Social Question
What's quickly becoming your new normal with the whole "virus lifestyle?"?
Asked by jca2 (17007)
March 20th, 2020
I’ve not yet had a day where I’m in the house totally (two days so far of working from home but went shopping both days LOL). However, I find myself falling asleep at night and then waking up at around 2 a.m. and staying awake a few hours at night. No anxiety about having to get to sleep so I can wake up on time for work!
What about you? Are you running around trying to find toilet paper? Are you finding new ways to socialize while in your own homes or outside with neighbors and friends? Virtual Happy Hours? Skype? Face Time? Are you exploring your domestic skills like cooking, in a way you never have?
In what ways have you adjusted so that something totally different is now your “new normal?”
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