Social Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Would you guess that the incidence of extramarital sex - love affairs - is down as a result of the virus?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) March 30th, 2020

Or do you think that people are finding a way to screw around no matter what?

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7 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

I think it is way down.

Sex workers were speaking out ten days ago about the drop off in business, and not wanting to be exposed.

And kissing is out of the question.

Sex commenter Dan Savage has recommended a sharp increase in masturbation.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I’ve read that domestic violence is up so extramarital shenanigans might be down.
For a minute.

ragingloli's avatar

Well, “I have been at work/out with friends all night” has become a bit less credible these days.
And with the husband at home all day, there is no time to “squeeze in” the pool boy.

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ucme's avatar

I step into the orgasmatron.
Our next utility bill will be through the roof!

zenvelo's avatar

The Urban Dictionary has it well defined

MakeItSo1701's avatar

You can have sex 6 feet apart. It is possible.

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