Social Question

canidmajor's avatar

Hey, Jellies, who is with you at home? And how is that working out?

Asked by canidmajor (21766points) April 8th, 2020

I am alone with the dog (yay dog!) and doing OK, but missing human contact a lot. I have an occasional chat/yell with neighbors out there, but that’s all. Some of my friends are sheltering in with families and going nuts with not being able to get away from them, even for a little bit.

What about you? Is your space too crowded or too empty after all these weeks?

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10 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

My husband. Overall it’s fine, but it was easier in some ways before he came back home, he arrived on March 19. I didn’t have to worry about someone else going out into the germ filled world and doing everything in a safe way. We both work so we have plenty to do. I only work part time, but I’ve been taking care of the taxes I need to do and keeping up with friends.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I am alone. The company is quite good.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Two dogs and a crazy husband. It’s getting better now, but I really thought I’d have to murder him a few weeks ago. He would start the lawn mowing while I was on a conf call, etc…haha!

rebbel's avatar

With a fish.
My girlfriend is couple thousand miles away.
Yay for technology.

marinelife's avatar

Very grateful to be with my husband and dog. We take walks almost every day and enjoy the fresh air and being out. We laugh a lot. Usually, when one of us goes off the deep end the other is there to anchor that person.

kritiper's avatar

No one. I live by myself.

anniereborn's avatar

It’s just me and my husband. Neither of us are able to work, so this is the same as always for us. Always together. I am glad I picked the right partner. Things are fine.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m at my parents’ house so it’s just me and them for the time being. :) And two cats.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Just Mrs Squeeky and myself, I miss going to coffee with a couple of friends but that s about it.

dabbler's avatar

Just Mrs Dabbler and our amazon parrot. Mrs is making fabric masks for everyone we know.
I have music sessions daily on theremin with the parrot squawking along.
Gov Cuomo’s sober and stable message mid-day.
Cocktails and scrabble at 5pm… dinner and netflix following.

We’re taking the opportunity to clean out storage areas that have not seen the light of day for a few years – Marie Kondo, this is sparking much anguish!!

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