General Question

luigirovatti's avatar

Can the method of cooking of a professional chef automatically be equated to his/her palate?

Asked by luigirovatti (3021points) April 19th, 2020

That is, a professional chef who cooks well delicate and complex dishes, automatically can taste well said dishes, and one who cooks said dishes bad, automatically can’t taste those dishes. I ask this for…personal reasons. I understand that everyone likes different things, of course food also, but they should be able to appreciate a dish well made all the same, even if it doesn’t suit their taste. This question is addressed only to professional chefs.

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5 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

So since I am not a professional chef, I should not be answering? Then go ask your question at a culinary school.

And no, you cannot _automatically _ assume anything about the palate of a chef. Your logic does not necessarily follow. An excellent Chinese chef may or may not be also great at cooking French cuisine. But I would be sure that the Chinese chef could discern the subtleties of a French dish, even if he or she could not prepare it.

seawulf575's avatar

Not a professional chef here, but I do love to cook. I think the method they use is usually set for a given dish. Not always, but usually. By this I mean you bake lasagna, but you might fry a pork chop. The seasonings they use and the mix of additional ingredients can change from chef to chef. One might favor more sage and rosemary, another might go in more for cilantro and pepper. The success of those flavors would usually dictate how “good” a chef is.

SmashTheState's avatar

My brother is an award-winning professional sommelier. I have smoked a pipe for more than 25 years, and enjoy the subtle variations in taste from different tobaccos, especially the fine pipe tobacco blends made by master tobacconists with decades of experience from recipes which are often hundreds of years old.

What’s the connection? Most professional sommeliers, like professional chefs, have an extra sense from something called the Jacobson’s organ – and it’s genetic, meaning if someone else in your family has one, you’re more likely to have one too. For my brother, it means he can tell things like soil type and year of vintage from blind taste-testing. For me, it means I can taste the difference between red virginia and a black virgina, or tell whether a latakia tobacco has a hint of perique in it.

This is why most people can become cooks, but not everyone can become a chef. The presence of a vomeronasal Jacobson’s organ means a professional chef can sense subtle variations in smell-taste (something different from both smell and taste) which an ordinary cook can’t.

kritiper's avatar

The chef’s palate after he or she is cooked? No.
BY a professional chef? Possibly. So many dishes are so busy in their many ingredients and flavors, and so many chefs are trying to stand out in their styles, it’s hard to imagine that they have any sort of palate at all that’s worth a damn.
(I am not a professional chef, but I do cook and I know what I like.)

Vinodgade0611's avatar

It is all about experience

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