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jca2's avatar

Are you doing anything special or different for Easter and Passover this year?

Asked by jca2 (17153points) April 8th, 2020

Today is the start of Passover. Happy Passover!

Sunday is Easter. Happy Easter!

Any special plans? Something different with probably being away from family and/or stuck in the house?

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8 Answers

janbb's avatar

Of course it is different. Normally I would go to my brother’s for a seder in NYC. I was figuring on doing nothing for tonight but they invited me to a Zoom seder. I’ll have supper on my own beforehand. The ritual is not that important to me; it is the being with family.

zenvelo's avatar

No Easter Mass on Sunday. No visit with my mom. No See’s chocolate eggs or bunnies.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I live in a part of Atlanta where there are churches galore. In one ½ mile stretch there are something like seven churches of various varieties. On a normal Sunday, if you are trying to drive down GA20 around noon, when all the services let out, you can be stuck in traffic for a good half hour.

It’s safe to say that traffic will not be a problem this Sunday.

Also, on Easter Sunday in a normal year, almost all retail is closed because of the holiday. This year all retail will be closed, but not for the same reason.

JLeslie's avatar

Nothing different. Some years I make my grandma’s Passover candies, but not always. I won’t be making them this year. During Passover I make one or two of the dishes from my grandma’s recipes also for dinner. I might try to do that. I need to go to the store to buy some of the ingredients though. Last time I was in the store they were out of some of it. If I don’t do it during Passover I’ll do it sometime soon.

There is a restaurant here that I could get Passover take-out. I haven’t eaten any restaurant food for three weeks. I’ll think about it, but I’m thinking about other take-out too. That restaurant always has matzoh ball soup, we eat it all year here.

I never do a Seder at home, but sometimes if we are invited we go to a friend’s house.

For Easter I usually go candy shopping on the Monday after. I doubt I’ll bother, although I could time my next shopping on that day. I wonder if the stores will have less traffic on Easter? That might be a good day to go grocery shopping.

ragingloli's avatar

Since no one is out and about searching for easter eggs, this year I will, unfortunately, not go around, scattering rabbit corpses dressed in easty bunny costumes and shattered eggs.

chyna's avatar

No dinner with my family this year. I haven’t seen my brother for 3 weeks and I usually see him every week. It will be a long time before we get together.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

We usually go to my sister’s but that won’t happen this year.
I told her to just send me candy ;)

Jons_Blond's avatar

We’ll probably binge the new episodes of WestWorld. I usually work on Sunday but don’t have to this weekend. I’m going to enjoy it. I bought my Easter chocolates yesterday after my shift at work.

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