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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

How much further will my cough’s droplets go because of my height when compared to average height?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) April 21st, 2020

What is the differences in 2 meters social distancing when height is factored? I am 198cm tall and am wondering if I need to increase the social distancing for my height? How much will my cough’s droplets go because of my height?

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10 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

This Q has enough computation factors to satisfy the requirements of a PhD thesis. When you consider droplet size, wind resistance, height, expulsion velocity, tidal volume and probably a lot of other factors it becomes extremely complicated. Sure. we know the distance is more but probably not much more.

So…. I will reduce the problem to high school physics level and ignore wind resistance, I will also assume your expulsion velocity, R, is the same as everyone else and only consider the effect of height on the ballistic path of the droplets..

Use the basic equations D=RT and S= 0.5*a* T^2. R and a are constants, and S is the height your mouth is above ground. Solving for D we find it is directly proportional to the square root of S. That simplifies the computation significantly.
So, You will spew 1.1 times the distance of a person 80% of your height.
You will spew 1.4 times the distance of a person ½ your height.

Wear a mask and fugettaboutit.

anniereborn's avatar

Not very much.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not even shorter people are immune. Apparently there is another release vector for Corona virus particles.

news article

cheebdragon's avatar

I was at CVS a few days ago and the cashier removed her mask several times to cough, didn’t even try to cough into her elbow or turn her head away. I grabbed soo many sanitizing wipes on the way out to wipe down each product she touched/coughed on.

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon Tell the manager and write the company.

kritiper's avatar

Consider the speed of gravity, and the current rule of 6 feet. Normal people are about six feet tall. The droplets will fall just as fast with a person of normal height as a taller person. If you were a foot taller, you should be a foot further away.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Not much. Just wear a mask.

si3tech's avatar

No further if you cough into your elbow.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@si3tech I cough in my elbow, but I rest my eyes at night in my elbow. Would that be a problem? Covid19 can get in ones eyes.

anniereborn's avatar

@If you are coughing into your elbow all that would be on there is your own germs. You don’t have to worry about infecting yourself. Just don’t let someone else cough into you elbow.

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