What do you expect life to be like for you in the next few weeks or months, with lifestyle changes due to the Corona virus?
Asked by
jca2 (
March 15th, 2020
What will life be like for you in the next few months, with the arrival of the Corona virus?
Are you going to work from home? Do you have a job where you have to report to work, due to the nature of your job? Is layoff a possibility for you?
Has school been cancelled for your children or in your area?
Are you planning to get outside more to kill time? Are you going to stay home and do more in and around your house, or just relax and chill?
Will you see your friends and family less or about the same?
Will you go to restaurants and other public gathering places or will you try to avoid them?
Have any of your travel plans or party plans been cancelled or postponed, for example upcoming vacations, weddings, etc.?
Do you feel the changes that are put in place by the government and suggestions made by public health officials are overkill, or do you feel that the changes are appropriate and necessary?
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30 Answers
I worry about Mrs Squeeky working in the long term care ward of our local hospital, myself I like being a trucker and I stay away from people as much as I can.
I don’t get out much normally.
I have my lovely collection of scarves, which I plan to layer when I do go out. Hopefully it will confuse any virus particles into simply giving up.
I’m starting to wonder if I got it, maybe from my home aide, or Walmart.
My visit with doctor last week she changed my inhaler to a stronger ingredient. She thought my lungs sounded too noisy.
I have what i thought was a cold at first, but it keeps going away for a day, then coming back. This has gone on for three weeks.
I got my flu shot early, so that is checked off.
I am pretty much a home body. So in that sense I have been preparing for this for years.
The only difference is that I may have to go to several shops at a time for supplies.
I will spend my time as usual….internet, tv, chats with the family, eating and sleeping.
Fun stuff I know. But, life seems normal unless I go out.
I don’t plan on leaving my house unless it’s for supplies. I expect to be told this week to extend my work from home for more than the one week I requested. My office has only 20 people but I’d rather be home.
I am retired, so things won’t change too much as I am, by nature, a homebody these days. The one or two social gatherings I would normally do per week will be curtailed for a while, but at this time of year I’ll be doing garden prep and getting the dog out more as the weather improves.
We’ll have to see about an upcoming trip to Montana, there may not be spare money for that, and if this has not seriously alleviated by summer I would cancel anyway.
Many AA meetings are closed or moving to outdoor locations as buildings don’t allow gatherings. We are trying on line meetings, but that becomes hard for a newcomer who is a day or days past a drink to get help.
I won’t be driving much, since I have no where to go. And I am working through making sure I shower and shave each day now that I am working from home.
@zenvelo Libraries in Contra Costa are closed.
My biggest fear is that my center will go bankrupt and leave me jobless. I’m really counting on my boss to keep things going. Other than that, I don’t have much difficulty with the outbreak.
I’m self-quarantining for two weeks as much as possible to try to help flatten the curve. I will go out for walks daily with one friend. Doing a lot of reading and watching tv or Netflix at night, on the internet and clearing out kitchen cabinets, etc.
Most of the events I was supposed to go to this week have been cancelled but I am staying away from others.
I am not really thinking beyond two weeks as far as lifestyle changes but will wait and see. I did cancel my trip to California in early April because that seemed wise. Have a tour to the Midwest in June but will see what happens with that.
It will get tedious but so far is not too bad if I don’t let myself get too anxious about what is going on.
I work from home.
My husband works outside our home and is going in,Kids are still in school.I was outside for a walk yesterday. Chilly but wonderful.
Going out to restaurants and public events can wait.
As for family and friends, no plans to see them.
All this is motivation to get some things done around here.
Overkill? I am leaning that way…
I’ll fly home tomorrow and will self-quarantine, I think.
I might order my groceries in.
Will for sure go out to nature for some relaxing outings.
Don’t know yet if I will visit my parents, although my heart yearns to do so, but they’re elderly.
I’m very good at staying at home, alone or together.
Will be alone from tomorrow though.
If the Greek or Dutch government decide to close the borders I’ll stay together with my girlfriend and her family for the (un)foreseeable future.
@zenvelo I noticed a sign up where I work that the AA meetings were canceled until further notice. Until you mentioned it, I didn’t think about the possible repercussions. I hope they work something out.
