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mazingerz88's avatar

Shouldn’t reporters ask Trump to explain why exactly he thinks a certain news is fake each time he uses the term?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 30th, 2020 from iPhone

Doesn’t he need to back-up his claim right then and there ( for clarity ) considering he is occupying the highest office in the land?

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42 Answers

Demosthenes's avatar

So we can then listen to his incoherent stammering before the throws the reporter out?

From the beginning Trump (and his supporters) have used “fake news” to refer to any news story that portrays Trump unfavorably or presents an idea they disagree with. It’s unfortunate because it could have had a real meaning, but the phrase is just a buzzphrase now and I don’t take it seriously or use it myself. Even apart from Trump people in general use the term as a synonym for “biased” but there’s a difference between the two. Biased just means an opinion is injected into the reporting, it doesn’t mean the reporting is devoid of facts or “fake”.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That’s easy any news that doesn’t praise him 24/7 is fake news.
Any reporter that tells him he said this or that is fake news, even when they have video proof.

elbanditoroso's avatar

You would never get an answer from him.

The news isn’t fake in the first place. It’s almost always questions that he either doesn’t understand or doesn’t have a self-aggrandizing answer for. That’s why he avoids them.

A normal (a real) president) would deal with facts in order to make his points. For this presidents, facts are an inconvenience.

seawulf575's avatar

I suspect you WOULD get an answer from him. It wouldn’t be an answer the left would like, but I’m pretty certain he would let them have it, if they asked him.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Ya you get Covfefe and “I’m a stable Genius”.

Must getting ready to go back to the Apprentice he tweeted his rating was higher than TV series Bachelor. SMH

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. An answer that wouldn’t answer the question, but would satifisfy the right, and even make perfect sense to them, like “I had a meeting at the Pentagon with lots of generals—they were like from a movie, better looking than Tom Cruise and stronger—and I had more generals than I’ve ever seen.” January 2 (Cabinet Meeting)” Source

or ”“We’re talking about sand and death. That’s what we’re talking about.” January 2 (Cabinet Meeting)” Same source.

JLeslie's avatar


Reporters should be focusing on getting the important, factual, information out to the American people and quit the political garbage right now. Trump says and does plenty that just reporting the facts will make him look bad, but right now we also need to focus on what Trump is doing right, like extending distancing ourselves, and washing hands, stay inside as much as possible.

Get the facts for how many supplies he is procuring and let him know if parts of the country desperate. If he says he’s unaware the reporter should not treat the president like he is an idiot, the journalist should be informing with the goal of getting help where it is needed. We have to all work together now.

Certainly, journalists can publish articles about the screw ups in the last few months and missed opportunities, but during press conferences everyone should be working for the people’s health and well being.

When civil unrest breaks out in some places Trump will be able to say he said he was worried about that, and at the time journalists completely dismissed it. We can’t dismiss it. Reporters should have been pushing Trump to help organize systems to make sure everyone can get supplies and food. No one should be going hungry right now. No one. No one should be without toilet paper. The national guard and FEMA can maybe organize with churches and maybe businesses who had to shut down who have employees who want to work.

Luckily, a lot of the crazy gun people (I am NOT calling all gun owners crazy) are survivalists and have an inventory of goods in their homes.

seawulf575's avatar

There are many liberal outlets that stopped being objective long ago. They take things out of context, try to conflate things, and they purposely avoid reporting on any negatives from Dems. They deserve the title of Fake News. If Trump was as bad as they like to make out, they wouldn’t have to be so deceptive. They could report facts without slant and Trump would look horrible…if he was as bad as they like to make out.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
chyna's avatar

Yeah Fox News is not biased. ~

mazingerz88's avatar

So maybe to be fair, every news outlet in the US should cease from having opinions? Just straight facts.

No journalist or those pretending to be journalists are not allowed to opine and interpret nor contextualize.

I wonder if trump would agree. I wonder if that does not weaken his strategy of being combative when cornered or even when he’s not cornered. Because according to him that’s how he survives(?) or win(?)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think even Fox is getting a little tired of his lies, for some reason You tube won’t let me post a link but go to You Tube and look for (-It’s your stink )scroll down to the Fox video it’s rather fun to watch.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@mazingerz88 airing someone’s opinion is what the editorial section is for. Opinions should not be carried as facts and reputable outlets clearly state that they are opinion.
And yes. Other than allowing some to state their opinion, they should stick solely to the facts.

mazingerz88's avatar

trump calls opinion critical of him as fake news.

seawulf575's avatar

Trump calls opinion critical of him as fake news, when they take things out of context or try to throw a slant on things. Face it, the liberal media has feathered their own nest. They have given Trump plenty of ammunition to use against them. Have you noticed the increase in law suits against some of the biggies in liberal “news”? Remember Nick Sandmann? He’s now a multimillionaire, thanks to the bogus “journalism” from CNN, WaPo, and NBC. Why? Because he and a couple of his friends were minding their own business, but were wearing MAGA hats. That was all it took for these bastions of journalistic integrity to alter the facts and smear him up one side and down the other. And that was just a 17 year old kid. Anyone defending these liars should be absolutely ashamed.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s fine to have opinions, but that shouldn’t be called news. News should be an attempt at balanced journalism.

