All countries seem to want their population to self isolate for 2 weeks, my question when was the official start date for that?
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March 24th, 2020
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12 Answers
Ours is on a state by state basis. Here in NJ we are in our second week but I don’t think the end date has been determined.
In my county (Santa Clara), it was effective at 12:01 a.m. on 3/17. Just a week ago.
People are still going out on necessary errands. I had to go today to get allergy shots—couldn’t be delegated. Sniffling and sneezing would be a very bad idea right now. So I made other stops too, despite anxiety.
On a personal basis, though, my understanding is this: two weeks from whenever you last went out. So my counter has just been reset.
I believe that this ordeal will be distinguished for “too little too late” with the consolation of “better late than never”.
I agree @stanleybmanly but what was the official start date of the two weeks??
The thing to note is that as far as I know there is yet to be a Federal declaration of shelter in place. As such, there is a huge discrepancy in policy from state to state, and even cities within the same states. The Federal order WILL be forced (eventually). My town was first and received the mandatory scorn from Trump and other reddies. So be it. Clearly, the initiative here has been necessarily seized by the governors and mayors of the country, and not a one of them would deny that they are late in doing so.
Oregon was just today.
This is a rolling thing. To think that you just wait X amount of time and you are set is stupid. Some people might not be able to infect others in five days, others might be a month. Right now there are just guesses. But people want a number so you get a guess. Can you get it again, can it flare up again after subsiding? We don’t know.
This is just the beginning. Don’t sit there thinking that there will be a magical date where it will all go back to normal. This is going to be a slog.
I think you are totally right @johnpowell scares the shit out of me that Mrs Squeeky works in long term care,because when it hits one of these homes it hits hard and every body.
Look the point of all this is not to eradicate the virus. We can’t. It’s as easily contagious as the common cold which is a real problem. Most of us older folks have immunity to the more common colds. No-one has immunity to Covid 19 and we’re all coming down sick at the same time. That’s the problem. We’re trying to turn the flood into a stream that our medical community can handle. That’s the point of self quarantine. Not so we’ll never get it, but so that we’ll get it at different times.
A lot of people that get it @Dutchess_lll won’t require medical help they will just be sick with the flu, it didn’t help that first Trump was found to say these people with lighter symptoms should even be able to go to work,I know he has changed his tune a bit, but now saying the country should be back up by easter, ole orange hair is the biggest idiot I have ever seen.
Seriously, that is all you need to know.
“I don’t need the numbers to double because of one ship,” Trump said, noting the U.S. numbers currently of 11 deaths and 240 infected.
That is all it is. All he cares about. A shit economy and you have President Biden. That simple.
He is looking at the S&P and not the dead. Because politics.
Vert true @johnpowell and to think the conservatives were bitching that the Democrats were making this political, I hope the die hard right wingers are seeing this that Trump is ready to sacrifice that nations most vulnarble to get the countries economy back up and running.
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