Trump is considering cessation of all U.S funding of the W H O. What do you think?
Will he turn off the tap?
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Our ability to successfully evacuate Americans was due to the incredible men and women of the State Department and the resources provided by this budget, But experts and some on Capitol Hill say a small increase in funds doesn’t outweigh the steep proposed cuts to global health programs overall.
I’m glad that the budget request has a small boost to USAID’s global health security account—but adding $15 million more to this account, while cutting more than $3 billion in overall global health programs, is not the answer for pandemic preparedness. If there is anything the coronavirus reminds us, it’s that a global threat anywhere is a global threat everywhere.
Since the US is the biggest contributor perhaps it’s just time to allow others that privelage.
Since he cancelled the Predictive Pandemic team in China last September (it must have cut into his golfing budget). Anything that could have AND WOULD HAVE slowed the pandemic is fair game to cancel !! Now it sounds like all moneys will go through him, Donnie Jr and Eric so it is on the way to Grand Cayman off-shore account in Trump’s name !
Anytime I think he can’t be a bigger idiot, he proves me wrong
He has said I’m smarter than all the Generals now he is a medical STABLE GENIUS !
He is killing people and sending money to off-shore accounts. The GOP’s have a hero (killer of US people) !
I can’t say it any better than @janbb. He’s sick.
He had been sick since he went down that escalator.
The only ones sicker than trump are the ones who voted for him. Specifically those who knew he was an ass but voted for him anyway so he would be their ass in the WH.
Sometimes I wish the Dems would elect a worse ass than trump just to make trumpees feel how it is to hate having a Dem ass in the WH. Ass…you…wish! Lol
The WHO did seem to cover up for China, I’m not so sure cutting funding will do anything to alleviate that.
From what I read, and I don’t have the source, he ahs walked back from that.
@ARE_you_kidding_me I thought the WHO were talking about their generation.
@cheebdragon Nobody but he and his family know about investments. But he has a history of doing business with the oligarchs in Russia, that is off-shore.
The guy in Arizona that used the aquarium cleaner (Trump said chloroquine phosphate could be a“game-changer” for COVID-19). His wife survived.
He was still golfing and holding election rallies while people in Washington state were spreading it. Slowing the spread of COVID-19 requires a stay at home position. Something he was not originally in favor of because it would trash the economy including the Stock Market. An incumbent President is usually not re-elected when th Stock Market has dropped.
Actually, Trump said Hydroxychloquine and Zithromax could be a game changer, The Arizona guy took an aquarium antifungal aquarium cleaner that contained chloroquine phosphates.
@Yellowdog Bozo the Clown in not a DOCTOR and he keeps pushing Dr. Fauci away when Fauci answers medical questions ! Trump is spin-doctor and cheerleader but some people like smoke blown up their ASS!
He is not a leader he only plays one on reality TV.!
Bozo is killing people – - – he hopes they are all Non-Trump followers; families of dead people will remember !
Would you like a TV reality host to be your Doctor or your family’s Doctor ? ?
Actually, the majority of the media coverage about Hydroxychlloquine was positive, and all of it fair and balanced, until Trump said something positive about it. Then the hysteria starts
Are we now to the point of rejecting a possible cure because we hate Trump—when there is so high a success rate?
If someone chooses to swallow aquarium fungicide that is not Trump’s fault..
I’ll ask again “Would you like a TV reality host to be your Doctor or your family’s Doctor ? ?”
Of course trump doesn’t make stupid people stupid. However, a president has GOT to be aware of the affect he can have on gullible people, and leave the medical advice to doctors.
But he’s too stupid and uncaring to recognize that.
^^The Trump Pandemic Show is how he continues living his life as a TV show host solely concerned about getting applause, his ratings and personal bank account.
Do we really believe this pathetic old man cares about people dying? He sees them as nuisance. What sort of people would vote for this sad creature?
”Do we really believe this pathetic old man cares about people dying?”
Actually, I do think he cares. Trump is a bit narcissistic, insecure, not a very good speaker, has a somewhat limited vocabulary and is showing his age mentally but I don’t think he is a psychopath. I don’t think he is a racist either, just privileged to the point of handicap. He is an easy target for his opponents. This has the added effect of most of you showing your true colors when you are willing to stoop to such a low level and dehumanize your enemy like this.
^^Your true colors are showing as well misreading this piece of shit impeached President with blood on his hands who got to the WH by dehumanizing his enemies. He’s not a psychopath maybe but he sure is a sociopath.
Stay up there in your sanctimonious pedestal where you’re not separated from your loved ones and caged in a detention center. So comfortable and safe isn’t it?
@AreYou @mazinger Are we going to tear eachother down another four years over two idiot candidates? Each party could do better and we all know it.
@KNOWITALL Just calling it like I see it. So many here like to fancy the moral high ground but act in ways that are completely undeserving of it. You’re not one of them for the record.
@mazingerz88 You’ll never see me calling the president of the United States a “piece of shit” regardless of what I really think. That’s the difference.
^^Sure. You deserve all the happiness and satisfaction you can get from life. Don’t we all?
@KNOWITALL We can start by not voting for douchebags like trump.
@mazingerz88 Biden’s one, too, though. So Turd A or Turd B, maybe write your party leaders for a better strategy that will actually win. But you’ll vote for Biden right? That’s hypocritical.
@ARE_you_kidding Same here.
I do actually think it’s pretty hypocritical to be upset about Trump and ugly to everyone for four years about it, then nominate a loser like Biden which basically secures Trump a second term.
^^Not a hypocrite. I would vote for a lesser douchebag than trump. Even GW Bush at this point. Maybe not Sarah Palin. I don’t think Biden would be as sick, vain, corrupt and cruel as trump. I don’t think you really buy the BS that Biden is exactly the same as trump.
@mazingerz88 Well with Biden we have 30 years of political actions and votes.
With Trump we at least had plausible deniability.
Debates will be very…entertaining.
^^I never expected Biden to get this far. I thought it would be Bernie.
If it’s idiotic to think any Dem candidate at this point can beat trump then so be it, I’m an idiot.
trump got installed as reality TV show host in the WH because of 70K votes in 3 states. If Biden can’t beat that and get the same 65(?) million votes Hillary did get then sure, another 4 years of hell.
@mazinger Sure, it was bad for Biden for awhile. Well nothings impossible but my bets on Trump winning against Biden.
Now I didnt say no Dem candidate could but Biden is very risky, to me.
Sanders would have captured a good number of Trump voters from the working class. Biden won’t but he may get some moderate republican never Trumpers. Just not likely enough.
@ARE_you_kidding_me The incumbent always has slight favor historically, too.
I just don’t want to hear the same grumping for another four years presenting such a weak nominee, frankly.
me either. It’s annoying.
^^The things you have to suffer when your life and sanity is not at stake.
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