What are some examples of covidiocy you have seen, heard or read?
Asked by
ucme (
March 28th, 2020
You know, people behaving in a way where you would genuinely question their sanity. Think, panic buyers or group gatherers or whatever…
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22 Answers
People licking public toilet seats.
People intentionally sneezing on others.
People intentionally coughing on vegetable in the supermarket.
Donald Drumpf.
I was on the Grand Princess (a.k.a. The Death Ship), and about 80 passengers were quarantined because they were back to back cruisers, and the concern over Covid was beginning.
My wife and I were about to walk down the staircase, when the woman ahead of us covered a sneeze with her hand, then used the same hand on the bannister while descending. I damn near yelled at her right there.
I’m seeing a lot of hoarding of items that do not keep well, even frozen.
I saw a woman with a shopping cart of what must have been ALL the available milk (about 20 gallons), and ALL the ground beef. I’ve seen people buy out all the chicken and fill their shopping carts full of bread, which lasts about a week, takes up much freezer space, and doesn’t even freeze/thaw well.
YouTube has a woman who bathes in bleach.
The first week in March, I saw a woman at the supermarket with a cart about ⅓ full of then-on-sale leftover Valentine’s Day chocolate candy. That’s all she was buying.
For all I know, she might have bought it anyway, without the virus threat.
I will answer my own question, be rude not to…
It has been reported, pockets of youths have been entering hospitals & coughing in the face of nurses claiming they have the virus.
No, you’re just fucking brain dead morons who need shooting!
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None through my family or good friends but stories I have heard through others are ridiculous.
There is a family my husband was friends with and I wonder how they are handling this.
They were on our boat one time during a storm when the outdrive failed.
While my hub was working on it, I witnessed a kind of hysterical,terrified, panic that I have never seen before.
Never does any good under any circumstance ever.
On second thought, I’m not curious.
Yesterday I went shopping for my parents and there were people crowded around the eggs, probably 5 or 6 people, including a gentleman likely in his late 70s wearing a mask and gloves. A woman, along with her 3 year old son, walked past this little group of people, kid with his finger in his mouth and mom coughing without covering her mouth in any way. No tissue, no hands, no elbows, just coughing into open air 2 feet away from an elderly guy in a mask. Such a little thing, but I feel like I’ll never forget it.
My brother told me about his day ( he is older and has to use a walker plus has respiratory) problems.
He needed groceries so he called a taxi to take him shopping. Cab driver showed up wearing an old army gas mask and directed him to sit in the back seat of which he did.
While in the back seat my brother noticed that the driver had duck taped( with either vinyl clear plastic or cling rap?) between the front seats and the back seats, with a cut out for the electronic credit card debit machine poking out.
When he purchased his groceries as he always does the clerk would not help him package it even though he needs his walker to steady himself, nor anyone help him to take the groceries to the taxicab when it arrived to take him home.
To make matters even more difficult for him the cab driver wouldn’t touch the groceries nor help him load or unload the groceries for him.
He had a very difficult time getting the groceries to his apartment door.. he had to leave some groceries on the sidewalk then return to pick it up to bring to his apartment.
I used to order online with the grocery store but there is now a week or longer wait time to get his groceries delivered.
I watched the News Channel where and expert explained that groceries don’t hold Covid virus on them unless someone actually coughed up spit on them .
He is in another Province and lives by himself and his closest relative is his daughter in another City a few hours away.
@Jeruba :: Odd.. I had immunotherapy on March 6th and there was a lady walking around infusion handing out big bags of goodies. Pencils, paper, and lots of assorted Valentines day candy. I didn’t really think anything of the fact that it was stuff like chocolate hearts. But looking back it makes sense that she hit up the discount candy.
Since the runs on the grocery stores and big-box retailers, I’ve noticed a helluva lot of non-disabled, non-tagged people snatching up the handicapped parking spaces.
I have permanent disability tags on my car even though I do not need them anymore I got used to using them because both my parents have mobility issues and need them. Neither can go out now with the Corona Virus risk. but even if they could, they, and many other truly disabled people, would not have much access to the stores.
People zip up and snatch the handicap spots, and hop on in cackling away on their mobile devices.
Where I live you can still golf and play pickle ball and tennis. That doesn’t bother me too much. People can book tee times online. People are supposed to use their own golf carts and keep distance between players.
My husband saw people parked in golf carts watching a golf game. Seems like it should be ok, except the watching golf carts were close together side by side. When he told me that I shook my head and said, “why don’t they just park six feet apart to be safer?” He replied, “I think they were trying to stay in the shade.” Idiots. Plus, their carts are covered, but I guess it’s still cooler in the shade.
At the pickle ball court I’ve seen couples playing with 15–20 people watching. The people watching are all siting fairly close together on benches! I think it’s fine for people to play singles with their spouse, can you play pickle in singles, but beyond that I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t play with another couple. Everyone is touching the bank. I wouldn’t be gathering close together to watch either.
This one is just the idiocy of what could happen. A woman posted on Facebook that she received an email reminder for bunco this week. She wanted to know if the rec centers had opened back up. Bunco is a game where a room full of people, usually it’s about 40 people, sit at tables of 4 and roll dice (every table has 2 dice) and then two people from each table move and roll the dice again. You do this until the moving people move to every table pretty much. Basically, every one touches all the dice. Did she really think that was happening now?
The latest example of Covidiocy I have seen was this. Hording medical equipment and PPE, selling it at highly inflated prices, and then claiming he has Covid-19 and coughing on FBI agents when they come to get him.
If anyone believes that Corona beer is made from fermented COV-fefe viruses, then they would be exemplary covidiots.
I thought it came from the corona of the sun,
I was just at the SAM’S CLUB in my area. They are making sure people entering the store (“warehouse”) are six feet apart.
Of course, this was never a problem before, People pretty much entered alone or with family members.
And they have created a line outside where everyone is bunched up back to back and in tight groups that takes over twenty minutes to get inside,
@Yellowdog In CT, where I do my shopping, outside the stores they have lines or x’s to indicate six feet intervals, for the lines.
Another one:
“Just the other day”... in our building they placed two large “X” shaped tapes in the elevator on the floor to designate only Two people at a time in the elevator and to stand on those “x’s”.
Here is the thing…we had been going into the elevator jam packed as usual until yesterday when this ‘new” rule” came into effect as well as the coffee room is locked now!
Up until again yesterday the residents socialized as usual!
Kind of late in the game wouldn’t you say?
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