Right now, everyone who wants to call themselves responsible reporters should be working towards the common goal of public safety.

There will still be some bias I know, but I’m tired of gotcha bullshit. It’s Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth, we should not ignore that, it should be reported on, but now is the time to take Michelle’s advice and go high.

Just my opinion.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I would like it if both the POTUS, and the media, kept it factual.

Then. There would be nothing to complain about, on either side…

mazingerz88's avatar

@seawulf575 So why doesn’t trump just say that it’s being taken out of context and then make his argument re whatever that supposed fake news was about? He does it because it’s combative and does not diminish his support from his hardcore fanatics. It does not have anything to do with setting things straight re the news media.

He is incapable of facing an onslaught of criticism and his response of last resort is to yell Fake News! And his fans love it. The only thing more tragic than the bond between trump and his hardcore fans right now is this pandemic.

seawulf575's avatar

@mazingerz88 He has tried doing that. Even then the media will try to change things or just not report his complaints. He shortened it to Fake News to just save time. And it does fit.
As for being incapable of facing an onslaught of criticism, he has faced more adversity and lies from the media than any other POTUS before him. And he’s still going strong. The media is upset because he changed the game on them. They used to direct the narrative without any resistance. If some conservative outlet dared to put out something that went against the narrative, they were branded as liars. Go back to the time when Obama was in office to get a view of that. There were even discussions about censoring any outlet they deemed to be unreliable. But Trump side-stepped the media altogether and went right to social media so people can get his real thoughts and statements, as well as his examples of media lies. Ever wonder why he uses Twitter so much?

cheebdragon's avatar

@Dutchess_III Did you notice anything unusual about your source?

mazingerz88's avatar

I couldn’t help but wonder if trump supporters are really blind to the danger, the damage he had inflicted on the country or that is exactly what his supporters want. I wonder if your way of thinking will shape America’s future.

cheebdragon's avatar

What danger and damage has he inflicted, exactly?

cheebdragon's avatar

@Tropical_Willie When did Trump advise or even mention that students should return to school?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Jerry Falwell Jr did ! He is a BIGLY follower of TRUMPO !!

Maybe Jesus too if there in money involved !

cheebdragon's avatar

Solid logic, bro.~

MrGrimm888's avatar

Solid logic, would be looking at the facts. The US, had a month head start on this. Now we lead the world, in confirmed cases.
Trump, is ultimately responsible as he is the top person in charge. Heavy is the head, that wears the crown…

We’ll see how history judges our nation’s leader, when the dust settles. So far. It seems like the biggest blunder, in US history.

Let me be clear. I don’t ,personally, believe it’s ALL his fault. But. He’s played a role in how we got to this point. And, what the ultimate fallout will be.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So since Falwell Jr is a Trump supporter, anything he does is Trump’s fault. Okay. So when DeBlasio, less than a month ago was telling New Yorkers to go ahead and keep their normal lives, to go to the movies, restaurants, nights out on the town, all of which helped contribute to the conditions of NYC today, that means since he is a Democrat, it’s their fault, right? They DIDN’T listen to Trump so it can’t be his fault and therefore their actions fall to someone else. Democrats! You’re right…this logic works!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Circular logic again @seawulf575 !

“There is a direct line between the mixed signals and downplaying of the seriousness of COVID-19 by President Trump, along with the amplification by the right-wing media, to the irresponsible decision by Jerry Falwell to ignore the advice of the scientists and even the presidential advisory,” Naughton told Salon by email. “Falwell has taken the denial of science to a new level.”

Salon is a Media outlet.

Falwell, who is an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump, made unsubstantiated claims about the virus earlier this month, telling “Fox & Friends” that “it’s just strange to me how so many are overreacting. The H1N1 virus of 2009 killed 17,000 people. It was the flu also, I think. And there was not the same hype. It was — you just didn’t see it on the news 24/7. And it makes you wonder if there’s a political reason for that. It’s, uh — you know, impeachment didn’t work, and the Mueller report didn’t work and Article 25 didn’t work. So maybe now this is their next — their next attempt to get Trump.”

He did to show support for Trump (Mr Anti-science) ! ! !

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And @seawulf575 you say the damn Liberal media takes most things the Don Father says out of context you don’t think maybe he adds to that when he denies everything he says?
Take a look at this clip by Fox.

JLeslie's avatar

H1N1 was on the news 24/7 when it first hit, and back then I argued the American media created more paranoia and panic than was warranted. Initially, the numbers looked scary, and it was affecting, killing, young children more than typical seasonal flu, which was an additional reason health officials were so concerned. Once more numbers came in it looked like the hospitalization and death rate was only slightly higher than most flus, BUT, children are more affected than most flus, and we have low tolerance for young people suffering and dying.

Moreover, with H1N1 we made a vaccine quickly, because we are good at making flu vaccine, so parts of our population were immune next flu season either from having had it or vaccination.

When H1N1 first came to America I had friends literally crying on the phone with me. One of our friends was quarantined in a hotel room and her daughter begged for prayers multiple times a day on Facebook. I kept trying to calm her that her mom just had a fever and typical flu symptoms. She thought her mom was dying.

