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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What television shows makes you die a little bit each time you watch them?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) April 18th, 2020

For me it is watching AFV or Americas Funniest videos. The novelty wore out decade’s ago.

Or anything that causes you to die a little each time?

Cribbage and pool are up on the top of my list. Sing alongs and strong incense and ritual are honorable mentions.

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13 Answers

stanleybmanly's avatar

I don’t understand “die a little”.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@stanleybmanly To want the 22 minutes of life back. To feel drained from the experience. Like when I only had the three television free stations and nothing was good on so I watched the least worse channel. A little bit of me died but I had nothing else to do.
Best thing that happened is that I started hanging out in Librarys for the summer break and read most of the Forgotten Realms and Dragonlance novels. Dungeons and dragons novels and guides completely changed my life for the better. It gave me a framework for how to improve myself. I stopped getting into fights in school and was interested in science and drama.

Zaku's avatar

I like watching funny videos, but sitting through AFV and enduring their explanations for idiots, laugh tracks, music, set-ups and terrible inane comments is like torture to me. Those shows were long ago made obsolete by Internet venues such as Reddit and Imgur and YouTube that let you search, skim and browse and control what you see and when you see it, and have little/no ads, and fewer (or at least skippable) idiotic comments and so on.

I avoid watching things that are wastes of time, whenever possible. I don’t even get “live” TV at home, and I preemptively dismiss most things based on my developed skill of detecting things I don’t want to watch.

I would not watch cribbage or pool or golf or really most sports, or awards events, or most broadcast TV, or most other TV, or most non-classic movies.

chyna's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

I used to watch AFV without the sound, while doing solitaire, but now I watch cute and funny videos on youtube.

ucme's avatar

We don’t…we really don’t!

ragingloli's avatar

The Orangutan’s daily coronavirus press briefings propaganda sessions. And that is just the brief snippets one catches once in a while.

In German, there is this term “Backpfeifengesicht”, meaning “a face that is begging to be slapped”.
Drumpf has the equivalent voice, in addition to the face.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ragingloli I love your answer and they get upset at me when I rant on the Don Father.
His news clips of saying one thing and the next day does a complete turn around and claims he never said what he said yesterday.
And his loyal sheep just saying we took it out of context, or the evil left wing media twisted it,never ole orange hairs fault,oh no.

ragingloli's avatar

To compensate, here is a speech by our president:

Demosthenes's avatar

I don’t watch TV that makes me feel that way. I’ve never seen an episode of Jersey Shore because I know it would have that effect on me.

anniereborn's avatar

The Bachelor

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@chyna They must have thought that we needed something loud & predictable.

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