I’m a grad student who teaches, so this puts a wrench in all of that. I am currently doing as much as I can do online, but the medium is limited. I dislike not being able to talk in person to professors and students. This is really slowing everything down. Which is manageable for a month or so, but much longer than that and this is going to screw things up. Otherwise my life is just getting very quiet. Spring break is coming up so I’d like to go home to my parents’ house but they’re both over 60 and I don’t want to risk giving them something that I might pick up here at the university. So for now I’m just going to stay put.
I had an appointment I needed to attend today. My VA worker drovee there. I have dozens of scarves, mostly the big ones you can use as a beach wrap.
I had them layered, hoping to confuse any potential virus into giving up. When I left the house, I had only one eye showing.
I wore rubber gloves.
There was one woman working at the office and she called out from behind a divider to ask if my business today could be handled through the mail. I told her no, but assured her we were suited up. VA worker also wearing surgical gloves.
Weird that so many people are out and about, but they made a run on groceries and tp.
I expect to see increased fluther activity as people get cabin fever.
I won’t be attending school for the rest of the semester. My work is on complete lockdown so it’ll be somewhat easy, but sad because we’ve basically taken everything away from the residents at this point. For their own good, yes, But sad. I guess it’ll just be a lot of sitting at home now. And working.
Everything has now been shut down in New Jersey as of 8 p.m. tonight. Not sure about grocery stores though.
All social has been shut down here in CT, restaurants only do take-out, bars, movie theaters, gyms, stuff like that closed after 8 tonight. Other stores are still open for now, but not, I imagine, for long.
My husband and I are worried about losing our jobs. I worry about feeding my family.
Well most of the San Francisco Bay Area counties are now “shelter in place” Only go out for essentials, stay away from everybody.
I still have to work until they close the courts, but the attorneys are working from home so there is only about 10–12 people in the office. I still need to be able to print and mail, and I cannot do that from home.
I’m a homebody so I don’t go out much anyway.
My wife (teacher) is out for at least 2 weeks. Since she is special ed, she cannot do online classes with her students. She sent home 2 weeks worth of work for them.
I do have a chronic condition which would definitely make the virus effect me more adversely than most, but I’m not concerned about dying. I just hope it’s not painful.
One of our big supermarkets has just stated that starting Thursday, they will have early hours specifically for “the elderly” to shop. I think that’s a wonderful idea, but I was a bit startled when I realized that, by their designation, I am “elderly”.
And I guess, @chyna, that answers your previous question. Ugh. :-0
My brother is now in the hospital with pneumonia. It could be coronavirus, too. There are no test kits available (at a huge teaching hospital).
As a transplant recipient, he has to take immunosuppressants, so he’s more susceptible to everything.
I was at the grocery store and the library yesterday. I have been avoiding close contact everywhere. But I could be carrying the bug. Any time outside the house now will be walking or bike riding, without approaching anybody.
WHAT!?^^ No test kits ?
Trump said everyone who wanted or needed a test would get a test, and we know The Don Father never lies.
You must be mistaken .
~ ~ ~ ~ ~No really @SQUEEKY2 Trump lied ! ! ! ! !
NOT funny but true. “everyone who wanted or needed a test would get a test”
He lied gain.
My brother is now OUT OF the hospital. No flu and no coronavirus!
Interesting stories. Until the tests were done, everyone entering was covered up. They were being very careful with supplies. Usually, you would see boxes of rubber gloves and whatnot in a room. Now the staff had to get one pair of gloves, mask, whatever from supply to visit a room, and throw them away on exiting.
They told him their lab had improvised coronavirus test kits somehow from flu kits. I would be really interested to know more about that.
As more is being discovered, the test kits has been improved. Other countries got meh test kits. What people get now and later are improved test kits.
I’m in an “isolated” group of 13 people right now. We all are working from home or on leave, except the warrior nurse. Kids out of school probably till fall, we’re trying to send only one person to town every few days for supplies. Calling more people on the phone. Wishing I had as much free time as I thought I would at the apocalypse. Digging the massive reduction in light pollution.
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