Should Governors have power to decide what measures to take regarding COVID19?
Asked by
JLeslie (
March 16th, 2020
from iPhone
People are criticizing Trump for not helping more with what states should be doing regarding closing schools, stores, etc.
Should the fed put in rules across the country? Or, leave some flexibility?
What about setting up quarantine spaces and make-shift hospitals? Buying respirators?
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31 Answers
I think the President should take care of national matters, and states should take care of state matters.
Declaring a national emergency, banning travel, working on federal laws, policies, restrictions, etc. That’s President Trumps job
Closing restaurants, bars, schools, non-essential stores- that’s the states job (Governor)
Buying respirators?
I doubt there are many respirators to buy.
8 years ago my company developed and started to market a portable emergency ventilator. The market was saturated so we cancelled the project.
The prototypes are around somewhere. Time to dust them off?
I think they probably should and I also think there is a dearth of leadership at the Federal level right now so it is doubly important for the states to step up.
Within reason… not when they’re part of Dumbass America, like the Governor of New Jersey trying to impose an 8pm curfew, as if contagion was more likely at night…
@Zaku That was to keep dumbasses out of the bars since they are still going there. But it is a shutdown of everything non-essential starting at 8 tonight.
Just saw a very well planned, well informed press conference at the White House.
Doctors and others on hand to answer technical questions. POTUS sounds tired. He spoke about a mass of ventilators about to be distributed.
He has been contacting governors and mayors to help with understanding of what various areas need to do, and what do they need.
Well the administration has kicked the can down the road. We have a leadership vacuum this country has not seen since Herbert Hoover. So Governors are stepping up.
@Patty_Melt Is that the press conference where he told states they are on their own? And the crisis that would be over by end of April (according to the President)will now extend through the summer?
It ended about forty minutes ago. Lots of experts were on hand.
He didn’t say the states are on their own, he said they can circumvent usual laws governing getting what they need, but I do agree he should have been facilitating the medical needs long long ago and now.
I guess maybe there is some red tape usually? I really don’t know.
Red tape? You mean orange tape. The man is an idiot.
Well, we have all sorts of laws governing medical devices, maybe there is something there I don’t know. It doesn’t excuse Trump has not done enough, and still is passing the buck.
The President of The United Sates. His exact words in this time of crisis:
“I just had a phone call with a very impressive people, the biggest in the world, in the world of stores and grocery’s and all, and I’ll give you the names…(list names of 14 CEO’s)...they’re going to work 24 hours around the clock keeping their stores stocked. I would like to say that people shouldn’t go out and buy. We’re all going to be great. We’re going to be so good. We’re going to do, what’s happened with the FED is great news. What’s happening with all of these incredible companies is phenomenal news. But you don’t have to buy so much. Take it easy, relax. People are going in, they’re buying more, they. I remember, I guess during the conversation, I guess Doug of Walmart said that they’re buying more than they buy at Christmas. Relax, we’re doing great. It all will pass. There are no shortages. We have no shortages other than people are buying three to five times more than they would normally buy. It’s going to be there for a long time. We’re doing numbers. There’s a pent up demand that’s incredible, and when this passes, when this goes through, you’re going to see numbers I think, I predict, I guess I’m allow to predict just like Wall Street people are allow to predict and they’re pretty much in agreement. You’re going to see there’s a lot of pent up demand like, like a lot of people including me haven’t seen before. But this has to get through. They know they’re getting through the crisis and that’s very important. We see what’s happening, we are watching other countries. We are learning from other countries, frankly. There’s a very contagious, um, there’s a contagious virus, it’s a, incredible. But it’s something we have tremendous control over. I think very important the young people, people of good health, and groups of people are just not strongly affected. Elderly people, people that are not well or not well in certain respects are really a very dangerous group. And with that, if it’s ok, I’m going to go and make some calls. I’m going to talk about Federal Reserve. I think it’s a tremendous thing. I don’t know if it’s ever happened on a Sunday before. And uh, our Vice President is going to take over now.”
I would much rather have our Governor, Laura Kelly, take the helm of this ship than the orange idiot we have to call “President.”
Sure, as long as they don’t conflict with what comes from the district.
Shit is ahead of projection, says the experts, I’m not even going by POTUS on that.
They did the first human trial on a vaccine. That is months ahead of what they thought.
I’m so sick of the words orange idiot. It makes the person saying it look tons less in the human category.
They did the first human trial on a vaccine.
A possible vaccine. Which means a year to 18 months from distribution. If it is safe and effective.
True, but they surprised themselves, and it is good news.
The most important part is, they have isolated exactly what is attacking the lungs. That means even if they can’t stop the virus soon, they might be able to control that aspect. It is that aspect which is making this one so deadly.
“They did the first human trial on a vaccine.
A possible vaccine. Which means a year to 18 months from distribution. If it is safe and effective.”
And when was this virus first discovered? Listen, I am not the worlds biggest fan of President Trump. Believe it or not. But I’m so sick of people acting like everything he does is bad. Shut the fuck up. He does some good. Not signalling you out at all @Call_Me_Jay, I just see so many people who take what is happening in American and find the bad in everything, even positives. He banned travel “Oh he did it too late”. Like everybody just wants to be brainless and jump on the anti-Trump train so badly they aren’t even listening to what the fuck is going on. Stop acting like he’s the worst, you are being dramatic.
The guy said not to worry.
That it’d all be gone by April.
Yet people still believe the stuff he says. That pretty much sums up the right.
Although I didn’t vote for our Governor, I feel he is more trustworthy of what the local situation is than the Federal government is. Just because Washington state is having a high death rate, here in Georgia I think we have had only 1. Therefore, the urgency here in Georgia is not as dire as Washington at this point in time. Hopefully, the local citizens will learn how better to protect themselves over the long haul & we might not need all the restrictions as needed in other areas. Yes, I realize that is a pipe dream, but one that I’m holding on to!!! Our governor has been warning us of the real dangers while the prez has been declaring that everything is under control.
@raum What’s weird is now Trump is on board with saying business across the country should shut down, he said people should be significantly distancing and isolating themselves from each other, he said if people do as asked, and it goes “well” we should be through this by July! He has said all of this while people are worried about their jobs, stock market is tumbling, and yet still some of the people who love him most aren’t listening to HIM. I don’t get it.
I am not saying all Republicans or all Trump supporters are ignoring what is being told to us, but there is a group of people who really do think the whole thing is a Democrat Hoax. The whole world is against Trump and US freedom or something. They speak of being Americans and strong and won’t be paranoid into changing their life, like how people talk about not being terrorized by terrorists. Literally, a post on facebook in a group I am in where I live a woman wrote to look at the flag in the corner of the photo, that Americans are strong, and it’s a photo of 12 people in the pool smiling, about 1 to 2 feet apart each of them. I find it utterly offensive and disrespectful in a time when people around the world are suffering. Some of my very religious friends talk about praying and God will take care of us, and we should not be halting our lives.
In my fantasy this horrible situation brings the world together, and wars end, and cooperation is found where it was not found before, but I know that it just a fantasy.
In my
Yes, governors should be taking action. That is how our country works. They should be tapping into information from the federal government, but they should be pushing the actions to be taken in their state.
Our governor just cancelled school for the rest of this school year.
Are the same folks who criticized President Trump for being the Neo-Hitler now criticizing him for not being Hitler-enough?
@josie Nope, the people who don’t want a fascist President are still looking for a leader. Trump is not a leader.
^ We all just wait for Obama to say something so we know what to do.
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