Me and my girlfriend are in relationship from last 5 years. Now she say she wanna move on. What should i do ?
Me and my girlfriend are in relationship from last 5 years. Now she is very negative about me because we are having fights on daily basis. She says she wanna move on because of these fights and she is unsure about her future with me. The reason of most fights is she is very scared of her family members because of that she lacks spending time with me outdoor. She is not cheating on me and i am sure about it. I dont wanna lose her because of my silly mistakes.
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13 Answers
Straighten up and fly right?
So you are pressuring her to spend more time with you and less time with her family?
You are supposed to improve her life, not make her feel bad or pressure her or take her away from her family.
Just send flowers or a present and love notes. Let her know when she does have time, you will be waiting.
Or better yet, go there and spend time with her family with her. Someday they may be your family, too, so start making friends and helping them. Have you ever asked if there’s something you can help her or relieve a burden from her?
If you haven’t already, talk it out. See why she wants to move on. Relationships are never going to be 100% perfect. Over time rough patches occur and such is only natural. Talk it over like adults, see what’s going on and go from there. None of us know the true details of your relationship and thus, aren’t able to give you a great answer.
But you may need to come to terms that she might be done with you and aren’t willing to work things out. It might be time to move on as hurtful as it may be. But there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Think about why you’re fighting. Try to work on yourself so you fight less. Talk to her about what your thoughts are, how you’re working on yourself and promise that you will try to do better.
Talk to each other, listen to each other.
If that doesn’t resolve your issues then sail away with no regrets.
Are you positive that it’s all your fault??? I used to have a friend who would always pick a fight with the guy she wanted to dump so she could blame it on him & come out making it appear that she had a good reason for wanting out of the relationship when the reality was that she liked a new guy & wanted to be with him.
Open the lines of communication without fighting with her. Then IF you can’t do anything to please her, let her go. IF it’s meant to be she won’t go anywhere. IF it’s not, you’ll be better off!!!
Talk to her. No fighting. Just talk. And listen to what she says. If her family’s culture prevents her from spending time with you that is probably not going to change. Fighting is not the answer. Give it another shot. Tell her how you feel about her and how you would feel if you lost her. See if there can be any room for compromise. If, in the end, she wants to break it off, there is nothing you can do. But first try really communicating.
Let it go. The harder you try to hold on, the farther you’ll push her away.
You are having daily fights, and mostly about the same thing.
That seems over to me.
You can’t make a dead horse stand up no matter how badly you need a ride.
Just because you want something very much does not mean you will get it.
I you think there might be some hope, then I suggest you just stand back for a few days.
Don’t call, don’t visit. Don’t tell her your plans to stay away, just do it without warning. During that time she will either feel relieved that she has gotten a break, or she will miss you.
After a few days, contact her. If she is happy to hear from you, then there might be hope.
If she seems annoyed to hear from you, it is over. In that case, move on. Breaking up is painful, but when it is the right thing to do, you have to move ahead and mend your broken heart.
Move on.
You can’t force her to stay with you.
Maybe she will miss you and come back.
Fighting constantly is no way to sustain a relationship. You need to support each other, not tear each other down. Talking things out and working on problems doesn’t require fighting.
Even in times of peace and calm, emotional turbulence is stressful and destructive. And this is not a time of peace and calm.
Unless you are in the last relationship of your life, this one is going to end. Maybe now is the time.
Let her go. After 20 years of marriage, my wife wanted to be free. No, we weren’t arguing at all. I gave her the freedom she wanted. I didn’t beg or fight to keep her. I was not going to do any of that and have her laugh while I bled out.
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