Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What was the last performance, large-scale event, or public gathering you attended before things shut down?

Asked by Jeruba (56257points) April 19th, 2020

For example, a ticketed concert, rally, game, or other organized large-attendance event.

We didn’t know then that it was going to be our last for a while.

What do you think about it now, looking back on it in the light of recent developments?

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22 Answers

ucme's avatar

My football teams home game.
I was part of a 36,000 crowd & I miss that atmosphere so much.

JLeslie's avatar

I think my last ticketed event was Beautiful the Carole King musical. It was fantastic.

Every week I’m in (was in) Zumba classes of 80–120 people and discussions groups of about the same, some of the groups are smaller, can vary from 25 to 75. I also go to outdoor live bands and dancing regularly that are easily on average 300 people can be more. But, I don’t think you were referring to that sort of thing.

janbb's avatar

A performance of the musical “Tina” on Broadway. About 1500 people in the audience.

SEKA's avatar

Church. We usually average between 300–600 members and visitors. Don’t remember what the count was that day

zenvelo's avatar

I went and heard some music at The Rockwood Music Hall in Manhattan, in February.

I went to a movie at a theater on March 15.

elbanditoroso's avatar

An ice hockey game in January.

I had tickets for a (different) hockey game in early March, but they closed everything down the day before that.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had a group meeting on how to make friends. Then half way canceled.

tedibear's avatar

My sister’s memorial service at the end of February. There were about 50 people there. Prior to that, a Joan Jett and The Blackhearts in December of 2018. (We don’t do large gatherings!)

cookieman's avatar

I was in Nashville in February and saw a lot of live music up and down Broadway.

Darth_Algar's avatar

A movie, I guess.

filmfann's avatar

A Luau in Hawaii.
Probably 300 attended.

Jeruba's avatar

The last large-scale thing I went to was a performance of “Il Trovatore” at the California Theatre in San Jose on March 1st. My opera companion didn’t go because she was already worried about the virus, but I went without any feeling of concern. As well as I could judge, it was pretty nearly a full house of more than 1100 seats.

The remaining show of the season was canceled when the shutdown order went out.

Since then, I’ve wondered how many people were exposed to the contagion right there at that event. It now seems impossible to think of being happily unaware of risk in a crowd like that, with close seating, intermission crowds at the concession windows, rest room lines, and all the other customary proximities of a live performance. Yet of course those risks exist all the time—just not as pronounced as this ever before in our lifetimes.

I’ve also wondered regretfully how long it will be before there’s another such occasion and whether it will ever be so carefree again.

Brian1946's avatar

It was March 3rd.

I was in line with about 1,000 other people, waiting to vote in the CA primary election.

raum's avatar

Saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on February 29th. Have thought back on this event and wondered the same thing. How many people were exposed at just that one event?

anniereborn's avatar

I don’t remember my last large ticketed event. But my last large-ish event would have to be my family Christmas.

Jons_Blond's avatar

The annual World Largest Brat Fest held in Madison, Wisconsin every summer.

Edit- it was actually The Taste of Madison held during Labor Day weekend with over 80 food vendors and music stages on each corner of the square surrounding the Capitol building.

jca2's avatar

Sunday March 15 I had a day out with my daughter, her friends (twins) and their mom). We had lunch, went to a play, went to a playground, went to a diner and then went to Walmart. It was a fun, long, busy day. March 24 I was supposed to go to dinner with friends after work (that was a Tuesday) but by then, everything was closed down. It was amazing how Sunday March 15, everything was open, and by the following weekend, everything was closed.

gondwanalon's avatar

Tuesday March 10, 2020 we had our first and last Hawaiian outrigger canoe club practice of the year. It wasn’t a very big turnout (about 30 people). It was weird because at that time we knew to stop all the hugging a kissing. “No share breath or honi honi!” HA!

janbb's avatar

You were talking about large gatherings so I mentioned the theater which was in late January but the last normal outings I had were to a coffee house in my city to meet a friend and then to a movie. That was March 7th. The next day, I went to services at my congregation and then that Tuesday, March 10th, I was at a committee meeting. Since then I have been home except for a few grocery store or pharmacy runs and walks with a friend at a distance.

I will not be rushing out when we re-open til we see how it goes.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

The last was an art opening.
I don’t think about it either way really.

LadyMarissa's avatar

With my physical limitations, I don’t do crowds. My last outing was lunch with my BFF. It was the Thursday before everything was shut down the following week.Since then I’ve cut out ALL my volunteer work & I’m self isolating. Since the weather is getting warmer, I do my best to go outside every afternoon around 4:00 & stay out in the fresh air until about 6;00. It seems to give me a whole new attitude & my dog loves it too!!!

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