General Question

raum's avatar

What is the Stafford Act?

Asked by raum (13655points) March 15th, 2020 from iPhone

Would it include quarantine with legal enforcement in the current situation?

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9 Answers

Yellowdog's avatar

No. There is currently an internet rumor going around, but its fake.

The Stafford Act was enacted by Trump last week to release aid and testing to the individual states more quickly.

The internet rumor is that Trump is about to enact the Stafford act, in which we would be quarantined for two weeks—so stock up on groceries. The rumor is bogus.

The Stafford Act was for the release of aid where it was being held up. It has nothing to do with quarantine.

raum's avatar

Sounds like a hoax. Red flag was “please forward to your network”.

Except it’s a pretty clever hoax because I got it from someone who works at a pharmaceutical company that’s working on mRNA treatment for covid-19.

If you’re going to start a hoax, that’s probably a good place to hack. :/

zenvelo's avatar

The Stafford Act is the mechanism through which disaster aid and emergency funding is released and streamlined. It is how FEMA gets authorization to spend,

jca2's avatar

@raum: If you are positive for the virus, the quarantine is a legal document mandating you to your house.

raum's avatar

@jca I was curious if the Stafford Act could enact a nation wide quarantine with legal enforcement.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t believe it could. If by Quarantine you mean they cannot leave the house under any circumstance, you’d have a lot of issues. If there were work exceptions, maybe it would be ok. Still would cause lots of fights and issues.

jca2's avatar

@SergeantQueen: Here are details on legal quarantine: Link is from the CDC – i try to go right to the source when I can:

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