Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What sort of technologies and social programmes should become standard in the future, in light of the current human malware outbreak?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) March 17th, 2020

Apart from universal healthcare and paid sick leave, that should be a given.

For example, basic income, full automation of basic utilities (including internet) and the food supply chain, online ordering of groceries and automatic delivery thereof by autonomous drones, replacing global and local governments with an AI overlord.

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1 Answer

longgone's avatar

I would enjoy some clean public transport. Busses with individual self-cleaning cubicles, maybe?

Also, it seems like a good idea to create a disaster plan that will allow people to pick up necessities at drive-through grocery stores. Order and pay for your items online, pick them up at an airlock without direct contact to the employee. Of course, workers would still have to be following high standards of hygiene.

Companies that do not make home office available during these times should be fined.

I like the plan of making it very difficult to evict people, or to cut off their utilities for missed payments. I think that should always be extremely hard.

I think prisons should only contain those who are an actual threat to others. Having people confined in close quarters is a recipe for disaster.

Refugees should be quickly and simply transported to safe areas with low population density. While leaving them in crowded and unsanitary camps is cruel at the best of times, it is acutely dangerous right now.

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