General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

What is this song?

Asked by tinyfaery (44249points) March 13th, 2020

We’re all together
We’re all together
And together we’ll be happy and we’ll have a lot of fun…

That’s all I know. I’ve known this song since I was a kid but have never known what it’s from.

Any idea?

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7 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The first song I thought of was “All Together Now” by The Beatles but the lyrics don’t match now I have an earworm lol
I tried to look with the help of a lyrics finder & got nothing. There’s probably better ones out there,idk.
Good luck!

tinyfaery's avatar

No. That’s not it.

Brian1946's avatar

In what decade did you first hear it?

tinyfaery's avatar

It’s got to be the 1980’s.

Brian1946's avatar

Did the voice sound female, male, or was it a mix?

tinyfaery's avatar

A group of people. Kids maybe.

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