Social Question

anniereborn's avatar

Do employees wear masks where you shop?

Asked by anniereborn (15595points) April 11th, 2020

Even if it’s just pick up from Walmart or curbside from wherever.
The neighborhood grocery I go to once in awhile has the cashiers all wear masks.

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10 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I notice the occasional employee wearing a mask, but thats it.

Yellowdog's avatar

I’ve been watching, and slightly more than half of the customers, and about half of the employees, wear masks. Its pretty uncomfortable working in one.

I’ve worked with Samaritan’s Purse in the Nashville hurricane recovery efforts. I must have strong antibodies because I cannot seem to contract it, even though I’ve been amid it.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I shop at the grocery I work at. HR just approved it last Friday so we, the employees, can finally wear masks. More than half of us are wearing them now. I can’t find one so I haven’t worn one yet. I’d really like to because I have underlying lung issues. One employee is making some but our shifts conflict so I never see her.

filmfann's avatar

Yes, and many places have installed quick and dirty plexiglass between customers and cashiers.

jca2's avatar

I’ve been to Walmart, a supermarket, Costco and Home Depot since the outbreak. During my most recent shopping trips, which were this past week, I find about half the employees wear gloves and maybe ⅓ wear masks.

I haven’t worn a mask yet for any of my shopping but I find them to be really hot and uncomfortable, like I’m smothering. If I was forced to wear one, I’d probably not go shopping too often.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yes. It appears universal now. Everyone working and nearly anyone shopping —all are masked.

ucme's avatar

No, only the armed robbers!
Only joking, It’s good for morale y’know.

si3tech's avatar

In Costco pharmacy they do.

seawulf575's avatar

It’s mixed. But let’s be honest…we wear masks not to keep from getting the virus, but to keep from spreading it. Most people are wearing masks either because they believe it will protect them or, I believe in smaller numbers, because they understand they might have early onset (without symptoms) and don’t want to spread it. I wear one when I am in a store, putting a deliver away, because I think it gives the customers a warm fuzzy feeling.

nightwolf5's avatar

Yes, starting to, and more and more placing doing so.

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