Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Does your brain have a musical soundtrack?

Asked by Jeruba (56255points) April 19th, 2020

Does music play in your conscious mind constantly? some of the time? none of the time?

If yes, what kind? Classical, pop, religious, patriotic, show tunes?

Vocal, choral, instrumental, orchestral, percussion only?

Whole pieces or just snippets? Entire songs, concertos, hymns, operas? Short looping phrases?

From the point of view of audience, performer, conductor, composer?

Can you control it?

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10 Answers

filmfann's avatar

My dreams definitely have soundtracks.
During waking hours, my tinnitus is probably helping stave off earworms.

zenvelo's avatar

I have songs running through my head a lot of the time.

Right now it is Paul McCartney’s “Rock Show”.

I usually hear one whole stanza and chorus, not he whole song.

The other day it was Jackson Browne’s “The Pretender”.

I often think in terms of Beatels lyrics.

Patty_Melt's avatar

Not when I’m asleep, but maybe in the future since someone mentioned it.
Sometimes I get mantra earworms, non sensual stuff, like, and then ¾ cup of sugar, or some tagline I heard on tv. I hate it when it happens, because I can’t will it away. My only hope is to find something I can concentrate on deeply enough to force it away.
Tinnitus probably also my reason for not having a soundtrack.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Sometimes, I’m susceptible to earworms.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I often get earworms. The music varies depending on what kind of mood I am in or if I’ve recently heard something.
Other times, something will remind me of a song.
Lately, this song shows up every time I see a question, complaint or comment of a political nature here on Fluther.

SmashTheState's avatar

I’ve been told by multiple people that this is my theme song.

Caravanfan's avatar

I have a Star Trek soundtrack. I pretend I am the Enterprise.

mazingerz88's avatar

No soundtrack in my head. Just snippets of music of all kinds that I might end up listening to once opportunity is available.

jca2's avatar

Sometimes it’s whatever is the most recent song that I’ve heard.

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