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elbanditoroso's avatar

Did any fortune tellers, psychics, or clairvoyants predict the COVID-19 events?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33700points) March 30th, 2020

It seems like this would be a good real-time test of fortune telling and their ability to do accurate prediction of future event.

Are there any documented (or even anecdotal) reports of fortune tellers, clairvoyants, or psychics predicting the virus?

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13 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Silvia Browne in her book End of Days published in 2008 predicted it. It’s on page 312. Link

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake good for her….I wonder how she knew

Demosthenes's avatar

Given the amount of predictions out there, some of them are bound to be right. The vast majority of them will have been wrong and those will receive no attention. Even that Silivia Browne prediction isn’t that impressive. Given SARS, MERS, and swine flu, predicting a pneumonia-like illness recurring isn’t that unreasonable. I think we will see more pandemics as the population of the earth increases and human habitation further encroaches on wild land (thus making the chances of a zoonotic illness more likely).

But people will believe anything as long as it gives meaning to a chaotic world that often seems to be without meaning.

si3tech's avatar

Bill Gates predicted a pandemic several months ago.

Jeruba's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake, yeah, well, my husband’s long-ago ex was a chum of Sylvia’s. Sylvia borrowed his very expensive camera and happened to leave it in her office one night. The office was burglarized and the camera stolen.

My husband was pretty put out and asked her why she left it in the office.

“I didn’t know it was going to be broken into,” she said.

ucme's avatar

I agree with @Demosthenes…people are stunned when they hear of these “predictions” gullible or what?
I reckon It’s just chinese whispers

Inspired_2write's avatar
Craig Hamilton Parker
He was mentioned on a TV program ( The UnXplained with William Shatner as host)

The UnXplained Full Episodes, Video & More | › shows › the-unxplained

JLeslie's avatar

Lots of people have predicted it would happen. Johns Hopkins last year did a study on country readiness. There have been movies about the topic for years. Bill Gates warned about it.

All a psychic would need to do is pay attention to what is being said by scientists and screen writers.

Or, do you mean predicting it starting 2019 exactly, and how it would spread across the globe.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I can make any prediction I like. I can make so many that statistically it will be impossible for one of them not to come true. Predicting a pandemic is low hanging fruit

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