Are Republicans saying the elderly should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of the country?
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March 24th, 2020
Check out this little video…
The US has the highest curve with infections, so to say the Republicans are on top of this falls very short.
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27 Answers
He is going to be 70 in a matter of days. Will he be so cavalier about the “over 70s” then, I wonder?
That video was making me ill listening to that GOP politician, I think even extreme right wing Tucker was having a hard time with it.
So you have been slow long enough time to get back to work, the elderly, and comprimised will either deal with it or die, scares the shit out of me that the us is so close to Canada.
Not all Republicans. Just the ones in Texas.Fine by me as long as they don’t infect anyone else.
The thing is that they clearly believe it isn’t a real threat because otherwise why would they risk so many of their own supporters? Aside from being appalling, it appears extremely short-sighted.
That would include the top 3 people running for President.
He is only saying that, because as a politician, he would be getting top-of-the-line medical care.
What a callous cunt.
These politicians saying this should give up any health care they have, and see how on board they are with their idea.
Yes, when medical resources are scarce those resources must be rationed, particularly to those with the greatest chance of recovery. That is not at all what the Lt. Governor is talking about here. He’s effectively telling elderly Americans that they should die so that money can be made.
However, he isn’t even thinking this through. We don’t have this virus under control. We may not have for awhile. If everyone suddenly started going back to their normal work/shopping/social routines this virus will spread all the more quickly. And not just among elderly. People of all ages are being effected by this. Whether we’re in lockdown or the coronavirus is tearing through the American populace the economy is going to grind to a halt one way or the other. There’s nothing that can stave that off now.
Of course they are!!! I’m wiling to sacrifice myself IF I get to tongue kiss trump as my last sacrifice before I go!!!
Patrick isn’t saying the elderly should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the long-term good of the country. He’s saying the elderly should be willing to sacrifice themselves for the short-term good of the economy. And like @Darth_Algar has already explained, lifting preventative measures won’t actually save the US economy from being a casualty of this pandemic.
I think it is unfair to say that ALL Republicans, have the same thinking…
If there’s any place to test if killing off the elderly boosts the economy, it’s Florida. With another Republican governor resisting efforts to mitigate the disaster, and no stay-at-home order, we’re about to see an extreme test of the theory.
trump will be 74 in June. I think he should be leader of the pack
Anyone who feels that way should make a public statement and directive that they be denied any and all care and resources that might be in short supply.
I’m not smart enough to come up with this.
Republicans, 2010: A national health care system would totally involve the creation of “death panels” that would decide it’s too expensive to keep your grandparents alive.
Republicans, 2020: It’s too expensive to keep your grandparents alive.
They definetly seem that they care more about cost, than human lives.
But I bet if one of these conservative ass wipes really get it and need health care it will be nothing but the best for them.
@SQUEEKY2 Trump would sell there ass in in a New York minute. If they were a Dem in a New York second !!
Donnie Jr and Eric told “El Jefe” his stock portfolio was tanking and to get everybody back to work. !
He seems to be talking about himself and what he’s willing to do for his country (whether he’s actually willing to do it or not, I don’t know or care). He’s not forcing old people to go back to work, so just calm the fuck down.
I’m not seeing anyone all that upset. It is pretty funny/gross. And that is about it.
Nobody is frothing for the guillotine here.
This is pretty funny considering your sons name. A decade later and it all makes sense.
Not all Republicans are saying it.
The Republicans who are saying it probably are some of the same who were idiots when Obama was president accusing him of death panels. Total and utter bullshit.
@johnpowell It was mostly directed at “UNCLE SAM NEEDS YOU; AGE 65+”.
What do you think I named my son? Because I truly don’t see how his name could possibly relate to any part of this thread.
@cheebdragon it never was about elderly going back to work, and you know that but to say the fun is over we are open again puts those people at a greater risk at getting sick and diying you ok with that?
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