yellowdog's avatar

Vox and MSNBC have always been very strong anti-Trump media sources, and I guarantee you that the majority of the country does not follow.

Trump got onto this way back in January, while Vox and MSNBC were still trying to reevive a Russia narrartive—and congress was too embroiled in it to take any action against the growing threat in China.

Trump has never made any decisions or taken any actions that has not involved a panel of the top advisers in the nation. Maybe it hasn’t always been the best direction but we have been, and are, ahead of most nations on this, and have taken precautions with appropriate quarantines and travel restrictions before most were even aware,. Europe is the new epicenter of the virus because they were rather late in taking precautions.

The U.S. has competent leadership, and although hyping the urgency, it is better to err on the side of caution, We have the best hospitals and although we have not always been right, we have a panel of experts that have kept this nation ahead of the curve for two months now. We do not have hordes of sick people as was exaggerated early on, and I’d give this about eight weeks to play out,

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Yellowdog as much as I disagree with your political opinions, I do hope your right your faith and trust in your federal administration is noted if not a bit nauseating.
Slapping travel bans is a good start, but Americans have to get home.
Also I saw the Republicans shoot down the 14day sick leave, please prove me wrong about that, also I do hope that non insured and under insured got medical help if needed during this and not get a bill that will bankrupt them after wards.
I still think the states is way behind in this, like refusing the W H O test kits, but I do hope I am wrong and you are right on this one.
I take no joy in believing I am right.

Yellowdog's avatar

You are embroiled in complete fiction.

There are daily press conferences which are completely bipartisan in nature—they are well over an hour long, and they are working with this administration,. They represent the top government agencies and pharmaceutical companies in the nation. Information and strategies are altered daily as we work together to combat this pandemic. Trump seems well versed as to what is going on, as the commander in chief, but he is not dictating how this is handled.

Don’t let the anti-Trump media keep you in the dark as to how this is being dealt with, or how the government functions. Its time that some of you stop believing them and get with the program.

Yellowdog's avatar

Im not trying to be popular on Fluther.

With daily updates and information, how can you say Trump is a dictator, when the committee making the plan of action is right there deliberating, and the top people in the country?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well I still have big doubts, another Jelly complained that a relative couldn’t get the test at a huge hospital back east, was told they had no kits, after Trump said anyone who wanted or needed a test would get a test?
Could you at least say what news source you go to that keeps you so informed about this pandemic?

Yellowdog's avatar

I watch it on C-Span.

Even the regular news (ABC, NBC, CBS) covers the latest news.

You are right that there is not enough equipment, but it is getting commissioned, manufactured and delivered in record time.

Forget Trump and just keep up with the daily updates. Its pretty normal to oppose Trump, but he’s not obstructing anything and commissioned a vaccine ito be developed back in January, when the first travel restrictions were made. He was called racist and a xenophobe. But now, even Canada (one of the most tolerant and progressive countries in the world) has closed its borders.

I’m conceding that you win this debate, friend. In the long run, it really doesn’t matter. The entire world is dealing with this crises. and a vaccine will be found, and whatever happens will happen.

I’m about to go to Nashville with an organization called Samaratin’s Purse to help with the clean up of Nashville after the hurricanes last week. One of the few efforts that’s fairly close to where I live and not so oppressively hot, like the Caribbean efforts in years past. Maybe I should get more involved with being part of the solution rather than arguing against what other people think.

An experimental vaccine has been found but this will still get worse before it gets better.

We’ll get through this. no matter what anyone thinks. At the end of the day that’s all that matters

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