Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

If you're doing Zoom meetings and/or visits, how do you feel about them?

Asked by Jeruba (56258points) April 20th, 2020

Working at home, attending meetings and services, taking part in family or social get-togethers, etc.: how are you getting along with Zoom?

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13 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s actually nice. We have worked out “game night” by picking games we both have and doing them with Zoom. It’s good to see the nieces and nephews whenever they want to log in and say hi too.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

In general, Zoom is a nice way to see and chat with people.

But, I’ve learned that I’m not fond of virtual funerals and memorial services. Husband and I have now lost two people to COVID-19 – one relative, and one family friend. Yesterday evening, there was a Zoom service to honor one of the people’s lives. The experience was even sadder than the loss. The participants said lovely remarks, which the decedent’s children seemed to appreciate, but it was just…unfortunate. This wonderful lady’s life deserved a better celebration. Maybe sometime soon.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

Just had my first zoom meeting for habitat. My desktop has no camera or microphone. I was unable to connect with my phone. Didn’ t think to use my laptop until it was over.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Microsoft Teams here.

anniereborn's avatar

@Love_my_doggie That is so very sad. I am sorry you are going through that.

janbb's avatar

Just had another Zoom meeting for a congregation auction committee. It’s working very well for our UU meetings and coffee hours. I had a Zoom seder with only a few people and that went well too. My local book club meeting was kind of a mess because everybody spoke at once. I find they really work best if someone savvy is in charge and everyone who is not speaking is muted.

I’m supposed to lead a book discussion for our congregation via Zoom on May 2nd and I’m a little nervous about it.

JLeslie's avatar

I use zoom for zumba, a discussion club I used to attend, and folk dancing, and especially Israeli dancing zooms around the world have been taking place. It’s way better than nothing.

The zumba classes are taught by one of my very favorite instructors from when I lived in a different city, so that is kind of a treat. My girlfriend in the UK even joins sometimes. Although, I do miss zumba in person.

The discussions are a little tricky, especially dealing with people still learning how to use zoom, but I’m so excited that one of my favorite speakers will be presenting a few weeks. He was a professor at West Point and his knowledge is incredible.

The Israeli dances haves been especially fun. Everyone dancing in their own houses, they take requests sometimes. People comment and chat. I met a woman whose father lives where I live.

I love the world being able to come together on zoom.

Demosthenes's avatar

It’s alright. Today I had a session with three close friends and it was great. I hadn’t seen one of them in a while anyway since he lives on the East Coast. Zoom works well if the group isn’t too big.

Dutchess_lll's avatar

I did FB messaging with 4 of my grandkids. Cooper’s 5th birthday is coming up in a couple of week’s. He mentioned that.
I said “How old you gonna be?”
With no hesitation he said “Seven.” Man he’s funny! So much like his Dad.
Then Rick talked to everyone. He said when he was talking to the other kids Coop kept walking in front of the camera, making faces. Enter stage right, exit stage left.

YARNLADY's avatar

I don’t like real time with other people remotely, including a simple phone call, or chat. I always feel self conscious. I had my first Zoom with our school supervising teacher Friday and it went well.

zenvelo's avatar

I have been attending four Zoom AA meetings a week. It is a nice alternative way to see people and to check in with everyone.

We use WebEx for work because of security concerns. Work meetings aren’t all that great.

jca2's avatar

A friend of mine attended her employer’s happy hour via Zoom. What seemed like the nice part was not having to worry about drinking and driving, plus for those who are introverted, like I am (or can be), it’s good because you’re sitting there and not necessarily having to make small talk with people. I would not care about drinking and driving because I’m not a big drinker, but making small talk can be tedious, to me. She had a good time. There was a band that the employer paid for.

At my job, there are meetings with some call in feature via computer. My boss suggested Zoom but I am ok not being on video. Others felt the same. I know there can be advantages to video, but I don’t have a need to be looked at or look at others.

I like seeing celebs on TV broadcasting from their homes. I am betting a lot of them spiffed up their space so it looks good for the camera. Still, it’s interesting to see their abodes.

YARNLADY's avatar

My grandson had his first zoom piano lesson and it went very well.

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