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elbanditoroso's avatar

Linda Tripp, the woman who betrayed Monica Lewinsky and almost got Bill Clinton impeached, died today/ Will you mourn this woman?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33636points) April 8th, 2020

I remember how the whole thing unfolded – Tripp befriended and the betrayed Lewinsky, which of course led to the Clinton impeachment.

One could argue that the resulting events led to Hillary running four years ago, and losing to the lunatic.

What’s your recollection of Tripp’s historical role? Was she good for the United States, or a malevolent force?

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10 Answers

jca2's avatar

I see she was only 70. No cause of death that I can see.

I thought she was horrible and I still feel that way.

zenvelo's avatar

No, she was not a nice person, and betrayed a friendship for her own gain.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

BTW, just like trump, Clinton WAS impeached. Impeached doesn’t mean fired.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The thing no one ever talks about regarding Clinton’s impeachment is that Clinton had the misfortune of being there when the rules changed. Before Clinton, infidelity on the part of a President was agreed to be a taboo topic by both political parties. There was not a journalist, not even a gossip columnist who would touch it. It was common knowledge among the press of the affairs of Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Kennedy, with the first 2 sustaining mistresses for years and not a peep from anyone. As for investigating philandering among politicians, the practice was and remains so commonplace that neither party dared snatch the covers off one another. The Republicans made a crucial mistake in breaking the precedent, and have paid dearly with a long string of resignations since involving Congressmen soliciting sex from boys in public restrooms & worse.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

^^^ Exactly.

Darth_Algar's avatar

As I recall Harding even fathered a child from an extramarital affair.

filmfann's avatar

Will I mourn her? No.
But I do hope she found God, and made her peace with Him.
Each night I pray for my friends and family, and also those I have wronged, and those I opposed.
I don’t wish Hell on anyone.

Darth_Algar's avatar

“The Republicans made a crucial mistake in breaking the precedent, and have paid dearly with a long string of resignations since involving Congressmen soliciting sex from boys in public restrooms & worse.”

And yes, the sweet hypocrisy of Clinton’s impeachment being spearheaded by Newt Gingrich, who’d had several affairs of his own, and Denny Hastert, who sexually molested his male students while working as a teacher in Yorkville.

seawulf575's avatar

My recollection is that it was Ms Tripp’s efforts that actually led to the impeachment. The entire inquiry at the time was focused on the Whitewater scandal from when Bill was governor of Arkansas. That is not what ended up getting Slick Willy. It was the allegation that he was having an affair with an intern. I thought Ms Tripp actually wore a wire when talking to Monica and offered up the recordings as evidence. And it pointed the investigators towards the sex scandal which is when Bill lied under oath…perjury…and tried using his POTUS power to block the investigation…obstruction of justice. THOSE are the charges he ended up getting impeached on. Just one other little historical note…if it weren’t for the Republicans, Bill would have been removed from office. All the Dems voted to acquit him, but there were more Repubs. But a couple of the Repubs joined with the Dems and voted to acquit. At no time did any Democrat in either the House or the Senate vote for anything other than to protect their president, but a few Republicans in each legislative body voted against their own party.
Will I mourn her? No, not really. I felt the entire episode was such a stain on our history it shouldn’t be celebrated in any way.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I read that when he was on the campaign trail Kennedy had a different woman in his bed every night.

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