General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is Fedex delivering packages early because they have nothing else to do?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33578points) April 2nd, 2020

Three times in the last two weeks (most recently yesterday), I received packages a day before their tracker said I would.

Two of them were 2-day deliveries that arrived overnight, and the third was a 3-day that arrived in two days.

Not that I am complaining… but is this a new policy to deliver ASAP even if the delivery charge is for slower delivery?

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16 Answers

Jaxk's avatar

Well, I’ve got a package that was shipped Match 5 and still hasn’t arrived. I spoke with them yesterday and they say it’s still in transit. I’m compensating for your speedy delivery, apparently.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Less traffic on the highways for ground delivery.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Same thing is happening with US Postal Service. I’m getting a package one day earlier than planned.

@Jaxk last time I had a delay like that the box looked like it was put on tumble cycle in a dryer for an hour.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Prime is doing the same thing & so is UPS. I thought it was an Amazon thing, but I guess not!!! I don’t receive a lot from FedEx so I didn’t realize that they were doing it as well. I’m thinking that they fear that they may become non essential personnel & want as much out & delivered for when TSHTF

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe less traffic to get through?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I was tracking my delivery today. They were 10 miles out with 10 stops to make & 10 minutes later it was delivered. Before c19 that would have taken a minimum of 2 hours. IF they can keep up that pace, they’ll be delivering before we order it!!! LoL

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I got an email with a photo of the package that was delivered.(might have been UPS-can’t remember)
I did not recognize my porch.
I need to get outside.

Jaxk's avatar

@Tropical_Willie – It’s only a hat so if the package gets banged around it won’t break. I’m suspecting that someone else is wearing my hat.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Mine an order of T-shirts, but the tape had been broken and re-taped; everything was in there.

JLeslie's avatar

I messaged with a friend whose husband is a pilot for FedEx. She said they’re as busy as ever. His flight schedule hasn’t changed.

nightwolf5's avatar

Well, now with so many out of work due to the virus, They may have hired more workers temporary. However, keep in mind, those delivery dates are estimates, it doesn’t always been mean it’s guaranteed. Could be sooner or sometimes later.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I had similar experience with UPS with material from Midwest Filter. It arrived a day early.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Anytime a package is shipped to my via FedEx I have to roam around the neighborhood looking for it. They’ve never successfully delivered to my house. I’m convinced that FedEx drivers just look to see if they’re on the right block then chuck the package out the window at a random house as they drive by.

Jaxk's avatar

@Darth_Algar – I seem to have the opposite affect in that I get a lot of packages for other people and have to roam around to get it where it was supposed to go.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille The only delivery service here in Georgia that takes a pic of where they delivered is Prime. Maybe the others will start doing the same.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@LadyMarissa It could very well have been them as we get things through Amazon too.

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