Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

About how many people's birthdays do you actively remember?

Asked by Jeruba (56188points) April 14th, 2020

By “actively remember” I mean doing something to recognize them: sending a message or card, making a phone call, giving a gift, going to lunch, buying a drink, whatever. On time, or (apologetically) soon after.

I don’t mean just thinking silently, “Oh, gosh, it’s Aunt Maggie’s birthday, and I forgot to send a card.”

And for purposes of this question, your own doesn’t count.

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16 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

My brother, wife, her niece and grandniece.

zenvelo's avatar

About two dozen. And you can add in another dozen sobriety birthdays of people I know in AA.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

My 3 kids and about half the grandkids. The grandkids I especially try to recognize….but it’s kind of difficult. Between Rick and I we have 15 grandkids.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Half a dozen.

anniereborn's avatar

I’m gonna count all 6 of my siblings even though two have died. Because I always “talk” to them on that day. I would go to their gravesites if they were in my state. Same goes for my mom and dad. Two of my nephews and one niece.My husband and I think that’s all.

How many is that? Twelve, I guess

stanleybmanly's avatar

Questions like this drive me crazy. I have no idea how many there are. There are 8 this month who get cards. I’ve mailed 5 so far. One will go out next week & 2 sit on the “outgoing” table to be mailed on the 27th. The dinners, lunches or parties—-other excuses to drink excessively—all are of course out of the question. Everyone on the list gets a happy birthday text.

jca2's avatar

I was thinking of this today because my mom knew all the birthdays in the family and I barely know any. She would tell me when it was someone’s birthday. Now I’d be embarrassed to ask those family members what their birthdays are.

I know my stepfather, my sister, one aunt’s, plus of course, my daughter’s, plus the birth months of about six The family and those close friends are people I will send something to or do something with, for their birthdays.

Other than that, Facebook reminds me of people’s birthdays but those are not usually people I will do something for other than a FB happy birthday. .

ucme's avatar

You ask “about” so I will interpret that as a rough estimate.
Off the top of my head then, I’d say no more than 10.
Today is my wife’s birthday & if I forgot that, my time on earth would be at an end.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband’s birthday I always wish him a happy birthday. I sometimes buy a card, or multiple cards. Sometimes I make a card. Sometimes I cut out happy birthdays from paper and leave them in various places in the house like the fridge, near the coffee machine, in the flatware drawer, all over.

I send a card with a check to my niece and nephew every year on their birthdays. I also text them on the day.

I call my parents and sister on their birthdays. Sometimes I send a card sometimes I don’t. When my maternal aunt and grandma were alive I always called them.

I call my MIL, FIL, and text or call my SIL and BILs.

I usually remember 5 of my friends and call or text. There are some others I wish I did a better job of remembering. I probably should put them in my calendar.

Facebook reminds me of the birthdays of lots of people. Sometimes I notice, sometimes I don’t, and I’ll post a happy birthday on FB, but I don’t think your are talking about FB birthdays for this Q.

I don’t want to start any sort of gift exchange for birthdays. I even tell people don’t buy me a gift if I get the feeling they want too.

ragingloli's avatar

I will not answer this question without the presence of my lawyer.

janbb's avatar

About 15

nightwolf5's avatar

My parents. Pretty much all others need to be on the calendar.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If they’re on the calendar, they are by implication remembered.

nightwolf5's avatar

No, because I have to ask them, and put in on the calendar. :)

stanleybmanly's avatar

You put them on the calendar to REMEMBER them (and not need to ask again).

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