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Have you seen any ongoing data comparing flu to COVID19?
I have no argument that COVID-19 is scary and we need to take the measures being asked of us to slow, hopefully stop, the spread.
I was looking at the New York numbers a couple of days ago, over 20,000 and looked up the worst week of flu this past flu season in NY, and it was 17,000 (I’m rounding) week of February 8. Here’s the NY flu info
What someone asked me was if the flu data is the amount of cases diagnosed in that week? Or, the number still sick cumulatively? It looks to me diagnosed that week. The COVID-19 number seems to be cumulative, and then it also reports cases resolved and how many have died, various numbers.
Is there any apples to apples graph to look at? Cases and hospitalizations and deaths. If not, anyone interested in helping me research it that would be great.
I realize there has already been measures to slow the rate of transmission of COVID-19 that are not done to anywhere near the extent of flu.
The hospitalization rate is a huge concern to me. I worry about our healthcare workers along with the patients.
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