General Question

raum's avatar

Could a swingasan balance on a papasan stand?

Asked by raum (13672points) April 18th, 2020 from iPhone
(Maybe turned upside down?)

Both the swingasan and the papasan (that the papasan stand is designed for) are 28” in diameter.

I’d like to use indoors, so having it not move might actually be a good thing to discourage rough housing like a swing or wrecking ball.

We tried this chair at Target and liked the stability of it for an indoor space. But like the color and design of the one from Pier 1 better.

If I can secure the swingasan to the papasan stand, is that enough to prevent it from toppling over? Should I also anchor it to the wall? (May not be doable, as we have an old house with plaster walls.) Any other ideas for a makeshift swingasan stand? Or just ditch this idea all together?

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5 Answers

SmashTheState's avatar

I’ve done similar things in the past, and I would recommend PVC pipe. It’s super-easy to buy connectors at the hardware store, PVC pipe is cheap, and you can paint it any colour you like with ordinary acrylic. The best part is you can take it apart when you need to move it.

If you really want the same look, get some dollar store rope and wrap it around the pipes. You’ll want to buy the bigger PVC pipe so it doesn’t bend, but it’s still going to be much, much cheaper than your papasan base. Basically you’re making an A-frame you can hang your chair from, and it’ll be completely stable.

SmashTheState's avatar

Here, I made a quick, rough sketch so you can see what I have in mind:

The thick black lines are the connectors.

raum's avatar

I’m actually trying to figure out a non-swinging stand for it somehow. But I do like the idea of using PVC pipes! And the rope covering would work great too. Thanks!

SmashTheState's avatar

@raum Add some additional side-ropes to the A-frame to stabilize it. You’ll still be able to hang it, but it won’t swing all over the place. I think that would be more comfortable, and it’ll look more interesting too.

raum's avatar

Hmmm…stabilizing a hanging stand instead of a non-moving altogether is an interesting alternative. Thanks, Smash.

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