Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do they have restraints for side sleepers in a jail or hospital?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25199points) April 20th, 2020

Or are you stuck on back sleeping?

Humor welcome.

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6 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Hospital yes – railings on the side of the hospital bed so you don’t fall out. They can be set and locked in either up or down position.

Jail – can’t say – never been in jail.

zenvelo's avatar

Why would you need to restrain a side sleeper in jail or a hospital? Give a reason for your odd question.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve NEVER spent a night in jail, so I have NO clue what they do there. My guess is that they really don’t care whether or not you fall out of bed!!!

My local hospital has rails attached to the bed that they pull up & lock at night so it’s pretty much impossible for a patient to fall out of bed. I think that once they pull those rails into place that you only have maybe 12 inches or so near the foot of the bed where you can actually crawl out & even with that open area, it’s still almost impossible for you to fall out. Of course, I’m assuming that you’re worried about falling out of bed!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo I watched a documentary about mental illness on PBS Independent Lens, and they showed a guy in restraints. He did not look comfortable. I am a side sleeper. Also I rotate every 15 minutes or so, and I wouldn’t calm me down in the standard restraints.

I thought an upgrade to be more comfortable, with adjustable restraints, would make lives better.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

In Ohio it’s not legal to restrain someone in bed in a medical setting, even if they’re a danger to themselves. You can put railings and other items like pillows, etc, to help keep a person secure but restraints are not to be used because we don’t want people tied to their beds if there’s a fire or some other emergency. Also, keeping someone in one position too long increases the risk of skin breakdown.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 He probably wasn’t just restrained for general reasons. In many institutions, IF you fight their rules, you will be restrained until you comply. My ex worked with a guy was in & out of various institutions for years. He said he started out arguing with them that they didn’t know what they were talking about UNTIL he finally realized that agreeing with them would get him special treatment. Then he would argue with them for the first week or two & gradually start to agree with them. He’d continue to agree until he gained their trust & then his lawyer would petition the court for a release. When it went to court, his doctor would tell the judge what great strides he had made & he was no longer a danger to himself or others & the judge would release him. He indicated that the ONLY time he was restrained was when he refused to comply with the rules & was determnied to prove to them that he wasn’t crazy!!!

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