Who was terrible in this talk between Trump and a reporter?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
March 20th, 2020
from iPhone
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29 Answers
No. He wasn’t terrible. It was a good question. trump over reacted.
He kinda lashed out at the reporter in a biased and opinionated way.
Trump’s idea is right to a degree, that many Americans are looking for signs of hope in terms of this virus, but at the same time, the reporter asked a very valid question and wasn’t in the wrong at all. Because what the reporter said is true. Many Americans, Europeans alike, are scared of the virus and how it will turn out. People are dying, and while it may not be deaths of crazy proportions, the virus is serious and people are freaking out about. I don’t believe the reporter was trying to be a sensationalist or whatever, I believe he was asking a legit question. Love or hate Trump, I believe he over-reacted on his response to the reporter.
Listen, if you keep up with this stuff, you know that Trump has accused them, specifically Comcast/NBC, of helping create a panic. So for that particular person to ask him to reassure the public pissed him off. I understand it.
Now if I were him, I’d have said “Ironic YOU are asking that, but yes (insert words of comfort here.)” So I don’t really think anyone was ‘terrible’, knowing the context.
By now there is no longer any point to analysis of or criticism over anything Trump has to say when answering questions from the press. The public would be equally served and better informed if in answer to questions some aide randomly reached into a container of fortune cookies, cracked one open and read aloud from the strip of paper inside.
I don’t think the reporter was terrible or inappropriate. He cited some statistics and asked “what do you say to Americans who are scared right now?” That would have been a good opportunity for Trump to say something reassuring. Instead, Trump calls it “sensationalism.” I don’t think it was sensational.
I like Trump’s passion & that’s all this was, okay, he was clunky in his delivery, but It’s him right?
It was a softball question that anybody could have answered.
Trump missed an opportunity to demonstrate leadership, compassion, and reassurance. There has not so tone deaf a response since Herbert Hoover told people to show more moral fiber.
The reporter basically asked him to reassure the American people, and then in true Trump fashion, He had a meltdown because sociopaths have no compassion and he has no idea how to comfort anyone.
That was a softball question.
Shortly after, the same reporter asked the exact same question to Pence, and Pence gave a great answer of reassurance. Trump is just stupid and contentious.
MSNBC has done some editing.
The ‘nasty question’ comment was in reference to his not doing enough and saying the American people were scared. This question by the reporter has been cut out,
The question edited was about Trump’s incompetence and lack of response, not the valid fear of the pandemic, It was made to look like this was Trump’s response to valid fears of the American people.
MSNBC and others have been the cause that created the lack of confidence in the administration and the crises response team, who are the top medical experts in the nation, The reporters and specific networks should look in the mirror to see a great portion of the responsibility for the panic, Thus, the criticism of the specific networks.
Context helps. You can’t count on a news source that has been part of the problem, You need to watch the press conferences for yourself.
“MSNBC has done some editing” It was live feed; where is the editing !
The bozo wants to blame China “It’s a Chinese Disease” “It is !” He has to blame someone other than himself (cutting CDC budgets and firing the Department Pandemic head).
Beside he is running for President and there won’t any MAGA rallies for the foreseeable future.
I thought Trump’s response, was ridiculous.
Context, is irrelevant.
The truth is that the question (as mentioned above,) gave Trump an opportunity to counter punch. He could have been professional, and handled the situation WAY better…
I’m not surprised. Trump, was never qualified for the job.
IF. If it was flame bait. He took it line, and sinker…
The editing was there alright. The live feed includes the snarky attitude of the reporter. That provided clip is not the full encounter.
The President is dealing with a crisis situation which is affecting the entire world. He is daily conference calling with governors, medical professionals, manufacturers, shipping services, military, other world leaders. He is under a lot of stress, and that reporter baited him. POTUS has more important things to deal with than some reporter trying to play games.
He should be locked away where he can’t do any harm. The reporter’s question is exactly the question many would ask the fool if given the opportunity, and the dummy should fully understand that fact. As it is, he only serves to confirm what everyone already knows. This is not the man to look to for guidance or information regardless of the topic.
Good gawd, Mr. Harding, get over yourself.
Where’s the clip of the full question?
Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that it was edited. Does that make what Trump said to the reporter ok?
^I can’t wait to see the BS answers, you get from that question…
If, you get any answers…
I think they were both wrong if they wanted to reassure the American people.
Uninterrupted link
He was hounding POTUS. Start watching at about 35 minutes.
He asks about the safety of the malaria medicine for this. It is something both Trump and Dr. Fauci have talked about two days in a row. Trump answered him. It wasn’t his turn anymore. He wasted his turn on a question they had already covered, but he then followed up with his snarky insinuations and smirky attitude. He’s a fathead and deserved a dressing down. If you watch the entire hour and a half, instead of trying to grind away at something being taken out of context, you will see that our President had plenty to say trying to be objective, optimistic, reassuring. All the sudden dumb ass asks, in accusatory manner, if Trump thinks he is creating false hope. He threw numbers out there just trying to juice it up.
It wasn’t a valid question at all, because of course POTUS doesn’t think he is creating false hope. The question had no purpose other than to derail a serious and informative press conference.
Watch the whole thing, hour and a half.
Forget it Mr. Harding, I’m unfollowing now.
Atta girl! That’ll teach me.
My dad used to beat the shit out of my mom. But she was so mentally fucked she would find ways to justify his actions. Maybe if the house was cleaner he wouldn’t hit me. No mom, he was just a drunk that liked hitting people.
I feel like I am 8 years old again.
After watching far more of that press conference than that little snippet, I think both were wrong on this one. The POTUS and his team were putting out good information with a positive spin on it. They weren’t focusing on the negatives, though they had mentioned some, but were pointing out what was being done and why and to the best of their knowledge, how long it would take (not everything could be predicted). They were giving honest answers with a calm and hope filled tone. Enter the reporter wanting to spout death tolls and pushing the fear angle. And in the end, his question was irrelevant because for the previous hour or so, the POTUS and his team HAD been telling those people what they needed to hear. The only point to the question that I could find was to fear monger and to try turning the conversations that way. For that, the reporter and his questions were bad.
Now…President Trump. I think he handled it badly by making it a personal attack on the reporter. I understand his frustration with the liberal press, but I think he attacked way harder than he needed to. I think if it were me, I would have merely told the guy “I would tell them exactly what we have been saying for the past hour.” and then just moved on, not giving the guy a chance to push the narrative any further. It would have been a quick and easy way of pointing out how idiotic the question was and stopping the fear mongering without making a personal attack on the fool reporter.
Once again, it is a question of judgement. People are going to ask all sorts of silly or irrelevant questions. It is in fact the role of the President to sit through questions which impugn his decisions and abilities. IT’S HIS JOB. The thing I find most remarkable about THIS President is that to the present day in the endless hostile encounters between our fool and the press, I have yet to witness a member of the press personally indulge in the derision and disrespect toward the man that he dispenses on them as a matter of routine. It actually amazes me that not a single reporter has ever told the man to his face that he is a “terrible fake President” “or flaccid ignoramus”. It is an absolute wonder that the line holds, and the fool is still granted the respect due his office.
^I don’t think that a reporter calling Trump names, is appropriate (in a presser.)
Reporters need to do their job. If they want Trump to look bad, just let Trump do that. He’s great, at that.
I have a theory that might explain some of his more bizarre behavior. People that he knows are smarter than him try to offer advice. He figures he can’t go wrong if he regurgitates that advice.
The problem is he can’t distinguish when it’s appropriate to regurgitate that advice, and when it’s not.
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