Social Question

seawulf575's avatar

What are the Dems thinking?

Asked by seawulf575 (17172points) March 24th, 2020

We have all heard about the coronovirus stimulus package that has been batted around Washington DC. It includes things like direct payments to people, help for hospitals, help with vaccines and tests and help with businesses impacted by the virus. Part of the hold up has been brought by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. They don’t want to approve the bill unless it includes things like new tax credits for wind and solar power, new rules to favor collective bargaining and unions, requirements for same-day voter registration and early voting, publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics of corporate boards, requirements for $15/hr minimum wage for any companies that get assistance, carbon emission requirements for airlines and climate change studies to look at mitigation efforts by civil aviation and aerospace companies, and $1B for building on the Obamaphone program.
I’m not asking about the validity or merit of these programs, but I have to ask if this is the appropriate time to be pushing for pet pork programs. It seems like they are trying to hold the country hostage to get their programs pushed through.

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38 Answers

kritiper's avatar

I don’t think the hold up is all the Democrat’s doings. Republicans are equally to blame, if blame is to be had.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I suppose that if the Government is handling out money then that is wahy the people step up to include other things?Typical .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because the Republican focus is on sending trillions of dollars to businesses, and between $600 and $1,200 to a certain segment of poor people. The package they’re proposing doesn’t help the average American much at all, only big business.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here is an article about it from the Washington Post.
In a nutshell, “Democrats have argued that the Senate GOP bill is disproportionately tilted toward helping companies and needs to extend more benefits to families and health-care providers. Republicans have countered that the measure offers unprecedented financial assistance to the entire economy and needs to be passed before more people lose their jobs. Some economists have projected that more than 3 million people were laid off last week as businesses and consumers pulled back, and those numbers are only expected to grow.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Perhaps if the Republicans were concerned about the American people, rather than a $500 billion slush fund for corporations…

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III and @Darth_Algar Sooo…....are you saying it is okay to push for all sorts of non-coronovirus items…items that aren’t even close to being related…and that blaming the Republicans justifies it?

Personally, I think what the Dems are doing is indicative of all the problems we have in DC. And no, it isn’t exclusive to the Dems, but they are doing it now. Here we have a situation where we have basically shut down the country. Businesses are going under, people have no income coming in…everything is screwed up. And when an effort is made to focus on what is needed, they bring in pet projects and hold everything up because of it.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The bill as written for GOP boiled down to ship the money to Mar-a-Lago and Eric and Donnie Jr will know where to send the money. J.K.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I just posted the article @seawulf575. I even copied and pasted the most pertainate section, just for you so it would be easier for you to understand since you have an aversion to reading. Should have known that was a waste of time.

Darth_Algar's avatar


An effort isn’t being made to focus on what’s needed, for most Americans. Not by the Republicans. Their effort is being focused on what’s good for those at the top, with the justification that it will “trickle down” to the rest of us (in four decades since this become the Republican mantra never has it worked like they pitch it).

ucme's avatar

It’s not a time to play politics.
They should suck it up & do what’s plainly right…for once!

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III yes, you posted a link and cut and pasted part of it. But the it entirely dodged the question. The question was, should the Dems push for all sorts of pet projects in a specialized bill like the coronavirus relief package? If the Dems don’t like what the Repubs put into the bill, that is where the discussion should be, not pushing every other thing under the sun into it. Your link was nothing but a complete dodge to what the question was asking. So it LOOKS like what you are saying is that yes, it is okay for the Dems to push bullshit into the bill and it is justified because you blame the Republicans. Yes, writing that down makes it even more bizarre sounding, but that seems to be what you are pushing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What pet projects are your referring to? Why do I think I will never get an answer to that question….

seawulf575's avatar

@Darth_Algar you, like @Dutchess_III, are dodging the question. The question was not whether you agree with what the Repubs suggested. The question, that you seem to purposely avoid, is whether a coronavirus relief bill is the right time for the Dems to push their pet projects or not. The answer does not start with “well the REPUBLICANS…”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t dodge the question. You asked what they were thinking and I posted an article that showed what they were thinking.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III You accused me of having an aversion to reading, yet you obviously didn’t read the original question. I listed many things they were pushing for that had nothing at all to do with coronavirus. Go back up and read the list.

