Social Question

longgone's avatar

If you usually go to church, do you have an alternative place to meditate/pray/think now?

Asked by longgone (19946points) March 26th, 2020

If you never go to church but have a special place like that anyway, that’s just as interesting.

I know most of us are probably restricted in our movements at this point. Maybe you have a ritual at home?

This question applies to atheists as well. It’s not about worship, itself. More about quiet places and mindfulness.

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7 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I often do those things around the same time every day but the location varies.
The best spot for me though, is outside and I have a few favorites.
One is by the water, the other on a path in a wooded area.

janbb's avatar

My congregation’s staff has really stepped up to the plate. They are doing a weekly short service on You tube, a Friday reflections hour on Zoom and a Virtual Coffee Hour on Zoom on Sunday mornings. In addition, we can schedule committee meetings via the staff’s Zoom accounts.

In addition, there is a private group on FaceBook for support and sharing.

ucme's avatar

My quiet place is on my runs, just me, a heartbeat & the sound of my feet.
I am still able to enjoy this as things stand right now, although a slight distraction from the calm is “distancing” folks I pass on the way.
That’s okay though, people smile & acknowledge the gesture.

Lonelyheart807's avatar

Our church streams their service online. Granted, it’s not the same, but it’s better than nothing. I miss singing in the choir though.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Many churches are streaming on Facebook live here, and I’ll admit to watching a few as time goes on.

Inspired_2write's avatar

That’s why I go hiking in the is so peaceful and it reminds one that we are but a speck when compared to the universe as a whole.

I find it awe inspiring.

Nature is and has always survived and regrown after any disaster and so will we.
After a disaster watch what the animals and birds do..they go on.

The birds still sing…its a message to realize that we will survive and carry on too.

Living is worth it.

We are made stronger for the trials and tribulations in our life because of it.

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