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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is the Attorney General of Missouri a lunatic, or does this lawsuit have a chance? He's suing China.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) April 22nd, 2020


Is this Dead on Arrival? How long will it take to get thrown out of court?

Does some hick politician have standing to sue a foreign country?

Or is this just republican politics?

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14 Answers

SmashTheState's avatar

There is war in the heavens.

For 40 years the neo-liberals have been enacting their doctrine of tangling nations in deliberately complex trade arrangements with the goal of making war impossible because any attempt to do so would be a mutual suicide pact. This is why the IMF, for example, forced developing nations to trade away their food even when they can’t feed their own people, then buy more expensive food on the open market.

The star of the globalist neo-liberals, however, is on the decline and being opposed by ur-fascist nationalists like Trump and the GOP in the US and the Brexiteers in the UK, who are calling the neo-liberals’ bluff by tearing up the free trade agreements and open border policies. That’s what this lawsuit is: an attempt to deliberately throw a wrench into the tangled economies of China and the US. If the US starts seizing Chinese assets to pay for kangaroo court lawsuit decisions, the ur-fascists are banking on China not having the nerve to fight back.

Two blocs of sociopathic oligarchs are playing chess with all our lives, gambling that the Chinese won’t reply in a shout of fissioning plutonium.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@SmashTheState smashingly inapposite.

SmashTheState's avatar

You really don’t see how that applies?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s just the same as saying fuck you to China without the brevity of saying those two little words on social media in a tweet. This will cost taxpayers and not go anywhere. China has been screwing over the rest of the world for decades and it’s impossible to ignore their latest shenanigans as they basically took a dump on everyone else. This little message is just the first in many to come. I just hope our leaders think things through a little better than this.

josie's avatar

I am not an attorney.
But I believe that such a complaint would have to be heard in a Chinese court since there is no international legal authority that would hear such a complaint.
Its good to see you back on this site. You have always been entertaining.
I know in the past you have come and gone, an expression of your frustration.
Because, the problem is, your notions sort of vanished with the fall of the Berlin wall.
I imagine you believe the virus crisis is an opportunity to come again.
I can’t criticize your persistence.
But really? Dude. Have you re-read some of your comments? Are they really relevant anymore?
Also, I am sure you have returned because you have spare time because you got laid off of your day job.
You had a day job, right?

Yellowdog's avatar

The legislation is similar to the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), then U.S. families and businesses sued Saudi Arabia over the 9/11 attacks. It strips China of its sovereign immunity to lawsuits. But as others have said, I don’t see how this will be enforced.

If anything is done, the damages would probably be deducted from our debt to China.

josie's avatar

Anybody can sue anybody.
Is anybody who files a frivolous suit a lunatic?


SQUEEKY2's avatar

Going to agree^^^.

stanleybmanly's avatar

He is indeed a lunatic if he believes the government of the United States would allow such a suit to see the light of day.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Now I don’t know but let me guess this moron doing this lawsuit is a Republican ,isn’t he?

SmashTheState's avatar

@josie I’m curious, what do you think my obsolete “notions” are? That all human beings are born with the right to access the means of production to create wealth? That we have a moral and ethical responsibility to level the playing field so that all human beings have equal access to the means to fully explore what it means to be alive? That no human being has the right to tell another human being how to live?

You’re probably right that my ideas are obsolete in our increasingly fascistic world, but I think you would be very much surprised to find on which side of the left/right divide they lie. I only hope I live long enough in this new world where my ideals are obsolete to see you and the rest of the Fluther brigade reap and enjoy the full fruits of what you’ve sown.

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” – H.L. Mencken

Yellowdog's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yes, the Democrats are pro-China, as is Joe Biden and the W.H.O. who covered for China for many weeks. The Republicans put the blame directly on China, for this and for theft of intellectual property, military secrets, human rights violations, copyright infringements, etc etc.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Democrats are no more pro China than their Republican counterparts or for that matter, the man in the moon. Americans, regardless of political affiliation remain every bit as ignorant about the place and its people as they are about the world in general. Democrat, Republican—all of it is irrelevant. The great truth regarding China that we have all lived to experience is the vindication of Marx on his astute observation about captitalism: “A capitalist is a man who will sell you the rope with which to hang him”. Most Americans will not catch on to the truth of this even after they are lined up at Chinese embassies seeking work permits and visas to do the work in China their parents once performed here to support them.

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