Ok, so this COVID19 thing is so way beyond an average flu or even H1N1. The statistics are staggering.

Republicans are passing around flu season 2017–18 had 80,000 deaths. I think the official number is 65,000 from CDC, but I’ll use 80,000 to make them happy. 80,000 divided by 180 days equals 444 deaths a day. 65,000 would be 361, but anyway, COVID19 is having days where the death rate is over 800 a day. During flu season we have part of the population that is vaccinated, and some people immune from previous disease, but we also do almost nothing to slow transmission. People are hugging and kissing and going to work even sick sometimes, but definitely during the incubation period. Flu runs wild basically. Here we have C19 getting higher numbers than any flu season with people significantly avoiding interaction with each other. If we were all still working and paying card games, and gambling with dice, and touching elevator buttons and flying on planes C19 hospitalizations and death numbers would surpass flu so much that it would be like nothing you can imagine. It already is surreal.

Falwell is not doing the math quite obviously. Citing one number or using faulty memory is not how you compare the two. Believing God has a plan is just annoying. Him trying to preserve votes for Trump by down playing How dangerous C19 is, is criminal and immoral. Even Trump is telling people to take this seriously, distance, close business, etc.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Quoting Salon, one of the most liberal of “news” outlets, doesn’t help your case. And it isn’t circular logic. You are saying that Falwell only kept his college open because of things Trump says. I’m saying that New Yorkers didn’t take appropriate actions because of things DeBlasio said. How is that circular? What you are suggesting is that someone was influenced by a leader and so am I. Unfortunately for YOUR argument, the tie between NY citizens and DeBlasio is far more direct than college students and President Trump. In fact, your entire claim means you have to take innuendo and treat it as fact…something your liberal outlets are great at! Talk about circular logic! You have to take an unsubstantiated claim, add some conjecture to it, and then treat the whole thing as fact to get to where you are.

cheebdragon's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 How many times are you going to post the same video? Cavutos voice is like listening to nails on a chalkboard and Fox News is an embarrassing source to use in any argument.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@cheebdragon but it’s a fright wing source most conservatives love, and do you agree with what was said or just want to bitch about it?
And nails on a chalk board is that because he isn’t praising the Don Father with every word?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yes, I’ve seen that before. There are a couple things about that YouTube clip I think you need to take note of. The first is the big WP in the upper left corner. That stands for Washington Post. So what you have is an editorial comment from a Fox News person that was edited to make this YouTube video. The second is that it is all over the place. Cavuto starts talking about inconsistencies from Trump, but in each case he cited, there was time and events that lapsed between the initial Trump statement and the second. Bannon was a great guy…until he wasn’t. Sessions was doing a great job…until he wasn’t. Those changes didn’t happen over night. There was much time and many events that happened publicly between the good and the bad statements. And neither you nor I know of things that were happening behind the scenes. So I guess what you are suggesting is that once someone says something they can never change their mind. So how do you explain DeBlasio then? He wanted New Yorkers to gather in public places…until he didn’t.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 READ THE QUOTE or once you saw it was Salon

Falwell on FAUX AND FIENDS :

Falwell, who is an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump, made unsubstantiated claims about the virus earlier this month, telling “Fox & Friends” that “it’s just strange to me how so many are overreacting. The H1N1 virus of 2009 killed 17,000 people. It was the flu also, I think. And there was not the same hype. It was — you just didn’t see it on the news 24/7. And it makes you wonder if there’s a political reason for that. It’s, uh — you know, impeachment didn’t work, and the Mueller report didn’t work and Article 25 didn’t work. So maybe now this is their next — their next attempt to get Trump.” THEY ARE BLOWING IT OUT SPITE FOR Trump !


You are blind !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie And nowhere in any of that does it say Falwell is not closing his college because Trump gave him that advice. That is a fantasy in your mind. And THAT is where your argument falls apart. Falwell did nothing more than voice an opinion about the severity of the virus possibly being inflated. Why would that be done? He feels that as lunatic as the Dems have been and and wild as the media has been towards Trump, they might just be blowing it out of proportion. NONE OF THAT COMES FROM TRUMP. I don’t know if it is your warped liberal mind or your reading comprehension, but you still fall short of your original claim…that he was keeping the college open because of the advice of Trump.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh, I see @Tropical_Willie. He’s hinting that we Democrats somehow magically created a virus and unleashed it on the world just so we could make trump “look bad.” That is SO dumb. We didn’t force him to disband that US Pandemic response team. We didn’t force him to claim it’s a hoax, and not that big of a deal. We had nothing to do with any of his responses and actions. They are all his.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I see someone is dumb-ass blind or STUPID.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Or how about if it was up to Orange hair he would have left the Princess cruise ship out at sea because he didn’t want the numbers to go up?
Guess we took that out of context.
Or that if Americans are not back to work by Easter there will be mass suicides.
Guess we took that out of context as well.
You have an ego maniac running your country and now it’s going to cost a lot of lives.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Bozo and The Circus are watching their stock portfolios tank TANK T A N K !

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