Meta Question

Jeruba's avatar

Why have I received a top-line message that says "You have been kicked from the chat rooms"?

Asked by Jeruba (56254points) March 23rd, 2020

I haven’t even entered the chat rooms in years, but still, that seems rather unfriendly. Made me wonder if something else is wrong.

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7 Answers

ucme's avatar

While it is certainly clumsily put, I don’t imagine there’s any intent.
I think there may be a few of those notorious Fluther glitches at play…been a while.

Jeruba's avatar

Glitches, exactly. Where one thing is wrong, often there is another. I don’t care about access to the chat rooms, but I do want to alert the Fluthergods if there’s a bug on the loose.

ucme's avatar

In posting a response a few days ago, a message appeared saying they had trouble reaching the server. I’ve not seen that in a long while & although my answer was accepted, after a short delay, it immediately duplicated itself.
Someone else pointed out not being able to post a question, these incidents have “glitch” written all over them. Although it has to be said, I’ve had no issues since.

janbb's avatar

@Jeruba “A bug on the loose” is certainly an apt phrase right now!

longgone's avatar

[Mod says] Some people were stuck in there, and in those cases we usually kick everyone. It’s weird you were in a chatroom without your knowledge. We are experiencing minor glitches, but I’m guessing it will just take a quick reboot to get things working smoothly again.

It’s true that the message lacks the Fluther spirit, but being kicked from chat is usually reserved for trolling, hate-speech, and similar disruptive action. The whimsical messages, on the other hand, are reserved for the gelatinously good sea citizens.

Jeruba's avatar

@longgone, thanks, I thought it might be something like that (like deleting everything in a print queue for a fresh start). I don’t think I was in it, though. I had noticed that the chat room list was unusually long, but I never clicked join.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Maybe the glitch first tossed some jellies in splash and then back out.

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