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luigirovatti's avatar

What do you think about the MMORPG "Secret World Legends"?

Asked by luigirovatti (3025points) March 21st, 2020

It’s my favourite, because you can choose three faction:

a) the most obvious, the “Illuminati”, it’s about power, obtained with every means, governing, and mantaining govern;

b) the most radical, the “Templars”, fights down evil, pure and simple, but with a dedication and ruthlessness uncommon to the other factions;

c) the most esoteric, the “Dragons”, creates with Chaos Theory and the Butterfly Effect a controlled experiment with the purpose to arrive at a model of the Universe of their purpose, let’s say.

For furher informations, watch this introductive video:

So, what do you think? Let me know in the answers below!

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