Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Are you interested in information and statistics regarding countries wearing masks for protection against COVID19?

Asked by JLeslie (65902points) April 2nd, 2020 from iPhone

I’ve believed that from the beginning health officials were giving us a line about masks to try to help ensure medical personnel had enough masks.

Even though I thought this all along I didn’t broadcast it, because I too worried for medical professionals. Also, because most people in my circles didn’t want to hear one word in contradiction to the CDC or Fauci. They saw it as going against science.

It never made sense to me that we are told if sick people wear a mask it can protect others, AND that people can be contagious and not know it—but don’t wear masks. Think about it. Anyone can be sick at any time.

They have consistently told the public to distance, which helps with the predicament, but supermarkets are like Christmas! Many cashiers are within 2 feet of the customers without protection. It’s horrible. Plus, people who can’t seem to stay away from others, maybe they would imply with a mask rule.

That’s my non-medical opinion. Now, that the mask question is out there I feel free to speak out.

One last word, please do not take protective wear from the supply for medical personnel. Lots of people in communities are making masks. Hopefully soon disposable masks will be more available.

Here’s a link:

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Today I got a blood test, and I had a mask given to me because I had a runny nose. Can I reuse it or should I toss it in the trash? I drooled over it. Or can I use my tube scarf and wash it every week? When shopping for groceries once a week.
I have self-isolated for three weeks because I was vomiting and have recovered from what ever it was. I haven’t been tested for Covid19.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

My understanding is masks help other people be protected from any illness you may have. They aren’t very effective at preventing you from getting a virus.

johnpowell's avatar

I got a few masks when I had immunotheropy on Monday. Just the surgical masks, not the N95 ones.

I had a lengthy convo with the nurse that was doing my lab (she was the one that gave me a few masks). Here I what she said.

Surgical masks (like the ones I got) are about as effective as a doubled-over tea towel. ~80% effective, compared to the 95% of a N95. <- logical naming right there.

But she said she uses the same mask over and over again when she goes shopping. And really, It is best to assume that masks are for protecting others from you. So I wouldn’t worry about some snot. It will crust and flake off.

But I am a big-time face toucher. And I have been wearing the mask when I go shopping since it is a handy reminder to NOT TOUCH MY FACE until I get home and can wash my hands.

And yeah. I think wearing masks is probably best right now. Even if they are just cobbled together from a old t-shirt.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_lll Even if that is the case, why isn’t that enough reason for everyone to wear a mask when interacting with people who don’t live with you, even if it is from 10 feet away? Plus, even masks that aren’t N95s do block some pathogens. I still have cough and lung trouble from a bacterial infection I had weeks ago and it is terrifying not being completely well right now. Most people getting tested are not positive for C19, which means they are sick with something else, but they are sick, they are now compromised.

You go out, the person you interact with is sick, but doesn’t know it, and then you are sick and don’t know it, and you give it to the next person. If everyone was wearing masks there would be much less transmission.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Firm believer in masks. If you have them, why not take that 80% reduction in risk. Even if it helps one person stay healthy, its worth it.

janbb's avatar

People around here seem to have gotten the memo. There were much more people with masks on in the grocery store this morning.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I didn’t suggest you didn’t need to wear one @JLeslie.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’m just explaining it. I wasn’t thinking you said don’t wear them, I thought you simply weren’t understanding the asymptomatic part.

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