Social Question

gondwanalon's avatar

Is it possible to have all your Facebook posts blocked so that no one can see them but you?

Asked by gondwanalon (23399points) April 21st, 2020

Did I accidentally make all my fb posts private and invisible to my fb “friends”? If so how do I correct that?

Perhaps I pissed someone off and they took some sort of retaliatory action against me that blocked all my fb posts?

I’ve never posted foul words, pictures or video on fb.

I stopped posting political spin and propaganda stuff as my fb “friends” (and others) beat me up pretty good and intimidate me. So I just comment on other “friends” political spin and propaganda. Lately I’ve got into quite a few lengthy discussions/debates in which others (fb friends and some people that I don’t know) used foul words and called me bad names (a lot of bad names).

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3 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

It’s an option in your privacy settings.
It was probably just changed by accident, but it does make me wonder what kind of stuff you’ve been posting for retaliation to even be considered as a possibility, lol.

JLeslie's avatar

Yes. Your privacy was set to “only me.”

Or, maybe you accidentally hit it when writing a new status.

gondwanalon's avatar

Thanks. It must have been a Freudian slip. HA!

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