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ucme's avatar

Pies: When was the last time you made one & which do you like most?

Asked by ucme (50052points) March 27th, 2020

Steak & kiddley
You mean steak & kidney
I said kiddley diddle I?

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13 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Cherry pie is my favorite.
A friend and her daughter came over a few years ago to make some for the holidays.
Apple,pumpkin and cherry was the goal.
She doesn’t measure anything and put enough spices in the filling to kill an ox.Then, when we were rolling out the dough, it kept falling apart.
It made a colossal mess in my kitchen and I don’t like that.
Got any pies here? No. Kitchens are for lookin through.
I believe that with all my heart,ucme

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pumpkin and mincemeat for US Thanksgiving last year.
Wife did a Tourtiere pie, a French Canadian special for Christmas time.

Pinguidchance's avatar

Bacon, silver beet, onion, bacon, cheese, bacon, eggs, bacon, garlic, bacon, butter, bacon and filo pastry pie. Did I mention bacon?

My truly fave pi was in month 3, 14 days ago. Go figure

kritiper's avatar

Thanksgiving, 2017, pumpkin. My recipe.

Jons_Blond's avatar

My favorite is key lime. I made one for Christmas.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I have never made a pie.

But. I can answer the other side of the question.

I don’t care much, for sweet food. BUT. I absolutely love Pecan Pie…

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I have never made a pie. But my mother was a master. And my brother worked to learn her techniques. He makes pies like I make scrambled eggs. “It’s Saturday, I have a little time. I’ll make a blueberry pie.”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m a cobbler man myself and it’s almost blackberry season…

cookieman's avatar

I make pies with my wife. I’m just helping really. She makes apple pie for Thanksgiving.

I like apple, but my favorite is blueberry, served warm, with a scoop of good vanilla ice cream.

seawulf575's avatar

I used to make pies for a restaurant chain. It was something between a bakery and an assembly line. To this day, pie is not one of my favorites. Cream pies in particular. However, my wife did just make a cherry pie that was good and I made a chicken pot pie that hit the spot!

jca2's avatar

I make strudel with puff pastry and apples or blueberries all the time.

Last time I made an actual pie was a few years ago, I made a pumpkin pie with a pecan crust.

nightwolf5's avatar

I’ve actually never made a homemade pie myself. My mom has. My favorite pie is pumpkin.

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