Social Question

ucme's avatar

How good are you at answering random questions?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 27th, 2020

Insert random answer & prepare to be marked out of ten.
No pressure mind!

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32 Answers

josie's avatar

I feel, like, a lot of pressure to give the right answer to this question.
I mean, like, do you mean random like you don’t know the answer, or do you mean random, like, you know the answer, but you just want to hear what I say?
It’s sort of stressful, because, like what if I give the wrong answer?
You know?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Depends on the subject.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

If you throw one sock on the floor you can call it a compromise.

ucme's avatar

@josie 7 out of 10 a good effort.
@SQUEEKY2 5 out of 10 must try harder.
@lucillelucillelucille 8 out of 10 good stuff.

josie's avatar


Always good stuff.
Worth putting up with the other bullshit.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@ucme @josie -Thank you. I am always here to help. Mostly because I will be applying for sainthood.oops.

ucme's avatar

That sir is an insult, this is the finest horseshit money can’t buy!
Apologise immediately or face public humiliation like what I have got!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is it better to sharpen lawn mower blades while it is off?
Unless you are very ,very fast.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Or need your nails trimmed

ucme's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 8 out of 10 an improved, solid response.

josie's avatar


I was out of line.
I apologize.

ucme's avatar

You may consider yourself pardoned, dismissed!

Jeruba's avatar

That fencepost at the bottom of the garden.

ucme's avatar

@Jeruba Is where the worm named Wiggly Woo resides.
8 out of ten very good m’lady.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Seeing how random I am, better than most.

ucme's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Let me be the judge of that…7 out of 10 not bad.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Was told to just use common sense with this, well look where that got us,anyone have some spare tp?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

My PC 7th gen Intel Core i5
desktop computer says
Intel optane™ Memory pinning unable to download DLL

Any suggestions.

YARNLADY's avatar

Random answer

Pinguidchance's avatar

Q: A number is chosen at random from all the natural numbers. What is the probability, to the nearest 1%, that the number chosen contains a zero?

A: 100%

seawulf575's avatar

How am I at answering random questions? Well, with 20 feet of rope in my shed and a good supply of doggy poop bags, I’d say I’m pretty good!

ucme's avatar

@Pinguidchance A grand effort 9 out of 10…our current leader!

ucme's avatar

@seawulf575 Ahh but you don’t get to decide, I do & you get a solid 7 out of 10.
Might have been an 8 but docked a point for arrogance :D

seawulf575's avatar

@ucme It’s only cocky if you can’t pull it off. It’s only arrogance if you really aren’t that good! Of course, given that criteria, you might drop it to a solid 5 out of 10.

ucme's avatar

Dropped to 4 for gross insubordination…know your place peasant!

seawulf575's avatar

Gee…that seems awfully random…

LuckyGuy's avatar

I would add a little more salt.

Pinguidchance's avatar

@ucme @Pinguidchance A grand effort 9 out of 10…our current leader!

If you think I’m going to get you to a five great question result because of your generosity

then umm, err, ok but when I get to 5,000 points this sobriquet dies mwa haha haha.

YARNLADY's avatar

Not fair. I am the only who followed the directions and still no points.

ucme's avatar

@YARNLADY A glaring error on my side, forgive me.
To be fair however, you were given lurve & I see @RedDeerGuy1 also was overlooked.
Let me fix that, you gain a point for my tardiness, but lose one for stating there were directions where there were none.
Your score therefore is 8 out of 10.
@RedDeerGuy1 You also get 8 out of 10…well played sir!

YARNLADY's avatar

I quote “insert random answer” !

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