seawulf575's avatar

@Dutchess_III by your own citation, you did NOT answer the question. All you have done is tried to blame Republicans for the Democrats wanting to push pork projects. Think about what you cited: “Democrats have argued that the Senate GOP bill is disproportionately tilted toward helping companies and needs to extend more benefits to families and health-care providers. ” So their response to saying they think GOP suggestions were tilted too much towards companies and not enough towards people is to push for Climate Change research, race relations inside companies, same-day voter registration, Tax credits towards wind and solar farms, and beefing up the Obamaphone program? Does that REALLY make any sense to you at all?

Dutchess_III's avatar

OK. I read the details. Now I challenge you to prove that what you’re saying is actually true, and not something you’ve made up (again.)

tinyfaery's avatar

What pet projects? Examples please.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

This is what he said, @tinyfaery and it’s made up bullshit, as usual “Part of the hold up has been brought by Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. They don’t want to approve the bill unless it includes things like new tax credits for wind and solar power, new rules to favor collective bargaining and unions, requirements for same-day voter registration and early voting, publication of corporate pay statistics by race and race statistics of corporate boards, requirements for $15/hr minimum wage for any companies that get assistance, carbon emission requirements for airlines and climate change studies to look at mitigation efforts by civil aviation and aerospace companies, and $1B for building on the Obamaphone program.”

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s a testament to the shittiness of American politics that we’re in the midst of a pandemic and we still can’t get anything done. I have heard that the two sides are closer to an agreement, but they both need to take their egos out of this a bit.

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Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree @Demosthenes. But the Dems are fighting for US. You and me. The citizens. The Republicans are fighting for companies, which we also need. I hope they come to a compromise soon.

seawulf575's avatar

There is the bill proposed. What exactly does the John F. Kennedy center for the Arts have to do with Coronavirus?

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Darth_Algar's avatar


The “question”, much like your thread title question, isn’t a question at all. It’s flame bait. It wouldn’t matter how I responded to your “question” as you would simply accuse me of dodging it anyway. It’s the same tired old tactic you use in virtually every goddamed thread you’ve been active in since you first popped up on this site. There’s simply no point in trying to answer any of your non-questions.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know why we even engage him, honestly.

Here’s another take on it; The Republicans want to focus on the economy, and the Dems want to focus on individual human lives.
I guess I’m not sure how one cancels the other, but that’s the word right now.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Well. Part of what the dems are doing is reactionary (appropriately so,) to the Republican plan.

Part of it, is indeed uncalled for.

I’m VERY disappointed of our entire government, in their actions. This is Nero fiddling, whilst Rome burns…Fucking pathetic….

mazingerz88's avatar

Really? And if the Democrats removed funding for the John F. Kennedy Center that would make Republicans dump their plan for a 500 billion slush fund for businesses? LOL!

Which side of the aisle really has the stupid, corrupt and despicable agenda being pushed? Money for businesses over people or funding an arts center? Ok, so what other supposedly ridiculous pork stuff Democrats are fighting for?

What were Republicans thinking making Dems’ pork demands as reason for the bill stalling so they get the blame? When the real reason is the Reps just do not want to give up their devious cash bonanza giveaways for businesses!

tinyfaery's avatar

Is the Kennedy Center funded by Congress?

tinyfaery's avatar


That’s what he said, but where is the source?

Dutchess_lll's avatar

@tinyfaery It was just a comment on FB that seemed to distill the argument down to something easily understood.

johnpowell's avatar

Why are they holding up things for these “irrelevant” projects when the bill is so important?

Just say yes and get the economy going.

And yeah, I’m talking to the Republicans. If it is silly shit say yes and move on and steal Pelosi’s copy of The Art of the Deal.

stanleybmanly's avatar

This question STILL has validity, and with the private sector in the toilet, it is essential that the government inject money into the economy. The previous 2 covid relief measures are almost certainly the reason the country yet defies depression level realities.

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