Social Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What do think your country is doing right regarding Covid19?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23602points) April 16th, 2020

And what do you think your country is doing wrong?

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15 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Maybe you should answer first haha!

I think social distancing is right, but I’m not so sure about bankrupting so many businesses over the 80 deaths in our state.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

So those lives do have a dollar figure?

I think the social distancing seems to be a good move, I think with proper procedures most businesses could stay open.
Myself I don’t think I will even trust take out food for awhile.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Most of the world is doing it right including the USA. Left unchecked without intervention this virus will kill an unimaginable number of people. @KNOWITALL in your state that number would not be 80 it would be closer to 400,0000. Getting the transmission rate below 1 per infected individual is the goal and it seems like for the most part our leaders understand this or are being made to understand this.

JLeslie's avatar

Since you say “is” I assume that means presently. I mention it because I think the US screwed up royally for 21/2 months.

Right now I think it’s good that we are for the most part distancing, wearing masks,No large groups meeting up together, no business travel, isolating older citizens as much as possible, having nurses and aids in assisted living facilities only work with a specific group of patients each, and that we closed schools. It’s not all being done in all states, but mostly that’s what is happening.

Patty_Melt's avatar

I’m going to tell a story to make a point.
I lived my life in time chunks around most of the country I love. What I mean is, each chunk of time was spent in yet another home, in another town/city/village.
Over the years I learned that every tiny rural town has a cafe where local men, mostly farmers, have breakfast and conversations. Now these cafe breakfast conversations are not like afternoon conversations. The breakfast conversations are all about fixing the problems of the world. These men mean business, by gawd.
Some of these solutions seem quite useful. Some are just out there. Way out there.
Either the president knows this, or he is just very lucky winging it. He knows there are haters out there who won’t believe a single word he says, so he has experts with him. He plays devils advocate and kicks up some dust like,“people need a paycheck. They need to go back to work now.” Then he has an expert speak and explain why that would ba bad idea.
This way he gets their questions covered, but by someone people will trust.
Admit it. If he spoke the correct solutions himself, Dems would be out there believing he is full of shit, spreading 19 everywhere the go, and we would have covid tombstone ditches everywhere as far as the eye could see. So, they play out a kind of little skit. Our President declares he wants to lift the stay at home in time for Easter. Doctor Fauci explains why that would not work. President Trump had no intention of doing that. He simply gave voice to the people who were thinking maybe it would be over by then, and then had the doctor give his expert opinion why that was not feasible.

I think at first, most of us did not understand the enormity of what we faced. That includes the president.
Mistakes were made, but by gosh and by gum, noone thought in this contemporary world, any pandemic like this could happen. Hospitals were not prepared for it. Why should we expect him to be? He was working with what information he had, and that was darn little and constantly changing.
Mistakes were made, but they could only have been avoided if China had been forthcoming, and probably not even then.
I think hospitals should have been better prepared, better stocked. They didn’t even have enough staff trained to operate the respirators even if they had the machines!

Now on the positive side, I am seeing across the continent, and beyond, people stepping forward and doing what they can to make things better, and I love that.

Russia sent stuff to the US to help!
Doctors and nurses are continent hopping to be where they are most needed.
Liquor companies are making hand sanitizer.
3D copiers are being used to make various need parts for equipment.

I think some things have been handled wrong, stretching back long before the virus came along, but so many good things going on restores some respect to the human race.

Now please scoot your feet aside so I can put away my soapbox.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me I get it but except St Louis and KC, we are doing well. I’ve been home a month now and businesses are closing permanently.

@Patty We call those old guys the Farmer Mafia haha. They are the backbone of our city. :)

Patty_Melt's avatar

I love getting a table nearby and listen. It is awesome how they take themselves so seriously.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Patty_Melt They’ve all forgot more than I ever knew. It’s also funny to see all those guys with so much energy in the morning, flirting with the girls and being so cheery. They’ve put in their time. I love them. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

At the state level most of us are ok. Not so much at the federal level, duh.

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JLeslie's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 It’s not our health care for high infection rates, it was our country moving too slowly to stop planes and cruise ships and tourism and too slow on implementing masks.

Your country got really panicked from what I understand that PPE would be very hard to get, and your health minister (whatever her title is) openly asked for cooperation from Canadians to help protect each other and your health care professionals by heeding the call to stay home. It seems to me your country was more honest with the citizenry.

Going back to tourism remember that January through March US tourism is HUGE in Southern states and California. You might have some skiing, but it is nothing like what Florida gets. People are in and out of Florida all winter long from all over my country and the world. The movement of people is massive. NYC of course is very international just like Toronto and Vancouver, but the season for travel to those cities is summertime, although there is some business flights of course.

It’s very possible a lot of your cases came from Florida and cruising. Have you looked at the data? I can see for my state that so much of the infection was related to travel, much of which was cruises for the people who live within 30 miles of me.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree with your country moving way to slow at the beginning of this Pandemic,as for Tourism it’s huge in western Canada all year round, and it’s going to devastate a lot of people the provincial health officer just cancelled the PNE, and that brings many thousands of people here.
But besides that and I get it will hurt tourism, was the fact for the high infection rate because your Government acted way to slow?
Trump down playing it drasticly at first, before changing his tune that it is a very real thing ,but his sheep defend him saying he closed the borders what more could he do??

JLeslie's avatar

It’s more than trump being to slow, but yes he was. It’s CDC, HHS, NIAID, I blame them all for part of why we have so many cases. Also, I blame the American people, and our selfish culture. Not all American of course, but so many.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well I have to agree with you.thanks @JLeslie

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