What are the things you suddenly realized you now appreciate more if not for the first time during this 2020 pandemic?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
March 18th, 2020
from iPhone
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17 Answers
The internet, including social networking and streaming services.
Casual contact with strangers in public. Now that I’m not doing that, I miss it. I never realized how much it meant to be, the quick chat in a Target aisle, a convo about dogs in Petco, stuff like that.
Hugs from family members and friends. I knew I liked them, but I miss them intensely after just a few days. My husband still hugs me, so that’s good.
My backyard. If we are asked to quarantine ourselves completely, I can still safely spend time outdoors. It’s also really important for my dog’s sake, though it looks like dog walks will continue to be allowed if we’re following the example of other European countries.
@longgone I’ve been surprised that I don’t see my neighbors out walking in my neighborhood. I wish they would, we could chat from safe distances, and my poor pup would have pee-mail to sniff from our canine neighbors!
Just how awesome healthcare workers are. We need more of them!
For me, it’s just the start of the whole thing because I’m still at work today and so going to start trying to stay home tomorrow.
Having my own yard and deck, living near a lake and in a rural area, so I can take a walk and get some nature if I want it.
Living during a time where we’re not reliant on the phone, we have social media to stay connected (as @janbb pointed out).
The kindness of friends and family reaching out to say hi and asking how each other is doing.
Having a government job that doesn’t rely on the economy or a boss who may lose his or her business, or being shut down by the government during this unstable time.
Definately being able to work from home via tech.
Sport, I’m dying without sport!
I appreciate my good health.
I appreciate a sense of normalcy that is now only a memory. I am furious with the fracking moron who is our president for creating an atmosphere that exacerbates the crisis.
I am grateful to our staff, so much so, no one will be fired this week :D
@canidmajor That’s weird. There are so many more people walking and biking around here now. I would usually see only a handful of people on a weekday walk. Today I saw around thirty.
@longgone, I know! A few kids riding bikes went by a little bit ago, but on this beautiful day I expected practically crowds! We have a very outdoorsy kind of neighborhood. Usually.
See a fair amount of walkers out here usually and I would say about the same amount. We nod or chat at a distance.
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