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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is this link accurate about President Donald Trump's intelligence quotient being 156?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) April 14th, 2020
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13 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

In other words NO. Just like the FAKE Times magazine cover, trumpeters have presented fake results.
Remember – he invented FAKE news long before becoming president, in spite of receiving fewer votes than his opponent.

ragingloli's avatar

Looks like someone forgot a decimal point.

So basically, that score was derived from the fact that he got into those fancy universities, completely disregarding the reality that someone with his socioeconomic origins likely got bribed into it by his daddy, not on his own merits. Even his actual academic scores are sealed and unknown, and we can all imagine why.

ragingloli's avatar

Frankly, even those ridiculous internet IQ tests are more valid that this nonsense.

kritiper's avatar

Intelligence is relative. If I remember correctly, Thomas Edison, as brilliant as he was, peed his pants.

Kropotkin's avatar

It’s patent bullshit.

IQ itself is of dubious value, but most importantly it has literally no correlation with good thinking or rationality. In other words, it says nothing about one’s ability for things like making logical inferences, or rational decisions based on some available evidence or data, or avoiding fallacious thinking.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Anyone who would post or repeat so preposterous an assertion would have to be certifiably insane. Anyone slandered with the assertion of believing such nonsense has been handed grounds for a substantial lawsuit. What sort of an I Q would you suppose required to accept such tripe as within range of the truth.

LostInParadise's avatar

I must be missing something. The fact check that you link to says the statement is false.

Trump won’t release his SAT scores or the grades that he got at the university. We know he never made the dean’s list, because that is published and Trump’s name never showed up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Just the fact that he got himself elected president of the United States on his “first try,” as he says — on his own, against all odds, as an outsider with zero political experience, amid ridicule and attacks by both political parties, the mainstream media, Hollywood and academia — should get Trump honorable mention for top billing.

For nearly five decades, reporters and rivals have been writing the “End of Trump’s 15 Minutes of Fame” obituary. Except that, on Jan. 20, 2017, this purported failure and human asterisk to fame, business success and history was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

LostInParadise's avatar

Trump has the street smarts of a good conman. He knows what he can get away with. He has defaulted on several loans and withheld payment to workers, and managed to escape the consequences. He does get caught occasionally. Trump had to pay out on a lawsuit for his phony Trump University, which subsequently shut down.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He is a con man, no doubt, but I believe the preponderance of his troubles arise precisely because he does NOT know what he can and cannot get away with. His record is jam packed with stunning examples of this—everything from his “perfect” phone call through his banning of gays in the military. It isn’t so much that he is perpetually “trying to pull a fast one”, it’s more about the astounding fact that he knows so little about everything that on more subjects than you can list, he literally lacks the knowledge to arrive at a working determination of right from wrong. He just doesn’t know enough!! I mean just think about it and watch what he has to say about ANYTHING. Fake news? How would HE know a legitimate newspaper from a racing form. Try to to find someone who will admit to witnessing him ever reading either of those or for that matter ANYTHING else.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. No way. If he was in public schools he’d have lots of special ed classes.

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