Social Question

Have you ever performed the Heimlich maneuver on somebody? or had it done on you?
I have. I did. I was having dinner in a restaurant with a friend, and suddenly she seemed to choke and made that typical gesture toward her throat. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around her middle and made a quick sharp punch to her chest below the ribs with my thumbs, just as I’d seen depicted in a magazine.
It cleared, and she could breathe.
A waiter hurried over, but she was already okay. After a few minutes, we went back to our meal, almost as if nothing had happened.
I’d never seen it done or had any instruction. I just did what I’d seen in the magazine story, back when the method was introduced, in 1974. This was maybe 10 years later. It was sort of amazing how fast my clumsy, untrained move did the trick.
This would have been better, but the main thing was, it worked.
Any experience with it yourself?